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  1. vintinner

    Time Between BMQ and your Specialized Trade Training(ie. SQ)

    Anyone have an average time from when you complete your BMQ , until you head out to your specialized trade training? (ie. Soldier Qualification). As well, say if you were told you are going to PPCLI, would you be given a choice to choose which battalion you go too? (1,2,3) Any help would be...
  2. vintinner

    Leave Policy – Christmas / Holidays [Merged]

    Just wondering if anyone knows if your BMQ happens to run through a holiday (ie. Christmas), do you come back for Christmas or do you just continue on with your BMQ. I would assume that you wouldn't come home for a holiday just because it would be "interrupting" to say, your training. However I...
  3. vintinner

    Oct29 BMQ

    Leaving 27th, for the October 29th BMQ. Flying out of Toronto. Going for NCM-REG-FORCE Infantry. Was told I would be going PPCLI. Of course if I pass all the training  :nod: See everyone there !
  4. vintinner

    Oct 27 BMOQ

    Leaving 27th, for the October 29th BMQ. Flying out of Toronto. Going for NCM-REG-FORCE Infantry. Was told I would be going PPCLI. Of course if I pass all the training  :nod: See everyone there !