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  1. X

    PCAT info please

    Here is the situation, short version got 2 TCAT back to back for a badly injured ankle, on top of that i got diagnose for a major depression and PTSD.  Now back in March i saw my MO for a medical and he gave me a chit with a "recommended PCAT" mention.  i understand that after 2 TCAT it's going...
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    Is there a time limit to get an IC on past events

    A member i work with  ( MCpl ) got an IC for something that happens over 5 months ago.  This is related to work performance, and he did sign a bad PDR a 5b i do believe.  Now my question is there a time limit for an IC to be given after the incident ? Can he get an IC after getting a 5b on his PDR.
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    CF 100 : Leave Pass [Merged]

    unfortunately not on the new one that our OR sent out last week.  I need this information as a reference point.
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    CF 100 : Leave Pass [Merged]

    Looking to get the reference on how to fill a leave pass correctly, I mean the date.  is it dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy ?  I need a reference on this which I can't find. thanks for your help.
  5. X

    retirement before end of contract

    i am a MCpl with 14 years in on a 20 years contract, my question is what would happen to me if tomorrow i pull the plug ?  do i get anything back financially like the PIL or some kind of pension.  I am 40 and sick of the BS i see at my unit.