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  1. F

    April 27th BMOQ

    One question for those who have sworn in. What forms should i be keeping my eyes peeled to sign at enrollment? I have the security clearance form. What in total has everyone signed...so I can ensure I am on point
  2. F

    April 27th BMOQ

    pushups and situps daily. Working a pyramid set for pushups. max. 50 Yoga is huge. glad to hear R.C. I've been rocking that in between running and it helps. I can guarantee it assists will strengthening tendons and ligaments. Super important to avoid injury! I am glad to see that there's an...
  3. F

    April 27th BMOQ

    Im swearing in shortly..So i assume I'll be dealing with all that stuff. Thanks for the heads up seawolf. I am stoked to rock this along side all you guys and gals. I am curious. What age group we have. I am 26
  4. F

    April 27th BMOQ

    Has anyone else gotten their documentation such as info on st.jean and security clearance paper work?
  5. F

    April 27th BMOQ

    So i'm guessing a "swipe" is some sort of demerit? I am also guessing swipes come from being disobedient and note following orders/protocol? I am also guessing. By using your brain and good judgement then they can be avoided
  6. F

    April 27th BMOQ

    thanks to everyone for keeping this thread going..lots of great info goin around...does anyone have any more specifics on course outlines and material?
  7. F

    Supplements on BMQ (merged)

    I guess a balanced diet and proper nutrition aren't good enough?
  8. F

    April 27th BMOQ

    I've been doing fitness and such. But in terms of everything else why walk into this with preconceived notions? I'm just gonna do what I'm told. Memorize whats needed. Participate and Lead.
  9. F

    Restricted firearms and new to the military

    Hello all, I am going to BMOQ in April. I have restricted firearms that I am going to want in my possession at some point. Does anyone have experience with storage and possession procedures? Is there usually on base storage? *yes I am aware that it will be a while before I can have them in my...
  10. F

    April 27th BMOQ

    I still haven't heard back on a date to swear in for myself yet. Unfortunately :(
  11. F

    Enrollment Date

    Ya, the complication is that I'm out of town house sitting in Thunder Bay. So I want to make sure I have appropriate time to depart here and return home. Most requests from the RC have been sort of spur or atleast very quick. I've tried them the last 3 days too. Patience I guess.
  12. F

    Enrollment Date

    Hello All, I received and confirmed my enrollment. My recruiter gave me the dates to be in St.Jean etc for 27th and starting 29th BMOQ. However, the North Bay recruiting center closed. I don't know when my enrollment ceremony is. It's always been a challenge to get ahold of anyone. I'm just...
  13. F

    BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

    Hi I got a call for a position and to start BMQ in the summer. I was wondering. I had to take antibiotics for tonsillitis. It went away. No big deal Now this is after all the CFAT, Medical, Interview etc I told my recruiter nothing has changed physically. Basically answered the question...
  14. F

    April 27th BMOQ

  15. F

    April 27th BMOQ

    Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen I recieved and accepted an offer for Officer of Infantry today! wow, all that hard work and effort was worth it. I was told that BMOQ started the 29th and I should report to St.Jean on the 27th Anyone have an idea when Enrollment ceremonys are taking place. i.e...