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  1. S

    April 27th BMOQ

    thats a long way to travel...do u have a clue why that far down the line they'd be removed for medical?
  2. S

    medical part 3

    i figured. What else is there to the medical at that point?
  3. S

    medical part 3

    what I meant was...what other medical stuff is there? like at basic...Do i get more tests on my eyes and stuff? Do they poke me with needles? Vaccinations?
  4. S

    medical part 3

    what do they mean signed off by MO? for phase 3 medical...is this done at CFRC or elsewhere?
  5. S

    Hospitalization and enrollment

    Thanks so much. Went into the recruiting center here and updated the info thanks for the advise
  6. S

    Hospitalization and enrollment

    I found this forum and need help please. I completed all enrollment for weapons tech. I did the medical and aptitutdes etc and interview. After completing everything. I was admitted to the psych. hospital for depression as Canadas mental health system is bs. I got some counseling and things off...