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  1. Z

    My story...(long read)

    UPDATE: Well I have some good news to followup this post with. I got the call for BMQ on Monday the 12th. I guess the credit problem I have didn't affect the selection. I'm so happy that I got selected but I have SO much work to do and not much time to do it in. Good luck to anyone else who...
  2. Z

    April 28th BMQ

    Congrats to all who made the April 28th BMQ. I'll hopefully see you all there. Is it true that the forces will kick you out if you fail the PT test? I thought they put you into a special platoon. Did they get rid of warrior platoon? On a side note hopefully me and the OP will be in the same...
  3. Z

    Only one in 5 years...lol

    Congrats on getting everything done all in one shot. It took me about a month to get a callback after I handed in the medical papers I needed to hand in. I wish you luck on your selection.
  4. Z

    Next BMQ Selection date for NCM after March 18?

    I got a call on monday for my trade. So I got called before said selection date, but I guess it's different depending on the trade you chose. I talked to someone yesterday who I believe was going for AVS tech and he got a call on monday as well.
  5. Z

    I'm in

    Since I'm not sure as to what the TSD test is I would say no to that. I got my medical and interview about 8 weeks after doing my CFAT
  6. Z

    I'm in

    I finally got the call I was waiting for today. I got the offer of Meteorological Technician Air force. I start basic on the 28th of april. I just wanna say thanks to anyone who has answered my questions, few as they have been. :)
  7. Z

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    ***Update*** I had my medical and interview on Jan 9th. I passed my interview and was qualified for both trades I picked. The medical ,however, didn't go as planned. I needed to get a form filled out for my unaided vision. I have 20/70 unaided vision and 20/20 aided vision. They wanted more...
  8. Z

    My story...(long read)

    As the title to my post suggests this is just my story on my application process and where I currently stand. Nothing has went wrong with my application that I know of I'm just posting it here because I'm bored and sitting here with nothing to do. It all started back in 2008 when I lost my job...
  9. Z

    Question about Intelligence Operator

    In the beginning when I started my application I did the usual things you have to do and picked my 3 job choices. My last choice was Intel op. When I went in to the recruiting center to schedule my aptitude test they told me that Intel op was not a choice that new recruits can have and they...
  10. Z

    Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life -

    What in the blue heck did I just attempt to read? I don't know what's worse. The OP's grammar, lack of proper english/pronunciation, lack of use of the SPELL-CHECK feature or the fact he is trying to convert people to what looks like hindu on a military recruit forum. I agree this post should...
  11. Z

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I got a call two weeks ago on December 4th. I unfoturnately wasn't home to get the inital call. I called back but no one answered. I figured they were busy. To make a long story short, I played phone tag with my local RC for about a week before I decided to just go in and talk to them in person...
  12. Z

    Source, supporting documents and other documents needed for processing

    OK. I will do just that. Thank you for the speedy reply.
  13. Z

    Source, supporting documents and other documents needed for processing

    Yes. It was quite a while ago though. I`d say close to 4-5 years ago. But once again I didn`t have the documents needed at the time (my photo ID expired and my Birth certificate was put through the washer  :crybaby:) so I never mailed them in. This is the part of the email and website I am...
  14. Z

    Source, supporting documents and other documents needed for processing

    I have a followup question to the OP. I applied online on 10/02/2013 and received this email as well. I haven`t sent the documents yet to the CFVRC in North Bay as directed because of some delays getting my HS transcript however CFRC Kingston(my local recruiting center) called me today...