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Search results

  1. R

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I have completed my aptitude test about 8 months ago and was giving a sheet with the eligible trades i could apply for. ALL 3 OF MY CHOICES I COULD APPLY FOR, according to this sheet and having my talk with the recruiter who said I did well. And no when I do my weekly phone check up on my...
  2. R

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    How does someone in the army maintain a relationship with God in the army? I have many friends who have joined and lost their faith in God. It may not be because of the army but other reasons but there is a pattern with raises some concern for me. I am trying to get in...
  3. R

    Nella Bayonet

    wow, you got drunk and order something from online! You're so cool! I look up to you now!
  4. R

    I'm in

    Congratulations!  :) Good to hear! Best of luck to you!  :cdn:
  5. R

    medical and formal Interview

    Yes, it is normal to have your medical and interview on the same date. You're no special snowflake to the army so no matter how enthusiastic you are that's not going to change their decision on taking you on or not or speed the process for you individually. Rather you should be knowledgeable of...
  6. R

    March 18th selection calls?

    If we do not receive a call this April does anyone know when the next opportunity will be?
  7. R

    Things I learned applying to the Canadian Armed Forces [long]

    This is a good post! Certainly put things in perspective for me. I have applied and don't a couple tests myself and the wait is driving me insane. I have put everything on hold and am making no big decision because "maybe the army will call". But after reading this....my eyes opened up and I now...
  8. R

    References Superthread [Merged]

    Thank you so much!
  9. R

    I finally Made it in!!!!!

    Congratulations! I'm actually excited for you!  :cdn:  :)
  10. R

    References Superthread [Merged]

    Hey everyone, I know this have most likely already been answer but when I tried to search for it this came up "Due to high stress on the server, the search function has been automatically and temporarily disabled. Please try again in a short while." I cannot wait, I need to know now. I am in a...
  11. R

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I signed up for and am using the website KHAN ACADEMY (.org) to help me study for the CFAT. Is this a recommended way to study? Please let me know! My CFAT is in a few weeks.
  12. R

    Military References

    Alright! Good to know, thanks for a quick and informative response!
  13. R

    Interview-Understand your trade (Infantry)

    Ps. I have a snobby acquaintance in the military who is currently doing BT and says that telling me direct questions or even hinting of such this is prohibited and that soldiers are legally bound not to say anything about it. Is that true? Can you clarify this?  I am not sure what you are...
  14. R

    Military References

    Hey guys!  :cdn: I have been really nervous about joining the Canadian Forces and have been in contact with a few people from the military for questions I had. Is it beneficial to have references that are in the army? Could that in any way help me get in? Can they put in a good word? Anything...
  15. R

    Interview-Understand your trade (Infantry)

    Hey everyone, this is my first post so forgive me if I did not do this right. I applied about a month ago and have been awaiting a reply. One of my biggest worries was the interviews. I have one had one interview in my life for a job. Went well but it was only for Tim Hortons which was a while...