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  1. N

    Top soldier's farewell cost taxpayers $270,000

    This issue, IMHO, is not whether Hillier deserved a "big party" or not.  The same would have been done for a less respected CDS.  This is a government unit, the military, that is greater than the sum of its parts.  Part of what makes the military what it is is the ceremony surrounding it.  We...
  2. N

    The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

    I was careful to say rule of law, not freedom.  Freedom is such an abstract and relative term that it can never exist in a form that is agreeable to all.  That is why we have representative democracy and freedom becomes what the majority of the voting public wants it to be at any given time. ...
  3. N

    The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

    From a business' point of view, I think it is a fairness issue.  Of course everyone thinks Vets are great and are thankful for their sacrifices.  Breast Cancer is awful too.  MS, CNIB, Make A Wish Foundation, etc are all worthy causes.  What is a company to do, set up permenant solication...
  4. N

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    I am really starting to question the reading ability of the people who are replying to my posts.  I did not say one bad things about Hillier's past accomplishments or his tenure as CDS.  In fact, I have done quite the opposite.  I am pointing out that he has made a reversal in opinion about...
  5. N

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    Oh, you've stood near him.  Why didn't you say so.  It must be like you can see into his soul now.  You say my statements are insulting to the man(which I don't agree with), but you didn't say factually incorrect.  The truth is only insulting if there is something going on that perhaps shouldn't...
  6. N

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    Not trying to deride the man.  Just because he did a good job doesn't mean he should be able to get a free pass on everything.  Don't some of you who feel strongly about the great reputation Hillier has think he is risking it a bit by being associated with the lobbying profession?  Money clouds...
  7. N

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    First of all, not once did I say he should be held to the same standard as a government employee.  In fact, I have said quite the opposite in a couple of posts.  I specifically said that I believe he is free to do whatever work he wants as a private citizen.  Perhaps you, Teeps74, should grow up...
  8. N

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    Wow.  You really make a well thought out argument.  The notion that two people can have different opinions and neither be wrong, or crap as you so eloquently put it, seems to be lost on you.
  9. N

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    I never compared the General to Layton.  I was comparing the response by posters here to similar actions if they were taken by both men.  I think that there is a lot of group think and blind following that goes on here for a board where many posters claim to base their opinions on facts and the...
  10. N

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    some objective,honest, goal minded leadership that has no knowledge of or training in their core area of business, the practice of law.  I don't think many military members would be pleased to hear that "some objective,honest, goal minded leadership" from the legal field was being brought in to...
  11. N

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    I guess my point is that he said he wouldn't be a lobbyist, but is employed by(/affiliated with/connected to/whatever you want to call it) a law firm that provides lobbying services.  General Hillier is not, to the best of my knowledge, an attorney.  So what else could he do for that firm? If...
  12. N

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    This is from Gowlings web site (http://www.gowlings.com/industry/govt.asp).  They are lobbyists!!  Afirm doesnt let you "work out of their offices", they pay you to do a job for/represent them.  What's up Rick? The Government Industry Group has two components. The first provides regulatory...
  13. N

    Single mom of 4 fired from Timmies after giving a baby a Timbit

    Actually, friend, communism has never existed because the military leaders who took power never let the command socialism evolve into the democratic utopia of communism.  This means the institutions like courts, police and justice department are controlled by the military dictatorship.  This...
  14. N

    Single mom of 4 fired from Timmies after giving a baby a Timbit

    One of the main points raised here was that she got her job back because of the negative press and not due to any vindication of her actions.  Do you really think that Cuba treats people more equally and fairly than the Canadian system.  I don't feel so bad about you not understanding my...
  15. N

    Single mom of 4 fired from Timmies after giving a baby a Timbit

    Firing ALL the staff would cost them more.  Would effectively close the store until new staff could be hired and trained.  That isn't really an option.  You choose the worst offender or the one with enough warnings about other things to make the firing legal, and fire that person.  It was...
  16. N

    Single mom of 4 fired from Timmies after giving a baby a Timbit

    Oh yes, I am a left  wing nut who is not sympathetic to the working poor.  That makes a lot of sense.   I would be very angry about not getting a break from a LEO on a ticket like that but it doesn't make me right.  If the manager is to be believed, then sure it is sad, heartless and a crying...
  17. N

    Single mom of 4 fired from Timmies after giving a baby a Timbit

    Just because employees were doing it doesn't mean it was store policy.  Maybe this lady was to be the example to set the rest of the employees in line.Hard to imagine they claimed she was fired for it if it was an approved policy.  The value of the timbit is irrelevant.  The store may want a...
  18. N

    Single mom of 4 fired from Timmies after giving a baby a Timbit

    I think being told not to do something, if she in fact was, and doing it anyway would constitute criminal intent.  I am just trying to make a point that she is responsible for her actions.  I wouldn't have the heart to fire a single mom with kids over something like that, but that doesn't mean...
  19. N

    Single mom of 4 fired from Timmies after giving a baby a Timbit

    If you read my earlier posts, you will see I agree with this.  However, give aways aren't the employees decision to make, even if the action is good for the company, in their mind.  The management dictates policy like that.  What if a private in the army decided that one bullet isn't that...
  20. N

    Single mom of 4 fired from Timmies after giving a baby a Timbit

    Well Wesley, it seems like you have never had the experience of owning a business or having your pay based on the performance of a business that you manage.  If you did, you would feel differently about the comparison of dough and money.  To the business that has to pay CASH to purchace the...