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  1. san012

    Can someone explain the windage theory

    Is the maximum distance 300m ?
  2. san012

    Can someone explain the windage theory

    Hey guys I have trouble understanding windage when firing. can someone clarify it please?
  3. san012

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    Hello there I know I always post in here and I'm sorry if I always bring my bmq related problems but sometimes it's nice to be reassured. I failed my weapons handling test and I failed the retest and they are sending me the review board. I failed the safety precautions. I'm scared because I...
  4. san012

    Types of rounds in the cf

    I know the physical stuff like IA and make safe and function checks. But hey I'm just what are we going to cover. I Remember most of the stuff but not all
  5. san012

    Types of rounds in the cf

    I did but there are so many things we covered that I don't know what to expect. I don't wanna fail the exam
  6. san012

    Types of rounds in the cf

    What else am I going to be asked? I'm trying to prepared as much as I can
  7. san012

    Types of rounds in the cf

    Balls are used when?
  8. san012

    Types of rounds in the cf

    So I'm on bmq (reserves weekend) and im having my weapons handling exam this weekend. I do know what to expect but I heard they are going to ask about types of rounds, positions, cleaning rifle and marksmanship principles. I can't remember the types of rounds used in the cf. iiknow there are...
  9. san012

    Stress management when handling a gun

    Thanks guys really appreciate it
  10. san012

    Stress management when handling a gun

    Thanks! I'm doing my BMQ and I don't wanna screw up shooting my rifle. Do you think that practicing with airsoft guns will help me get use to it?
  11. san012

    Stress management when handling a gun

    So today I went to shooting range and I fired a gun for the first time in my life. It was a  glock 17 9 mm.  The guy told me that I looked stressed and I also felt stressed out. I'm wondering if any of you have any advices to control stress when handling a gun. Do you guys get stressed out? How...
  12. san012

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    Thanks, but what happens if I fail my bmq? Am I kicked out of the army? I get anxious because I'm fucking up.
  13. san012

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    I have started my first 3 weeks at the BMQ an is going horribly. I am always behind the group for everything. There's this one sergeant that scares the hell out of me and whenever he's near me, I get anxious. When we do drills with this person I get anxious. We did weapon drills yesterday and I...