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Search results

  1. N

    Delaying BMQ?

  2. N

    Delaying BMQ?

    Hello, my apologies if something similar has been asked before, but after searching the forums I have not found anything to help me. I am currently getting a college certificate, to be awarded August 2015. I start my college diploma September 2015, and I receive my diploma August 2016...
  3. N

    Female considering applying, any discrimination for promotions?

    Thank you very much for all your help, I really appreciate it  :) Luckily I have a year to prepare my parents, and also myself. I'll probably be posting other questions on the forums, but I'm happy to say I'm satisfied with your responses. Glad to know that the Forces have moved out of the 20th...
  4. N

    Female considering applying, any discrimination for promotions?

    First post, sorry if I'm doing this in the wrong spot, not quite sure what category would work best. I'm strongly considering applying to the navy (steward, but recently starting thinking about boatswain) after I finish my college diploma next august. As I currently live with my parents, I...