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  1. V

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Hey guys, I spoke to a recruiter today, but was not able to ask all my questions (because I had to explain him my rather long aviation background and then forgot), but I wanted to ask some things here relating to entering the AF with prior aviation experience, and then also something age...
  2. V

    Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

    thank you. Yes the reason I asked here because I sent out two emails already to recruiters, no answer yet and I just couldn't wait any longer to find out to be completely honest. Thread can be closed or deleted, apologies for any inconvenience, you guys helped a great deal!
  3. V

    Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

    thank you all, you answered all my questions! I understand about the not being Canadian part, but the fast-track for Canadian citizenship through the armed forces caught my attention that there might indeed be a way but best is, PR then live 3 years, apply that can take worst case another year...
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    Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

    Hi all First of all, I am new to the forums and would like to introduce myself and thank in advance for any help I would be getting. I am not enlisted in the CA armed forces, but I am in the process of acquiring the permanent resident status in Canada (I am qualified). I come from central...