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  1. Canadian Kid

    basic pt programme?

    My recruiter told me if you fail PT, you will be sent to a "special platoon" for 3 months to whip you back into shape. Once they feel that you are ready, you will be sent back to basic to complete your 13 week program. This only applies to recruites joining the reg. force. So i suggest that you...
  2. Canadian Kid

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    OOPS! sry guys, typo... Aug.27 to Nov.30th
  3. Canadian Kid

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    Yes, Reg. Force all the way. its a 13 week course.
  4. Canadian Kid

    BMQ Start

    lol, oops crappy grammer... i meant; what recruiters did you apply to? i was with Mississauga Detatchment.
  5. Canadian Kid

    BMQ Start

    the interview was a piece of cake, its usaually takes about 30 to 45 mins to complete. the questions are not hard at all. Just know information on the specific job your applying for (mine was infantry) and just be yourself. Trust me before you know it the interview will be over and if all goes...
  6. Canadian Kid

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    Hey fellas, im getting sworn in on Aug. 1st and leaving for Basic in St. Jean, Quebec on Aug. 27th to Nov. 3rd. Anyone comming with me!!???
  7. Canadian Kid

    BMQ Start

    hey fellas, well I'm leaving for Basic on August. 27th to Nov. 30th in St. Jean, Quebec. a friend of mine just completed all his testing and hes just waiting on the call. But the recruiters in Mississauga, Ont. told him the next date after mine is on Sept. 3rd. Good luck you guys. And if there...