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  1. SeaRoom

    ROTP 2010-2011

    ROTP INFORMATION SESSION - CFRC TORORONTO FOR THOSE IN THE TORONTO AREA... CFRC Toronto (4900 Yonge Street, one block north of Sheppard) will be holding a ROTP information session on the 8th December at 730 pm. After the presentation, prospective candidates and their families will have the...
  2. SeaRoom

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    Hey HL, Ever thought about going to Med School?
  3. SeaRoom

    Expanding NBP role

    But if we send the NBP ashore, who's going to cook dinner?
  4. SeaRoom

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    Applicants who are injured are not enrolled into the CF, period. Applicants are screened concerning their medical status right up to the last few hours before they enrol, and should they slip through due to omission of medical info on their part, my experience has been that they are promptly...
  5. SeaRoom

    Next BMQ date

    Next BMQ in Borden for Reg is beginning of Sep. If you're up for selection any time soon, you're going to St. Jean. Sep BMQs are not open for cousre loading yet. Good luck.
  6. SeaRoom

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    The last reply is pushing the limits of what should be discussed in a public forum. Info regarding drugs and the recruiting processes is Protect B, and therefore treated as confidential.
  7. SeaRoom

    CFRG and the broken recruiting system-Split

    "I was counseled out for having admitted to trying pot no more than 3 times that year." Hmmm...If you say so. Problems do occur in recruiting, like any large bureaucracy, but I feel the need for some explanation: Recruiting staff work 8 hours a day, just like most other office workers in the...
  8. SeaRoom

    Steward: Training/the work (merged)

    Better put down a second and third choice if STWD is your first choice. It's exceedingly hard to be selected for STWD. A lot of STWDs tend to be occupational transfers (already in the CF), like infantry who've buggered their knees.
  9. SeaRoom

    NETPO Training (Phase 2 trg for MARS officers)

    I've never heard of any MARS 2 crse training on the ORIOLE instead of YAGs. I would make any sense. Sea phase of MARS 2 is an intro to driving and navigating a warship...ie something with an engine. "Stand-by to tack stbd!" isn't going to be all very useful on a frigate. As a JOUT, the only way...
  10. SeaRoom

    Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

    I never went home, but I had friends that did. St. Jean is more like 5-6 hours from Toronto. First three or four weeks in Basic you are confined to the base, but after that you can go home. Going home each weekend is difficult though, there's usually lots to do during you "time off".
  11. SeaRoom

    stuff to do while on board.

    As a junior officer ("NCdt...soon") there's a very good chance you will be sent to a high readiness ship - "On The Job Training." As for what there is to do on board...work, eat, exercise, sleep...work, eat, exercise, sleep...work, eat, exercise, sleep....
  12. SeaRoom

    MARS officer question

    Not sure what the current numbers are for selected applicants but the SIP forcasts for this year (SIP = the national number of enrolled applicants that Recruiting is aiming for): DEO MARS  55 ARMD  15 ROTP (junior = prep year, St. Jean / senior = no prep year) MARS 21 jr / 13 sr ARMD 9 jr /...
  13. SeaRoom

    Applications to join foreign forces (Britian and Australia)

    That should be "...didn't make a great effort at the RCB..." Always forget the " 't ."
  14. SeaRoom

    Applications to join foreign forces (Britian and Australia)

    Jascar, In June 1996 (so policies may be out of date) I made inquiries about enrolling as a officer in the British army with the office in London (can't remember if it was called AFCO or not, maybe Army Liason Office, but they did deal with oversea applicants.) I was told that even though I was...
  15. SeaRoom

    MARS officer question

    Postings alternate between shore and sea throughout most of your early career (first 12 or so years.) A posting will be 1 to 3 years on average. The first year and half are spent training: -First couple months in St. Jean (no family.) -Then to Esquimalt, BC (family can follow you here at...
  16. SeaRoom


    Thanks Whiskey. The whole argument of "choice" is a moot one. Reservists do get PLD for contracts they chose to take. A reservist moving to Toronto from Kingston chooses to move to a higher cost area, so shouldn't they incur the extra cost. But they don't. They receive PLD. If you are against...
  17. SeaRoom


    SCONDVA recommended the implantation of a COLA to ensure that pers of equal rank, position, pay cat enjoyed an equal standard of living no matter where they lived in the country. So that the LS in Conerbrook was equal to the LS in Yellowknife, Toronto, or Halifax. The intent was not to...
  18. SeaRoom


    Gunner, This isn't a reg f vs. res f issue. This inequitable application of PLD is happening within the res. A reservist from Kingston moving to Toronto to fill a class B position is choosing to live in a high cost area as much as I am, yet they get $1,000 PLD a month - free rent. I don't...
  19. SeaRoom


    I understand that the reg F makes sacrifices that the reserves are not required to make...I'm ex reg. And I'm not suggesting that everything be absolutely equal...there needs to be a financial attraction to join the reg f. But I'm already making 15% less the my Reg F equivelent, and I am not...
  20. SeaRoom


    Current policy is that if a reservist is hired for a long-term full-time position is his/her home town, they do not receive PLD as they have not moved. In some parts of the country, it means you are making $1,000-$1,200 less than the person sitting at the desk across from you who had to move 300...