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  1. M

    A Deeply Fractured US

    right so the claim that the jury was not required to be unanimous isn't entirely correct. He wasn't being charged with the predicate crimes, ergo they didn't need to be unanimous on them. The jury was unanimous of his guilt on every one of the 34 criminal charges he faced.
  2. M

    A Deeply Fractured US

    the jury was required to be unanimous on each charge. You can read the last paragraph of page 26 of the judge's instructions stating this here: DocumentCloud
  3. M

    A Deeply Fractured US

    Sure the hardcore base who are terminally infected with TDSS will only be galvanized by this, and it will serve to further pump up trump's victim complex but how many independents or republicans on the fence are going to be convinced to vote for "convicted felon Donald Trump" as every Democratic...
  4. M

    The US Presidency 2019

    If on the off chance Trump is convicted by the senate, Pence becomes president. A separate impeachment would have to be held to get rid of Pence. You can be sure that while that is happening Pence will appoint a squeaky clean VP to take over for him in case he gets tossed. There is no way an...
  5. M

    USN SEAL Eddie Gallagher Not Guilty on 6 of 7 Charges

    so you want to purge the army of brave and honorable officers who speak up and risk their careers when thy see something wrong?
  6. M

    RUMINT of Canada wanting more C-17's

    cause demand isn't the same as contracts, countries can spend years saying they want something before they actually sign a contract for the items.. Boeing made all they had on order plus a handful extra. It's too expensive to keep a line sitting around not producing anything.
  7. M

    Israel wants F15SE Silent Eagles in new batch from Boeing

    Everything I've read says that the 2040C is an upgrade package, not new builds. Boeing is pitching it to the USAF to upgrade their legacy fleet of F-15Cs to supplement the F-22s. The F-22 line is closed and so the USAF is left with a relative handful of 5th gen fighters and the remainder of the...
  8. M

    Israel wants F15SE Silent Eagles in new batch from Boeing

    According to Wiki the F-15C has been out of production since 85. Are you proposing we buy second hand or that Boeing re-opens the production line?
  9. M

    Future USAF long-range strike bomber (LRS-B)

    in reading about this concept over the years the main problem that they haven't overcome is that a conventionally armed ICBM launch is indistinguishable from a nuclear armed ICBM launch until it gets to where it's going. This sort of thing cause concern with the other nations that have ICBMS and...
  10. M

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    I don't think they do. The C has a bigger/different wing than the A and B models. From this picture from Wikipedia, it looks like the fold point for the C's wings is almost at the span of the A and B's wings
  11. M

    Keratoconus and the CF

    I'd definitly be interested in what they tell you. I have kerataconus myself and after 4 transplants (the left eye kept rejecting) I'm 20/20  with RGPs but only 20/10 with glasses.
  12. M

    JSOW used by Canada?

    The Wikipedia article on the AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon lists Canada as a user. I haven't been able to confirm this anywhere else on the web, just talk of maybe buying some. Is it in service with our Air Force? if so, when did we buy it? and what variant?
  13. M

    Next generation bomber

    Pretty much all of his books do. But Megafortress is the one specifically about a pimped out B-52.
  14. M

    MIM-23 I-Hawk

    Perhaps the SA-2 and it's variants. Towed launcher, missile exposed but a single missile instead of 3. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/HQ-2_SAM_MW.JPG Or the SA-6. Missiles exposed, 3 missiles but a self propelled launcher instead of towed...
  15. M

    CH-148 Cyclone Progress

    A version of the Chinook already won that competition, though of course the losers have raised objections and they might re-open it.
  16. M

    "Killer Chick" USAF pilot lands A10 without hydraulics!!!!

    I don't think was insurgents who did the damage. I'm pretty sure this story dates from the opening days of OIF and so the then-intact Iraqui my would be the most likely culprit. Thoguh i could be wrong.
  17. M

    Marines want slow-down in deployment of IED-resistant vehicles

    If by "fail miserably" you mean "aren't 100% IED proof" then yes I guess they do, but by that same standard the M1 Abrams has failed miserably as well.
  18. M

    Candian LAV III ATGM

    I doubt it is, the number of LAV TUA conversions have been cut (as far as I know) so I don't think there is money/plans for a new variant.
  19. M

    Candian LAV III ATGM

    I don't think thats a Canadian LAV III. That looks sort of like the turret for the US Stryker ATGM variant.
  20. M

    If it is written, then it's true. Toronto Star says new attack helicopters.

    It also says: It looks like we're both correct.