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Search results

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    Bowe Bergdahl: Missing in AFG 2009, Released 2014, Tried 2015

    ....and it could so easily be a Canadian. I hope this guy had some form of training for this.
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    PSAC Resume

    Moody, Go talk to your nearest PSO  or PSEL officer. They have training and courses on how to civilianize your resume. You probably have a range of skills that need to be translated into terms that non-military people need to understand for you to land the job you are after.
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    Navy Conduct after Capture

    Interesting..... http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=85303270-e843-43e8-b963-472010c5ea7e http://www.canada.com/components/print.aspx?id=321e8a5c-4b95-492f-8bd0-b06c424a1122
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Flying fixed wing is OK....but..... You can't take it back to school Under-wire flying is definitely frowned upon ....and fixed wing guys generally scorn rotary.....until they have to leave their aircraft without being on terra firma. Then rotary is their bestest friend in the whole wide world...
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    DND to refit some Sea Kings as troop carriers

    I'm posting this to support SeaKing Tacco - again  :) ASW Sea Kings would lift approximately one person beyond the normal 4 man crew. The UK uses Mk V Sea Kings (nickname - junglies) as troop transports. mostly for the Royal Marines. I have flown these, Lynx and the EH101... so much as I now...
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    Of SeaKings, Chinooks and Desert Sands

    SeaKing Tacco has it bang on. I've flown Sea Kings, Lynx and EH101. No matter how much you strip out an ASW Sea King it is not going to function in Afghanistan - except as a gate ornament (at which it may do a very fine job!). I would also like to point out that its great that the Van doos are...
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    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    The key problem is - we have no combat arms pers left. The army will struggle to do Afghanistan until 2009 (and beyond). It's not that we wouldn't do Sudan, it's that we can't....and no amount of whining by a Liberal Senator will correct this. Maybe if the Liberals had paid attention when they...
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    TV reporter suspended for praising Canadian mission in Afghanistan

    I bet if she'd denounced the mission she wouldn't have bee suspended. Free speech - not so much.
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    Funding Possibilities

    The Royal Navy used to get corporate sponsors. Nothing major and nothing flashy. In HMS CORNWALL it was a group called the Leathersellers who were an old guild and financial group from London. The mess decks all got really nice TVs and the wardroom and the CPO's and PO's mess got leather...
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    I guess I need to clarify some things. It is open to reg force and reserves and was advertised as such in a CANFORGEN. There are 20 instructors currently in the CF. .... in terms of SME's / NCO's / Officers ... we work on a first name basis like source handlers (please don't use the generic...
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    Out of the 5 weeks about 1 1/2 weeks are academic .... all the rest is hands on.
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    There is a bit of dis-information above. R2I instructors go through a much longer course than interrogators. As a general rule the increasing level of skill and difficulty is: tactical questioning -   interrogation - R2I Instructor. Being qualified in all three I can categorically state that R2I...