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  1. Sergeant295

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    So what kind of availability do you see in say a base like Petawawa? What kind of wait does a soldier there contend with?
  2. Sergeant295

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    So are the married quarters only accessable to married and common law partners?  What is the procedure for long time girlfriends and boyfriends?
  3. Sergeant295

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    Hey all, I was just curious about what kind of base housing is available up there in the Canadian Army? Meaning both for the single soldier and for one with a family. Do single members have their own units, or are they put into barracks? For those with a family how is the condition of the...
  4. Sergeant295

    Re: Editorial: Carolyn Parrish on Afghanistan

    Just a thought.  I will not pretend to be an expert on Canadian Governmental Policy, or the Canadian Forces but something occured to me as I was reading this.  Being a duel US/Canadian Citizen serving in the United States but growing up a great deal in the Greater Toronto Area I feel I have been...
  5. Sergeant295

    Fallen Warrior, we'll never forget. God Speed Mike

    I am sorry to hear of your loss.  God bless.
  6. Sergeant295

    CF 18 loses parts over Lake Ontario

    You Canadian guys really rag on yourselves don't you? Just my thoughts on the matter but I ran into guys with 3rd Battalion PPCLI quite a bit in Afghanistan in 2002 and I have to say they were all trained just as good if not better then our regular infantry here in the United States. As for your...
  7. Sergeant295

    The Agent Orange and Its Repercussions Thread

    As much as I have no real knowlege of Agent Orange as it was far before my time, I would like to think that anything remotly credible related to the subject would be investigated by the Canadian Goverment. I would hate to think that recruits from the Royal Canadian Regiment's Infantry School...
  8. Sergeant295

    Will Someone in the CF check out this ebay link! JTF-2 Insignia?

    Thats what I was thinking.  I am a duel citizen and I serve in 5th SFG out of Ft. Campbell, KY so as a fellow Canadian I know a little about JTF-2.  All I know is that you wont ever catch me selling any peice of anything related to my service on e-bay so I wondered 1. If this was legit, 2. If...
  9. Sergeant295

    Will Someone in the CF check out this ebay link! JTF-2 Insignia?

    I just remember that JTF 2 apparently had such huge security precautions so I figured this might not be something the Military wants sold to some random guy on e-bay.
  10. Sergeant295

    Will Someone in the CF check out this ebay link! JTF-2 Insignia?

    I am in the US Army, however knowing what I do about JTF-2 and its levels of security I think everyone should take a look at this link and tell someone.   Unless this is legal?   Just thought I would put it out there, as I would not know who to contact about it.   Although it seems to me that I...
  11. Sergeant295


    You know I don't claim to be a fiscal expert or political expert, however I am a duel Canadian-US citizen serving in the American Army so I am privy to both sides of the Iraq debate.  I can see the worlds objections on Iraq, I served there and I cannot say that I liked it much. However that...
  12. Sergeant295

    What is a Merc?

    These in days when heaven was falling, The hour in which earth's foundations fled, Followed their mercenary calling, Took their wages and are dead. Their shoulders held the sky suspended, They stood and earth's foundation's stayed, What God abandoned they defended, And saved the sum of things...
  13. Sergeant295

    Combat Action Badge

    Although that being said, what you went through warrants being awarded something you deserve.
  14. Sergeant295

    Just a quick question about Army.ca

    I am new to Army.ca and I am just wondering when it comes to the 'position' listed in each person's profile how one moves up position (example guest-Jr. Member ect..)  Just curious.
  15. Sergeant295

    Vandals hit Fan Fest military displays

    I agree with both PPCLI MCpl and Dare in that a day with a few Veterans would be a fitting punishment.  In terms of what you have to say PPCLI I do agree that there is not real reason for getting all worked up, as they clearly have not done their research.  It is still a shame though.
  16. Sergeant295

    Vandals hit Fan Fest military displays

    You are right Frederick, I never meant to accuse any particular age bracket for anything I have just found in my experience the people that are offended by me the most are 17-21 and in my opinion anyone in that age bracket that cannot handel the reality that sometimes freedom has a cost is not...
  17. Sergeant295

    Vandals hit Fan Fest military displays

    Okay I will withdraw the wording of unnatural when making the comparison to their attachment to the 1960's and 1970's.  I suppose in retrospect it was not the correct word to use.  All I meant is that they maybe do not attach themselves to the values of that era in the way they were intended by...
  18. Sergeant295

    Vandals hit Fan Fest military displays

    See the problem with today's youth is that increased incident of mariquna use coupled with them having an almost unnatural connection with the values of the 1960's and 1970's makes them want to be living during the Vietnam Era.  Since they cannot they use the Iraq War as their Vietnam so they...
  19. Sergeant295

    Afghanistan heating up

    George, You say it best man.