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  1. Cyr

    How many MPs are on this site?

    1 more (meathead)  ;D I mean MP here  :salute:
  2. Cyr

    MP's to start as Private, not Corporal... ?

    To ansewer your quest, Yes Mp's are private's during basic training in  St. Jean. At your graduation you are promoted to Corporal. But that also doesn't mean that just because you now have the rank that you can let it go to your head either. Besides now that you have this rank you are held to a...
  3. Cyr

    Just some Police humor :)

    You Might Be a Cop if.... > > >You have the bladder capacity of five people. > >You have ever restrained someone and it was not a sexual experience. > >You believe that 25% of people are a waste of space. > >Your idea of a good time is an armed robbery at shift change. > >You call for a criminal...
  4. Cyr

    Chopper on offer to cops

    As for the noise complaint that these choppers make, I would say have you actually ever heard what these chopper sound like copaired to a jet liner, traffic or police or ambulance seirens? Well if you do the research you will find that these choppers are actually quite quiet when put into...
  5. Cyr

    The 5th estate: Abu Ghraib and Torture in Iraq

    Very true mp 00161. Very well put.  :salute:
  6. Cyr

    When will we know?

    Wooo Hooo finally got the call yesterday  :o from my NEW file manager. That's right boys and gals I'm heading off to the MPAC in December from the 13th - 15th. Hope to see some of you there. If some of you are also heading off in December drop me a line. Well until then see ya, and good luck. ...
  7. Cyr

    Civi protesters, repect and the CDS's speech merged topics

    Yeah I saw that speach also, and I agree wit hyou that the General gave a great speach. However the part that I found myself getting off the couch and wanting to give those idiots during the question period a good old shot in the head. I just thought that there were much more MATURE students...
  8. Cyr

    When will we know?

    Well for those of you that are wait listed for the MPAC as myself. The next MPAC will be held on January. Well this is what my new file manager told me anyhow. So until then  we'll just have to play the waiting game until then.
  9. Cyr

    Report: CF Hard Pressed to Recruit 8K

    What I was saying is that the recruiting process takes way way too long and needs to be revamped. But at the sametime the CF is looking for qualified people to do the job and that alot of people do give up and move on due to the fact that the recruiting process takes so darn long. Or your...
  10. Cyr

    Report: CF Hard Pressed to Recruit 8K

    Well I do have to admit that they have or need to change the recruiting process. For example here I am 31 years of age passesed all of the required testing, blew the physical fitness test out of the water and have now been told that I am wait listed to go to the MPAC for a MP. Now this process...
  11. Cyr

    "MP's or Provost - An Idea on Roles" and "Replace base MP with RCMP"

    I totally agree with you on what you have to say MP 00161.
  12. Cyr

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    When doing the pushup, you must keep your arms pushed against yourside and keep your hands at about shoulder width apart. My advice is to go tdown to  the recruiting centre in your city and ask for the package. In that package will be a small cd rom that you can run on your computer that will...
  13. Cyr

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    I was wondering as a new recruit joining the armed forces, about how much money do you get paid a month at Basic in St. Jeans Quebec for the 10 weeks? I'm just trying to get an idea seeing as have got a couple of answers and was wondering which one was correct. Also how much does the CF charge...
  14. Cyr

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    So my question is why not take it out all together and save yourself the hassle? Also if I am correct that any type of body peircings do not comform to DND dress and deportment? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  15. Cyr

    When will we know?

    Slim. I'm in the same boat as you. Now thought I just had my 3rd update interview and am finally having my application sent off to the pre-selection MPAC. Also I've been in the application process for almost a year now too. My interviewer told me that I shoould have an answer by mid August, to...
  16. Cyr

    failing test?

    Well in dollar terms look a about $6000 total for the 6 months of training, which breaks down to about $1000 a month, give or take. The hard part is just getting there. Good luck.
  17. Cyr


    Having patience is true. Myself I've been waiting patiently for almost 1 year now to  have my application sent to the MPAC board to become an MP.  So if everything goes smoothly from here I could start my BMQ in October. I must admit though that the process takes way too long though. But if you...
  18. Cyr

    New fiscal year numbers

    WOW 42 MP positions open. Well I've been told by my interviewer that I have an excellent application and alot of experience. So he said that he's finally sending my application (after my 3red interview) to the MPAC preselection board. So if everything goes well I should hear something by mid...
  19. Cyr

    Age Limits to Join

    Hey  your only as old as you feel. Myself I'm going to be turning 31 in September, and  I'm just in the final stages (selection proccess) waiting to go to the MPAC to be a MP (meat head) LOL...
  20. Cyr

    "MP's or Provost - An Idea on Roles" and "Replace base MP with RCMP"

    Oh wow. Are either of you an MP or do you know any MP's out there? The simple fact of the matter is that you will never see the RCMP replace the MP's because it comes down to simple manpower.. Te RCMP do not have enough to Police both cilival and Military law. There having enough trouoble...