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16 Jan 2010: SGT John Faught, 1 PPCLI, R.I.P.

From the brief time we spent together in LdSH(RC) Recce/E-Coy;  didn't take long to realize he was all for the troops!  RIP buddy
RIP, Sgt.....our thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends.    :salute:
RIP  Sgt Faught.My condolences to the Faught family and the Regiment.
rest in peace sgt faught (salute)
you will not be forgotton (yellow ribbon)
condolences to family,, comrades,, and friends

                        scoty b
During my years with the Australian Lighthorse, these words come to mind...........


Go, live as men live, or die as men die!

In the front of the battle be heard your war cry!

Let the grey emu plumes wave aloft with renown!

Or be found on the field where the bravest went down!

A. Meston


The above words from a war almost 100 yrs ago, yet war is war and the only thing that changes is the technology.

Rest in Peace Sarge.

This from Northumberland Today:
A repatriation ceremony is planned for 2 p.m. Tuesday at Canadian Forces Base Trenton for a Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan Saturday.  Sergeant John Wayne Faught was performing a dismounted security patrol near the town of Nakhonay in the Panjwayi district south of Kandahar City at about 2 p.m. Saturday, Kandahar time, when he was killed by an improvised explosive device ....
Media Advisory
Our Fallen Comrade Returns Home
LFCA MA 10-02 - January 18, 2010

OTTAWA – Our fallen comrade, Sergeant John Faught of the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, based in Edmonton, Alberta, returns home to Canada tomorrow.

Where:  8 Wing, Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario.

When:  Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.

What:    At the request of the families, media will be permitted on the tarmac.

Present to pay their respects will be Her Excellency The Governor General of Canada, The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Minister of National Defence, The Honourable Peter MacKay, Chief of Defence Staff, General Walt Natynczyk and other dignitaries.

Sergeant Faught was killed by an improvised explosive device during a dismounted security patrol near the town of Nakhonay in the Panjwayi district, approximately 15 kilometres south-west of Kandahar City.  The incident took place at approximately 2:00 p.m. Kandahar time on 16 Jan 2010.

Sergeant Faught was serving as a member of the Task Force 3-09 Battle Group.


For more information: Lieutenant Annie Morin, 8 Wing/CFB Trenton Public Affairs Officer
Tel: (613) 392-2811, ext. 4565, Cell: 613-243-7330
E-mail : annie.morin@forces.gc.ca
Big John, Big Bad John! Rest in Peace my friend.It was always a pleasure to serve along your side. Take Care.
"Friends described him as someone who "lived, slept, ate and breathed" with his fellow soldiers and would be sorely missed."

Big Silverback said:
Maybe I missed this, but the repatriation was not televised.

RIP JW.....

No Big S, don't think it was televised they spent all the time talking about Haiti.

Big Silverback said:
Maybe I missed this, but the repatriation was not televised.
RIP JW.....

Yes, it was on the 1800 news:
It was on CTV, too, but it was buried a bit in the Toronto local news, I think. (I'm away from home so I get all Canadian news via the Internet.) The Haiti disaster sucks all the news oxygen out of the room.
mariomike said:
Yes, it was on the 1800 news:

Thank you once again. Watching JW come home this way is hearbreaking. Thanks to the people of Southern Ontario. You do it right.

RIP JW....oh and you're a Captain now... :salute: according to CITY TV