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21 days until BMQ in st jean


New Member
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so its 21 days until my BMQ in st-jean..

to anyone who's done it all ready...any advice?

and for those of you coming along, are you nervous? excited? or just can't wait?

Hey Shokuten -

The only advice I can give you is that it's not that bad.  Yes, there are definitely times when it's REALLY crappy and you're very tired and tired of being yelled at, tired of doing pushups, tired of marching around the mega, tired of the same old crap.  But in retrospect, it's not that bad, and there are definitely some fun times too (although you dont realize they're fun until after you're DONE!).

Example - the field was crappy.  We were out there for 5 days, eating crappy IMPs, doing stupid leadership tasks where we had to direct a group to make mod tents or something else.  It sucked.  You got no sleep at all, it was freezing cold, it really sucked.  But a lot of the best stories and memories I have come from the field.  SO yeah, it sucks.. but it's fun too.  (Sort of... ha ha).

Just don't take anything too seriously - it's a big game, they just want to see how well you can play it. 

I can't talk much for the recruit side of it, but Im sure there are a lot of similarities.  Oh yeah - go buy yourself some molefoam.  Dr. Scholls makes it, and it's heaven for blisters.

PM me if you have any more Q's!

Good luck, Jill
thanks alot for the info

i take it BMQ isn't gonna be anything like in the reserves then...wonderful lol
Follow your instructions and do what you are told. Learn to work as a team as quickly as you can. When things are SH%TT* ... don't complain. The staff and your fellow platoon members don't need to and don't want to  hear it. Just get the job done.

Its only 10 weeks .. you can do it.

Thus endeth my string of cliches.
thanks guys

and i guess I'll see everyone who's going to the Basic when i get there!