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29 Years Old, Joining Infantry


Sr. Member
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I started a thread in another section but I think this forum is more appropiate.

Just thought I'd share my progress up to now.

For various reasons that I don't need to get into, I've been trying to get into the US Marines for the last 2-3 years and finally gave up when I figured out getting the neccesary immigration paperwork was going to take or forever, or just plain not going to happen.

So here I am at nearly 30 about to go to BMQ on Novemeber 6th.  My interview was shaky at first since I had very low grades in high school and also had admitted to past drug use.  The recruiter grilled me pretty good but then went on to say how that made my score on the aptitude test all the more suprising.  I did well enough to qualify for any MOC but I expressed I was only interested in the Infantry.

BMQ is not going to be easy as I've been out in the workforce for 10+ years making a living and not taking a lot of crap.  I've gotten a bit cynical and stubborn, so I'm DEFINITELY going to have to get over that.  The 65% drop in pay from my civi drop isn't going to be easy to take either, but I will have enough to pay my bills as long as I don't go crazy with spending money.

Another thing is that I've taken advantage of the comforts of life in the last few years and have been pretty indulgent (food, drink, cigarettes).  I've let myself get quite out of shape and have been basically counting on BMQ to get me back into it.  It will be tough, but I think I should be bale to come around.  I passed the fitness evaluation, but barely.  My work is pretty physical and I consoder myself fairly strong, but I'm carrying 30+ extra pounds and have no wind.

Anyway, this is what I've always wanted to do (Well, atleast I think) so I'm sure the power of will should triumph over the many challenges ahead.  I hope.
DirtyDog said:
So here I am at nearly 30 about to go to BMQ on Novemeber 6th.  ...

I've let myself get quite out of shape and have been basically counting on BMQ to get me back into it. 

Why are you wasting a month of getting in shape time?  Start running - today.
DirtyDog said:
  I've gotten a bit cynical and stubborn, so I'm DEFINITELY going to have to get over that. 

Perhaps that's what I've done wrong all these years....
kincanucks said:
Welcome to Warrior Platoon.

Glad you said it, though everyone was thinking it.

I sure hope the expectation isnt that all of his problems will be solved by someone else at some point during his military career.
Meridian said:
Glad you said it, though everyone was thinking it.

I sure hope the expectation isnt that all of his problems will be solved by someone else at some point during his military career.

All of my problems?  I think infact I'm giving up a lot to enlist.  I make decent money and enjoy a comfortable life surrounded by good people.  Most people who know me seriously wonder why I've chosen this path. 

Being somewhat out of shape isn't exactly a "problem" but it is one thing I think will be solved in the Infantry. ;)

And the Warrior Platoon comment went right over my head.
the thing is, most of the people on this board wearing the uniform are well aware of what the opportunity cost is of them continuing to wear the uniform vice not wearing it and working a civvy life.

from my own personal perspective; I can't quite financally afford the drop at the moment from civ to mil pay;  but the minute I can without being an admin burden on anyone in the forces or the forces themselves Ill be signing right up (again).  So I hear what you are saying.

Warrior platoon is for those who do not pass the initial CF Express Test on arrival. You are taken off course and have a period of time to get up to physical speed or get out, basically.  Do a search, its been/being discussed.
Another thread you may want to peruse is "Age limits" (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/1907.0.html).

Best of luck in your BMQ.
Meridian said:
the thing is, most of the people on this board wearing the uniform are well aware of what the opportunity cost is of them continuing to wear the uniform vice not wearing it and working a civvy life.

from my own personal perspective; I can't quite financally afford the drop at the moment from civ to mil pay;  but the minute I can without being an admin burden on anyone in the forces or the forces themselves Ill be signing right up (again).  So I hear what you are saying.

Warrior platoon is for those who do not pass the initial CF Express Test on arrival. You are taken off course and have a period of time to get up to physical speed or get out, basically.  Do a search, its been/being discussed.

Thanks, I will look up WP.  There is a lot of info to take in here and I havn't come across it in the recruitment or BMQ sections as of yet.  Yes, I should be working out at the moment but I have a LOT of loose ends to tie up in the next month.  I was considering trying to put BMQ off (I didn't ask what kind of time frames I would be looking at) so I wouldn't have to rush things so much and maybe get myself something resembling fit, but I decided now or never.  I openly admit being out of shape but I'm a very physical person and consider myself tough enough to take on the rigours of a crash course in fitness.  If I go to WP, so be it.  Whatever it takes.  I passed the fit test, but I don't think it meant much.

Anyway, yeah, I'm taking a roughly 65% drop in pay by enlisting but theoretically I should be able to meet my current finacial obligations and don't have a family to support.
Patrick H. said:
Another thread you may want to peruse is "Age limits" (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/1907.0.html).

Best of luck in your BMQ.


For the record, I consider myself a "young" 29 and in my group of friends there are quite a few younger guys (19-25).
Good Luck! I am 30 yrs old myself. I am looking into joining the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry. Maybe some day I will join the Reg's but I have a small daughter at home so I am going to try the Reserves first. Keep us updated!


Good on you for this decision to join the CF, and the Infantry Corps as your choice of where you want to serve.

1.  Start getting in shape.  Now.  Leave this forum when you read this.  Run 3-4 km.  Come back.  Read another post.  Do pushups.  Repeat as required.

2.  Sacrifice of all things, your personal life, is not something you are likely to get a hero-cookie or applause for on here.  Sorry.  We have people that have/are/will sacrifice more than your 65% drop in pay on here.  We have the families of those that have made the supreme sacrifice on here.  We have the wives/husbands/children/loved ones on here of currently deployed troops.  I think...if you think about it...yah.  You get where I am going.  If not...re-read point #2 again complete.

3.  I say "Bravo Zulu" to you for choosing to serve.  Seriously.  BUT..get ready for it now.  Mentally.  Physically.  And don't start looking for the spot on your DEUs (dress uniform) for the hero cookie.  Concentrate on this ...  "Learn to Serve".  "There is no I in TEAM".  "I AM ONLY AS STRONG AS MY WEAKEST MOMENT".  Stuff like that. 

Mud Recce Man said:

Good on you for this decision to join the CF, and the Infantry Corps as your choice of where you want to serve.

1.  Start getting in shape.  Now.  Leave this forum when you read this.  Run 3-4 km.  Come back.  Read another post.  Do pushups.  Repeat as required.

2.  Sacrifice of all things, your personal life, is not something you are likely to get a hero-cookie or applause for on here.  Sorry.  We have people that have/are/will sacrifice more than your 65% drop in pay on here.  We have the families of those that have made the supreme sacrifice on here.  We have the wives/husbands/children/loved ones on here of currently deployed troops.  I think...if you think about it...yah.  You get where I am going.  If not...re-read point #2 again complete.

3.  I say "Bravo Zulu" to you for choosing to serve.  Seriously.  BUT..get ready for it now.  Mentally.  Physically.  And don't start looking for the spot on your DEUs (dress uniform) for the hero cookie.  Concentrate on this ...  "Learn to Serve".  "There is no I in TEAM".  "I AM ONLY AS STRONG AS MY WEAKEST MOMENT".  Stuff like that. 


1.  With little more then two weeks until BMQ, it's getting late.  It's been about a month and a half since I applied so the whole process has come on fast.  Shortly before I was thinking about applying, I started running.  I went to far, too fast, with bad footwear and that left me with bad shin splints and very sore knees.  After consulting with a few friends who are big into running (Marines) they gave me the low down on how to break yourself in slowny which will yield much better results in the long run.  That's something I find hard to accept as I've always gone at things full bore... no pain, no gain.  That being said, I kept away from running for awhile because I wanted my legs to have a full recovery before I started at it again.  In the meantime I've been doing some light calisthectics when time allows.  After finishing this post I'm heading into town and buying some proper running shoes and will start running from now until I leave.  I'm not trying to make any excuse for myself, but that was my line of thinking.  I also really do have a long list of things I HAVE to do before leaving.  Not neccesarily personal stuff, but things like moving my stuff, finding storage, working 12 hours a day... etc..

2.  I certainly didn't come here for a pat on the back.  Infact the helpful criticism has been a big plus.  I'm almost embarassed that I came across as looking for praise for my meager sacrifices in the light of those who have made far bigger ones.  The name of the forum is "Personal Stories" and I came to share mine.  The fact is, I will be leaving a very well established and comfortable life, but I only brought that up to indicate what a drastic change life in the CF will be for me in the hopes that some may be able to offer some advice becasue I really don't know much about anything that I'm getting into and how to make the transistion.  It is impossible to know what a change in lifestyle it is without hearing from guys like you.

3. I'm trying, beleive me.  It's just hard to get ready until it all actually happens.  Like i said, I'm not some kid fresh out of high school...I've been making a life for myself the past 10+ years and it's surreal to envision myself in boot camp in a matter of weeks.  I'm working on it though.

Thanks again.
Well, seriously, good luck to you.  Shoot the foot and drive the body and the rest will fall into place.

Keep your stick on the ice!  :salute:
I am 28 getting ready to apply for the reg force, my marks were never good in high school but I finished 1 year in tech college.  The only thing I lack is physical fitness.

I am going to work at it then apply within the month, I hope I get in :salute:
Dirty Dog, first off good on ya, and I can only echo what the others have stated as far as start doing whatever you can right now to get the body more prepared for BMQ. I joined at a young 27 and can relate to leaving the civy life comforts behind...thankfully, it was the best decision i've ever made. I've had more fun in the past year and a bit than I can ever remember, but as you know, it will come at a price. Get your head in the game now, be mentally prepared for what's ahead of you and face it all head on, your fitness level is only one piece of the pie so to speak.

I'm sure there will be others you meet on course in similar situations, although I was never the oldest I was definitely among the upper tier in age. Don't let it hold you back, use it to drive the body and mind and i'm sure you'll be fine.

Good luck to you, any questions you have regarding my personal experiences to this point feel free to drop me a line.
I feel so young suddenly, thanks to you guys.
Here I've been trying to come to apply for the Regs at 22, because I wasn't getting older. Seeing the general age of new recruits has given me a bit more hope. I'm applying for the Reserves in January, I already have the paperwork filled, but WP be damned, the only thing holding me back is running, I skate great, but running is a different story. I've been doing a couple miles a day for about a week, and I should be ready by January. I have never looked more forward to anything in my life, and I like to think I'm coming into this with eyes wide open. I'm sure there'll still be some surprises, but I can't wait.