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5th Artillery - Victoria!!


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Lets go back in time…

...back to the ‘80’s.  ;D  How is Col (General?!) D.I. Smith doing? (Great C.O.) (Can't forget the hilarious incident in Yakima during exersise "Nasty Rattler" (back in 1980?) when (then) Maj. Smith was contentedly enjoying his visit to the portable latrine (port-a-pottie) when along came at least half the unit and tipped him over then rolled the latrine down the hill)!!!

Does anyone know where:
Ex-Lt. Killubee (Remember the tune....Where's Kilubeee, where the heck's Kilubee...Where's Kilubee...where the heck is he? He's gone out on Recce again, drove the jeep around the bend...'Round the bend, recce again, who-a-oh-a- Where's Kilubee (etc etc).
Or (ex-Bdr) Dean Fleming (Nuck, Nuck, Nuck) is nowadays?
What about: Sgt. Maximoff?
Remember (then) Captain Stone being presented the "Checkered Banana" award at CFB Chilliwack?
Nobody could forget Lyons and his M-72 mis-fire incident!
How about Robert Stock who fired his M-72 into the ground only half-way to it's target? (Poor Stock – R.I.P. – He passed away after a valiant battle with cancer.)
Remember EVERYONE firing their SMG machine-guns into Rick Bronson's target? What a hilarious look on his face when he went to count how many rounds hit his target! What happened to: "Drugs" Pearson? (Remember the incident he had in Nanaimo when he smashed up a deuce-and-a-half then claimed his load shifted - WHEN HE WAS CARRYING LAUNDRY!! "Wow Man")!!
Where's Gary "PLUG!" Hansen?
Labbouts (Laboutier?)
Ottway? (Right way? NO WAY! This way? NO WAY!! The OTWAY!!) (hehe)
Captain Doneley?
Or Moses (from 3 RCHA J Battery)?
How is Rob McDonald doing?
How 'bout the munchkin Danny Korolick (and his sister, of course!)?
Where's Wayne "Sgt Rock" Kileen? (Last heard in England??)
"Killer" Kelley?
(Ex Mbdr) Smitty?
Andy Goodman?
And who could ever forget “Beaker" (aka from The Muppet Show) who was from Nanaimo - not sure exactly what his real name was.)
Dale Geortzen?
Edward and Darian Bragg?
Steve Ell?
Reg Harper?
Jimmy Simpson?
Salter (is he still locked up?)
Or Moranitz?
Kirt Margetish (from CScottR Port Alberni)?
Mark Holliday?
Mr and Mrs Don Marsh?
"Cockney Cocker"?
Or the always-entertaining MBDR Dorby? Jim "I've had 6,246 beers to date" Sidel?

What happened the the old gang? Feel free to fill in on whoever you know about! Oh what fun those days were.

Anyone remember THIS episode? (From "Nasty Rattler" Yakima, Washington, 1979 Memories):
Command Post Officer (Giving Ammo order): "H.E. Quick Charge 5." (High Explosive round, Quick Firing Fuse setting, using Cordite Bags 1 through 5.)
Gun Commander (the "always the good-guy, never gives anyone a bad attitude" Sgt. Ed Weeks, from Nanaimo) to his Gun Crew: "What did he say??"
Everyone on the Gun Crew: "W.P. Quick Charge 5." (White Phosphorous)
Sgt. Weeks (to his ammo party on our Gun Crew): "Alright then, prepare the WP"
(various actions between prepping and firing happen, then....)
Command Post: "FIRE!!!!"
(Pause, whilst the four CORRECT H.E. charges are thus lofted to the target area, along with the "oops" round of White Phosphorous from said gun....)
In the distance, four black KA-RUMPH explosions are seen, along with the beautifully billowing white cloud from our round... hehehe
Sgt. Weeks: "AAAAHHHH CRAP!!" As he turns to the Command Post he shouts:
The roar of laughter from all the gun-crews, including ours, was one of the most memorable things from my time in the Arty. Oh what fun!!  :-)
PS: Nothing happened to Sgt. Weeks over the incident, as the C.O. (At the time Major D.I. Smith) must have been laughing too hard to think of any charges to bring upon him!

Great memories. Great times.

Thoughts? Know who they are?? Knew them? GOT SOME STORIES TO SHARE, TOO?!!  Well, add to the list, please!!  ;D  :salute:
That wasn't the Salter who was stealing peoples Combats and trying to trade them in at Stores without removing the owners nametag is it?

We had a Otway in 15th and I recall the name Nixon, but why. Are you referring to Rob McDonanld of the Seaforths?
I realize I'm resurrecting a dead thread.  Sorry.

FastRNU, if you are still around, I got a bit of info for you.  I was a gunner in 5 Tribe from 1992 to 2002.  I kept in contact with a few buddies in the unit and I have met some of the persons you've met.

If by Pearson you mean Andy Pearson, he sobered up and got out.  Last I heard, he was married and living in Alberta.
Mr. D.I. Smith has been retired for some time now, but volunteers at the Fifth Field Museum at the Bay Street Armoury

I remember Maximoff (made it to WO, I believe) and Reg Harper, but both left while I was there.  I do not know what they are up to.

If you haven't already, I suggest you go to www.fivetrbe.ca for more answers.  There is a forum there and Mr. Smith posts very frequently.