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A Challenge-Adopt a Troop

big bad john

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I recently had the opportunity to meet a young soldier who is soon as you read this will soon be on his way to Afghanistan.  Having served in the ‘Combat Arms’ for 23 years I developed a close interest in this soldier.  Knowing that he was taking care of a family and that there are alternative kit items that are available which can improve a soldiers situation, but which not all soldiers are in a position to acquire themselves to supplement the issued kit.  I discussed the situation over with my wife and a few other ex-comrades of mine.  In short, my wife and I decided to adopt him. 

To us this meant, helping him as he went overseas with kit and care packages as well as anything else we could aid with.  We asked him to come up with a wish list of things that he could use.  These we would try to get him, along with regular “care packages” from us.  These material efforts and letters would help him get through his time in a safe and as effective a manner as can be had.

My reason for posting this is to challenge those of you who might have the time and ability to spare to ‘adopt’ a service member of your own who is going to deploy.  It will do wonders for the both of you.

I asked a friend on this site to read this over before I posted it and to give me his comments some of which I add here: 
"Thinking out loud .... perhaps, by taking a card from the CF's Write to the Troops campaign, a letter written to "Any Warrant Officer" which explains the concept and then asks him to recommend one of his soldiers for the donor's continued support would be a way to get a foot in the door. The WO could recommend a soldier who he believes would most benefit from the contact and support."

Great idea and good for you and your wife for taking on this young man. I have right now 5 young single men from 2VP, that will be leaving very shortly, that my family has adopted. These great young men are like sons to me, they all swore in with my son, and now we have agreed within our family to make sure that they get care packages once every two weeks. I feel that if a parcel from home will bring a smile to these boys faces my job as den mother is going well.
Good on you MG that's the way to do it.  More people should be doing things like this!
For sure BBJ. People don't have to take on the whole battalion just a soldier or two. It lets the guys and gals over in Astan know we at home care.
If you could contact me, I have a great person who could help you with this as well as some great corporate and media contacts.  Lockheed Martin just signed on with us and I may be able to to see if they can assist you and my contact in organising something of this magnatude.

Contact me at angeie@marriedtothecanadianforces.com

This  is an awesome idea.

This is an awesome idea. It is great that you and your wife are taking this upon your shoulders.

There has been a Canadian website that has started this program with data bases. Soldiers can sigh up for this as well. They will be paired with an fellow Canadians who will adopt them.


It is worth checking it out. I believe that with the army.ca and their members we can make a significant difference in the Life's of our Fellow Canadians serving over seas. I call on all member's to do their part and Support Our Troops as they take on this difficult Journey.

Let me know how I can help.
angeie said:
If you could contact me, I have a great person who could help you with this as well as some great corporate and media contacts.  Lockheed Martin just signed on with us and I may be able to to see if they can assist you and my contact in organising something of this magnatude.

Contact me at angeie@marriedtothecanadianforces.com

This  is an awesome idea.

Thank you for the offer but I work for a major defence contractor and deal with the media.  I am not looking to set up an organization but to get people involved with the troops that are deployed.  We are doing just fine.  You might want to try using the spell check function.

as a student with a part time job I don't know how big of care packages I could donate, but I would most definitely be interested in corresponding with troops overseas to show them that we appreciate what they are doing, and in sending the occasional care package.
My family has "adopted" three troops that we regularly send packages and corrospondance to, as well as the things they need to make life easier. It dosent have to be much, as they apprecate the fact someone back home is thinking of them and cares.

Great Idea BBJ!
Very good idea BBJ, if I wasn't leaving for basic soon I would definitely adopt. Would I get a chance to send packages on basic?
Don't forget that when you have your care package ready to send, you can drop it off at the nearest MFRC (if there is one near you) and they will send the package for you, postage paid.
I think this is a wonderful idea. I know that hubby said that getting packages and even just letters, really made this tour a little easier. I think we may have to adopt a soldier when he gets home just because we know the difference it can make. Kudos to you for not wanting to make this a media spectacle. It's not about us it's about the soldiers.

I think it's great that it's on a more personal level. Someone who spends most of their time outside the wire might not find things such as cd's very practical, so this way you know what the soldier is doing and can send according to that. I have a ton of great ideas for things to send people who are outside the wire alot (Hubby was outside more than in) so if anyone needs some help feel free to PM me.

Cdnarty wife, the MFRC is free, but this tour me and another wife found out that if you send it for free it can take up to a month or more, but if you send it express post (medium packages of medium weight were about 20 dollars) they arrive in a week and a half. Just a heads up!
Great idea....but I need some help here.

It's been fine sending to MJP, but I had his address, etc. For someone not directly connected to those going over now, how do I find out the info to follow this through. Is there going to be a clearing house/coordinating person, is it going to be helter skelter, what?  :)
GAP said:
Great idea....but I need some help here.

It's been fine sending to MJP, but I had his address, etc. For someone not directly connected to those going over now, how do I find out the info to follow this through. Is there going to be a clearing house/coordinating person, is it going to be helter skelter, what?  :)

"I asked a friend on this site to read this over before I posted it and to give me his comments some of which I add here: 
"Thinking out loud .... perhaps, by taking a card from the CF's Write to the Troops campaign, a letter written to "Any Warrant Officer" which explains the concept and then asks him to recommend one of his soldiers for the donor's continued support would be a way to get a foot in the door. The WO could recommend a soldier who he believes would most benefit from the contact and support."" from my original message or you can look around the site.  Another way would be to go to a MFRC an to ask them.
How can i adopt a platoon....

No seriously...  I have a lot of love to give... ;)

And a whole church to back me  :D
Padre the only thing I can think of is get a hold of the battalion Padre's or rear parties. I have some names for the guys going over from 2VP but none from RCR, if I can help you through them just PM me.
Great idea BBJ.  I know if I were overseas I'm sure even a letter is a great comfort.  I know what it's like getting a letter while on course, so multiply that times ten and maybe I'm in the area of feeling.  Great work guys, keep it up.
I think this is a great idea BBJ. I have a friend going over that I guess in a sense I have "adopted" as I will spend my time sending letters/packages to him throughout this next deployment. But, your post got me thinking about my siblings. I've been complaining about how their pre-teen/teenage habits of not writing or reading enough bother me. This may well be a way to help that. I talked to my Mom and it looks like they will start writing letters to a deployed soldier. I figure every little must help.

I applaud everyone who has taken this on so far. Good on ya!
I've gotten quite a few PM's asking how someone would go about this.  I think it was outlined pretty clearly but... to go one step further.  I would go to your nearest MFRC and tell them what you want to do.  Contact a unit Chaplian.  As always, use personal contacts.  These are way that I personally would go about it .
what an awesome idea.  My husband when he was deployed he had a family adopt him.  He would get letters and packages all the time and he would send stuff back to them as well.  He loved it, he was great support and morale.  We try to do it with guys we know that are going over and are over as we speak. 

Good on ya BBJ!
