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A Thank You and message for those new to this forum...


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First, to everyone involved in putting up, maintaining and posting their experience and wisdom on this site... a very heartfelt Thank You.  :salute:

Even though I've been looking through this forum for something around a year (I know the timer on my profile doesn't reflect, but if you notice this is my first post... well I don't log in just to read) I've yet to find any question that I couldn't answer or find references to answers/places to get answers by using... oh yes...

:o The Magic SEARCH Option!!!  :o

Yes, I know it's in the forum rules, but during my time here have seen obvious signs those rules might have been hrm... we'll say skimmed over? for politeness sake.  To anyone new here, I highly recommend learning how to use this powerful tool because this site is Packed full of information.  Variations of search terms seem to work best... don't just try one search and give up from lack of results, even reversing the order of the words can sometimes completely change or provide results.  Use a thesaurus even, this helped me find things hidden away in the deeper crevices of the forums.  And a spell checker is provided for posting, very nice touch that maybe should have a bigger or brightly coloured button sometimes...  ::)

I could have just about gone my entire duration here without ever posting, but felt a gratitude and need to thank those responsible, I'm having some possible medical issues verified for me and afterwards when I'm clear of those I'm looking (hoping, but I'm very determined to make my dream a reality and so far have destroyed, evaded or dealt with anything that's attempted to alter my course) forward to joining this most respectable family.  I'm far too motivated (read: stubborn as an a**) to let much stop me but I know too that there are reasons for entry requirements and the different stages of entry/training/service... I know I want the soldier next to me to hunker down and get the job done without breaking from stress or situation as much as I'm sure they want to know I have my firing lane covered and won't freeze up in a TIC.

I would also like to thank my next youngest brother, who returned from Afghanistan with the last roto (PEIR, volunteered for the tour and turned down his first offer for transfer to RegF for fear of not being able to go help those people, and is waiting for his transfer papers now that he's back home), he's a LAVIII driver who was part of the recce group who were hit last Easter and also had his own LAVIII hit by an IED, no injuries thanks to that excellent piece of kit and the training the CF provided.  We and my youngest brother have wanted to join forever but he was the first to say "hell with what's delaying me" and just do it, myself and my youngest brother hold him in high regard and he is an inspiration to us both.  It might help show his own determination and sense of duty to mention here he's made corporal after less than a year or so service minus his tour and will be retaining his rank on transfer, I understand this is a sign he's done well (2-4 years average in RegF to get this I understand?) and can proudly say I'm not surprised by this or the evaluations his superiors have given.  Someday soon we may be giving some CO fits as all three of us have the same first initial/last name and apparently resemble each other enough some confusion and hopefully hilarity will ensue.

Again.. Thank you very much!  And thank you to those who came before, those who serve now for what you do.  :cdnsalute:
You should definitely post more often.  I wish my 1st post was as well thought out and eloquent as yours!

And yes, I got Mr. Wallaces's "welcome to Army.ca, start reading" early on.

I agree with you, Army.ca is an amazing community, so much knowledge and experience to be gleaned, and sometimes, when you least expect it , long-lasting friendships to be formed.

Good luck to you in your endeavours,  thank your brother for his service, and thank YOU for this great post.
PM sent Ver-- err, I mean Tinkerbell!

And thanks D, yes I'm amazed by this place... it was recommended by a lot of people I know who are already sworn in, it's become one of my primary sources of information and advice.

Best wishes this holiday season!
NomadWarriorSoul said:
PM sent Ver-- err, I mean Tinkerbell!

And thanks D, yes I'm amazed by this place... it was recommended by a lot of people I know who are already sworn in, it's become one of my primary sources of information and advice.

Best wishes this holiday season!

I've been informed that "Tinkerbelle" was not very Christmassy.  :-\

So, I'm now sleighbelle ... and PM recd.

To the both of you too ...  :cheers:
To all those that give their free time to help recruiting hopefulls I commend you.  Over the past few weeks I have read through most, if not all, posts that were relevant to my needs, and quite a few others as well.

Whatever answers I could not find on my own were promptly supplied by knowledgeable persons to whom I am wholeheartedly grateful. At the beginning of my application process I had feelings of doubt, and perhaps a little fear of the unknown. After having spent the requisite time researching and corresponding I now feel 100% more confident that I am making a well informed, and correct decision.

This forum has also been a source of amusement and dread. Again I commend you all on your patience when dealing with some of the cluster***** that spam these pages with ridiculous questions and uninformed judgment's.

Anyone reading this please keep in mind that the people who take the time to hold your hand down the path of enrollment are not being paid, this is not part of their job, they do it because they care, they know what they are talking about, and they are that type of person that goes the extra mile to make things better for others; in short they are professional soldiers, sailors, and airmen/airwomen. Show them the respect they deserve, they have earned it. And when you are done picking their brains perhaps take a minute to express your gratitude.

Thank you all; you are examples to be followed.  :salute:

