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Addition of swimming

  • Thread starter Thread starter Big_C
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Hey guys, I'm currently training for BMQ and have been alternating between running one day, and lifting weights concertrating on the upper body the next day.  I was wondering if I should incorporate swimming laps into my routine as well.  I'm allready a great swimmer an the swimming test should be no problem but I've heard that swimming is a great form of exercise that improves both strength and endurance.  Is this true??
Yup. Especially if you can get some space to yourself in water to do water exercises. I've been wanting to do some martial art training techniques under water to experience the difference and to improve my training but unfortunately the pool here in Shilo is occupied by stupid kids all the time.

I guess I'm recommending you do more than "just" swim, cause while its great and all there's a plethora of better things to do while underwater.
OK thanks for the tip, what are some of these exercises/ martial arts I can try underwater?
Some of the things I've been wanting to do, haven't actually tried yet but in theory... or in my head rather, it sounds good:

Muay Thai knee strikes
Muay Thai round kicks
Running in spot as fast as you can
Shadowboxing (have the water up to your neck and practice combos as fast as you can)
Squat jumps (let yourself sink until the point you are squatting then jump upwards explosively)
Twists (for your obliques, as you twist one way use your legs to twist the other way, you'll have to float for a second)
Muay Thai knee strikes against the wall - obviously you can't hit the wall too hard even being underwater but by gripping on to it in a clinch like fashion I imagine it could be good training especially going "rapid fire"

One conditioning one I thought of is the horse stance, in summary you basically bend your knees 90 degrees and keep your arms in front of you as if you were holding a large beachball. Then you try to maintain this position. Outside of water after about 10 minutes you begin to feel it burn really bad but I would imagine it would be much tougher underwater with all of the waves and motion going on around you, my guess is that it would improve core conditioning and balance, especially balance.

Just some thoughts I've been thinking about when it comes to underwater stuff
Theres alot of good info on the forum and the 'net on fitness training.

However, you might be referring to the CF Express test and the
physical requirements of BMQ.

Consider in BMQ, you'll be marching, climbing and moving around obstacles,
practicing drill, orienteering or crawling over terrain, carrying loads, and
it takes a combination of cardio-respitory fitness, strength, and endurance.
Any combination of exercises whether its swimming, running, or whatever
that develop these 3 things will be benefitical.  An example of this
is a 13 km march near the end of BMQ; the recruit carries a weighted ruck-sack
and fast marches for 13 kms.  It takes physical conditioning to achieve it.

Personally, I find running the best for developing cardio-resp.  A good
overall-body weight lifting program for muscle strength.  For muscle endurance
any fast sports, power walking, jogging for distance, swimming, cross-training,
are examples.

Swimming is good for endurance but its better to mix a number of activities
to get the benefits of all. 

Its important to train smart.  You want to ramp up your fitness level but not to
the point of injury.  Avoid making common training injuries worse by over-training
or over-exceeding your limits.