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Afghanistan, is it worth it- Cheating Spouse Thread

I try to not put myself in situations that would tempt me to cheat.  I love my wife and as much as I like to look at a pretty woman, I could not hurt her like that.
One should try to remember it does not pay to have few discrete moments of lust/pleasure over a lifetime of trust and friendship. That being said, an affair is not the start of a strained relationship, its the result of one.

Too bad my now Ex did not think the way I try to.

No one deserves to get such disrespectul treatment, especially when they are deployed.

And life rolls on....

As for me, twice bitten now, and thrice shy.

Cpl4Life said:
I try to not put myself in situations that would tempt me to cheat.  I love my wife and as much as I like to look at a pretty woman, I could not hurt her like that.

I couldn't agree more.  There's a road that leads to cheating, and you have to learn to recognize when you're on it, and then get off (the road that is)
AirCanuck said:
I couldn't agree more.  There's a road that leads to cheating, and you have to learn to recognize when you're on it, and then get off (the road that is)

Unfortunately some people dont have the higher intelligence required to see what road they're on. But that being said it is people like that, that make the rest of us look good!
I've been loathe to post anything on this thread, feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. 

Yes, I have cheated in a relationship, once.  Not while I was with my husband now, a previous relationship.  I've also been cheated on.  That road CPL4Life spoke about is a slippery slope indeed, and I agree that it's important to recognize those road signs.   I will say, and it's no justification whatsoever, the relationship was doomed from the get go.  The ex declared that he wanted to be able to sleep with whomever, but I couldn't.  So he did.  With his ex, and one of his female friends, and lord knows who else really.  Why I stayed as long as I did (too long) I'll never know.  And I suppose out of spite, I stepped out on him.  Big red flag!  Should have just left instead of staying to cause further damage.  Spite is a nasty thing.

I call it a very low point in my life that I have made a conscious effort not to revisit.  Do I get tempted?  Of course, I'm human.  I will admit I like eye candy as much as the next person.  I just make it a point of looking but not touching.
Window shopping isn't illegal Lil T

Enjoy !
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Hello!!....I'm in the room.......

calling yourself eye candy, or are you and Lil' well acquainted?  Just curious, no need to actually answer that.

I agree.  Just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.  But strictly, look.
Why Bruce I don't think I've had the pleasure.   heh

wait - they have classes for that??  whoa... totally missed all those then. :o
"S'ok - don't need humility class if, at one time or another... you've eaten "humble pie"
eaten it? hell, I've been smacked in the face with it once or twice....lol
Lil_T said:
eaten it? hell, I've been smacked in the face with it once or twice....lol

I really need to go back a page or two and read the previous posts before engaging my mind after reading some comments. I can't be fault though, thisis a cheating spouses thread.  ;D
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, thanks for spicing this thread up. I've been on both sides of the coin, good times and bad.
Lil_T said:
eaten it? hell, I've been smacked in the face with it once or twice....lol

Ahhh... that's called - being "served" humble pie...

Doh... mighta been a case of being "made to eat Crow".

my bad :D