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AFV Recognition


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Does anyone have the level III genforce and allied force afv list? Also what is the best way to study AVF recognition? Right now I just have flashcards I made up and I practice drawing the vehicles but does anyone have any other tips for studying? Also what are important facts to know about each vehicle, I suppose it would be useful to memorize type of armament, size/weight, road/water speed, # of crew and nationality. Is there anything else that you would recommend studying?
As much as some people hate them...PowerPoints are good too.  If you are on a DWAN computer, go to Janes.com and do a Client Login.  You can search thru there as well and download PDFs that include some good info, pictures, etc.

AFV recognition is usually taught using HATS:


The Armour School is (used to be...I'd guess still is) the College of Knowledge on AFV Rec, and they should have the various levels (I reached out to them in the past few years for their Lev I and II packages).

Janes AFV Rec books cost money but are also good training aids.

Few things to consider...
Eye In The Sky said:
The Armour School is (used to be...I'd guess still is) the College of Knowledge on AFV Rec, and they should have the various levels (I reached out to them in the past few years for their Lev I and II packages).

The Armoured School is still the COE for AVF and AC recognition. There is also a Canadian Army Order (CAO) which outlines AFV training and the levels.  If you have access to the DWAN search the CAOs, I am on leave right now so I can't tell you the number or have access to the link.
Just a quick addition, armament should include eff ranges.  Nice to know how far someone can reach out and touch you. 