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Age Limits to Join

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i wish to join our army but i am 16 years old and am currently homedschooled will that affect me in any way and is there any other requirements ?? like physical fittness :cdn:

The basic requirements are laid out here:


With regards to the home schooling question, I would advise that you contact your local recruitng centre, as they would be best equipped to answer that question.

Good luck
I think the CF can allow people in as old as 55 yrs old as long as they meet the physical requirements.

In practical terms, the CF will only make someone,
anyone of any age, an offer of employment if that person meets the physical/medical requirments for the age group and/or has something directly to offer the Forces such as specialized training, ability, or education.

During my initial visit to the CFRC this Spring, the Recruiter told me they signed on a 47 year old. Apparently he was in good physical shape and had specialized knowledge of telecommunications.

A friend of mine now 39 went through BMQ last summer and is in the Air Force. He has an education in electronics and applies it to the ATIS MOC.

My sister‘s finace whos 28 yrs old has a diploma in Police Sciences with several years of security work and hes going into the Military Police (Res).

The best people to ask how old is too old would be the CF themselves. If they want the person, young or old they‘ll make an offer of employment. Take into perspective the offer of employment is for an initial 3 years. A percentage of members, young and old, do not go beyond their initial 3 years. The ones that do develop into thier MOCs.

As the years go by, the older the body gets the less resilient it becomes. I doubt without having some specialized knowledge or ability, the CF would not be as interested in an older recruit for a combat arms MOC. Age would relate to physical ability and suitableness for the MOC. I doubt the average older person would get a job offer.

Usually older recruits offer more experience or education and would be suited for a non-combat arm MOC where trade skill sets are important.

Likely you‘ll find a variety of opinions here of how old is too old. Take into consideration physical fitness, medical fitness and education are major components to whether the CF offers you
a job and if they do its because they want you.
I am thinking of joining the the army as an NCM (full-time), but I have a few questions.

- If I meet all the minimum requirements, how likely is it that I will be accepted for basic training?

- How long do I have to wait after being accepted before the basic training starts?

- How long do I have to wait after basic training before my occupational training starts?

- Do I get paid during basic training? What about during occupational training?

- I am 23 years old (24 in Sept.). Is it unusual for people my age to be joining the army as an NCM?

That‘s about all I can think of for now. Any other advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Btw, I am especially interested in the "Land Communications and Information Systems Technician" occupation. Any thoughts on this? Thanks:)
- If I meet all the minimum requirements, how likely is it that I will be accepted for basic training?
That vastly depends upon your choice of occupation, your individual merits (education, etc.), and a few other factors I‘m sure. Occupations like Infantry seem to be less difficult to get into initially than some of the Tech ones.

How long do I have to wait after being accepted before the basic training starts?
If you‘re officially accepted, you‘ll be at the next Basic Training offered. It seems that usually, that‘s not more than a month. Perhaps some of the more experienced members of the forum could offer some more realistic lengths, however.

How long do I have to wait after basic training before my occupational training starts?
That varies depending on your trade as well, and luck. Sometimes, Occupational Training seems to occur within days after Basic ends. Other times, its a good month or two, in which case you‘ll be put into a temporary "holding" group. You‘ll still get paid, you‘ll still work, you just won‘t be doing your chosen profession. According to a recruiter, you just do "manual labour stuff" until the occ training begins. Again, perhaps a forum member experienced in this holding group could offer an opinion.

Do I get paid during basic training? What about during occupational training?
Yes, you get paid the day you start Basic.

I am 23 years old (24 in Sept.). Is it unusual for people my age to be joining the army as an NCM?
Judging by the folks I‘ve seen in the recruiting center, 23-24 seems to be the average age, actually. The actual military folks here will be able to tell you a little better what the average age is, but at the Recruiting Centers, 24 is about average.

Take all this info with a grain of salt - not being enrolled in the military yet limits my first-hand knowledge. But all of this I‘ve been told by the recruiters. And if they‘re not reliable, we‘re all doomed :)
LCIS Tech is an excellent choice. I have seen many people remuster (change trades) to LCIS but very rarely do people change from LCIS Tech to other trades. The only con about about going LCIS is a lot of training which means you spend a lot of time at CFSCE. Good Luck with your application
Re: I am 23 years old (24 in Sept.). Is it unusual for people my age to be joining the army as an NCM?

I am 35 and joining as a DEO. I sure hope 23 isn‘t too old ;)

OT: What do the first 5 message icons in the post a reply window represent? I selected the fifth one.
The first icon is the CDN Army symbol.
#2 icon is the symbol for Artillery.
#3 icon is the symbol for Armour.
#4 icon is the symbol for Infantry.
#5 icon is the symbol for Engineer.
I think Cycophant covered it, but since I‘m not doing anything else right now...

- If I meet all the minimum requirements, how likely is it that I will be accepted for basic training?
I don‘t know you so I couldn‘t possibly answer this? If you pass the physical, medical, CFAT, and security/reliability tests the only other obstacle is the interview. This is the touchy feely part of the process where personality and experience come into play. Basically it is like any other job interview, so how do you usually fare in an interview?
- How long do I have to wait after being accepted before the basic training starts?
That depends on how busy things are. Last person who I heard got an offer is starting BMQ in September; about two months after the offer.
- How long do I have to wait after basic training before my occupational training starts?
Dunno. That depends on your MOC and how busy things are at the time (do you see a pattern yet?). More often than not, you‘ll finish BMQ and then get stuck in a PAT platoon until a spot opens up.
- Do I get paid during basic training? What about during occupational training?
You get paid from the day you start basic ‘till the day you leave the service, but I‘m sure they‘ll let you work for free. :p
- I am 23 years old (24 in Sept.). Is it unusual for people my age to be joining the army as an NCM?
Nope. Target age group is 18 to 25, you‘re the guy they want. I‘m 27 and they seem to want me to join.
This is my First post, and this is the perfect topic for me to begin with, as I too am 27 and have just recently applied.

 I think that it is obvious that a teenager has a distict advantage physically over someone entering their late 20‘s when it comes to an intensive physical training program of any sort. An induvidual such as myself (27)who has greatly decreased their cardiovascular activity as they got older, has a reduced metabolism, my body doesnt repair itself as fast, which is extremely likely to cause fatigue beyond that suffered by a teenager.  Of course, if the older induvidual has always been very athletic, they have nothing to worry about.

 The real question is, what do you have to offer the CF?  Obviously in the infantry you need to offer the ability to keep up and not be a hinderance to those you are working with. However I doubt that you need to be far and away the most superior athlete in the CF to find success.

Personaly, I have more to offer than many of the 17-20 year old candidates can possibly have, BECAUSE of my age.  Such as, maturity, wisdom, life experience.  I aced my apptitude test, qualified for every occupation available to the Full-Time NCM‘s, and have been phychologicaly preparing myself to the best of my ability to begin the transition to millitary life.  I‘ve done so by interviewing past and present members of the CF, researching via internet, and preparing myself physically to meet or surpass the standrds set out, so that I can have the self confidence, and ability to succeed.  These are steps im sure many people take, however I was told specifically by 2 different recruiters that my maturity and preperation was uncommon to them, especially in reference to the younger guys coming in, and they felt it could take me a long way towards my goals within the CF.

Anyway, I think as a 27 year old considering life in the infantry, you already know you‘re going to be in for a rough ride regardless of your age so that doesnt matter so much.  As to wether or not you could have a full rewarding career after starting out so late, you just have to try to put a positive spin on it.  For example, if you can demonstrate strong leadership skills, younger guys may have a natural tendancy to gravitate to your leadership due to your senior age, thereby making you a more appealing candidate for promotion.  I myself may not be in peak cardiovascular shape right now (thats easy to remedy) but I have been doing strength training for some time, and am likely to be stronger than  many younger guys.  I have first aid training, skydiving experience, conflict management skills, all kinds of stuff I didn‘t have when I was 20, and if there is one thing I have learned about the millitary so far, its that EVERYTHING is noted, and taken into consideration, good and bad. So if you can find strengths within yourself that make you a more appealing candidate, particularly in terms of what you may be able to offer beyond what a younger guy may have, then you will surely find some success.
I realize that I have a few years left before the maximum age, however, being 27 this fall I wonder if I am expecting too much out of a career in the military to expect to enlist now....

Has anyone else joined later in their 20s? Would you do it again?

In ways, I think its wiser to have waited, and approach it with a more experienced mind than when I was still a teenager... Then again, maybe not... Thoughts?
I‘m in the middle of enlisting myself, I also am 27. 27 and 8/12th‘s actually. I can‘t comment on what its going to be like, but I thought I‘d point out that you are not alone.
Just to let you know; on my SQ course this summer, there were several serials running simultaneously, and on the course we shared shacks with there was a 52 year old man. Crazy!

Ive been on course with a few 30-36 year olds as well....
I‘m 26, will be heading out for basic training in less than 2 weeks... I sure hope I‘m not over the hill yet! =)
I remember hearing of a 50 year old guy that just came from Russia joinin‘ up ;) Good luck Geezer! jk :p

I know u could school me
As an aside, I‘m a younger man joining the CF (18). Should I meet someone during my training or even once in a unit who is a fair bit older than I, I would likely try to find an opportunity to sit down with this individual and try to gain from their wisdom and "life experience".

Individuals who are slightly older may not always be at the same physical level as their younger counterparts (though many can, in fact, meet or surpass the younger ones), but they bring something else entirely to the table. Something that‘s not easily replaced.