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Al Qaeda use two 'Down's syndrome' women to blow up 73 people in Baghdad markets


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I can't wait to hear the tortured logic of the pacifists/Bush-haters explain this one ...

Al Qaeda use two 'Down's syndrome' women to blow up 73 people in Baghdad markets

Two women thought to suffer from Down's syndrome may have been unwilling suicide bombers in twin blasts that killed up to 73 people at pet markets in Baghdad today.

The first bomber instantly killed 45 people at a packed pet market in Baghdad in the deadliest attack in the Iraqi capital in six months.

A separate attack shortly after killed 20 people and wounded scores at a bird market in southern Baghdad.

The death toll from the two bombings increased throughout the day to at least 73.

The chief Iraqi military spokesman in Baghdad, Brigadier General Qassim al-Moussawi, claimed the female bombers apparently had Down's syndrome and the explosives were detonated by remote control, indicating the women may not have been willing attackers, according to his office.

Bolstering that claim, local police said the woman in the first attack sold cream in the morning at the market and was known to locals as "the crazy lady".

Police initially said the bomb at al-Ghazil market was hidden in a box of birds but determined it was a suicide attack after finding the woman's head, an officer said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorised to release the information.
What the terrorists did, by using those women like that, is just one of the most sickening, despicable things they have done in that country so far.
I am not suprised. Infact, this news for me personally, is like water off a duck's back, and I am flashed back to the sounds and images of less than one year ago.

They've used children many times, and many adult bombers have been found with their forearms fastened to the steering wheels with elec ties. Not all bombers are willing.

There is some of the most sickening methods the En use to carry out an attack.

This should re-inforce us all that they must be destroyed, and will use anything to get at us.

Remember, they value death as much as we value life, and there will always be a new 'hign' in 'low' for them to go to in regards to completing a mission.

We must always be vigilant.
This sickens me to no end!! This just shows again how twisted and bent these animals are. I say animals because they certainly can't call themselves human beings.

There's a nice big scorching fire waiting for each one of these scumbags in hell.
retiredgrunt45 said:
This sickens me to no end!! This just shows again how twisted and bent these animals are. I say animals because they certainly can't call themselves human beings.

There's a nice big scorching fire waiting for each one of these scumbags in hell.

RG45, even animals love, nurture and protect their young.

'Animals' is too good of a word. I prefer 'untermention'.
Wesley  Down Under said:
RG45, even animals love, nurture and protect their young.

'Animals' is too good of a word. I prefer 'untermention'.

Untermensch, you mean? That's a German word.
recceguy said:
I think you both mean 'untermensch'

Untermenschen in German yes.

I am told the english spelling of such is untermention.

Either way, those who commit savage acts like this are not human in my books, and are fit for a .22 short in the back of the head.
Either way, those who commit savage acts like this are not human in my books, and are fit for a .22 short in the back of the head.

I concur! They deserve no less.

I think someone should send this story to Jack Layton and Stephan Dion and tell them that by pulling out on the war on terror, that they are allowing these animals to continue doing these unspeakable acts on innocent poor helpless people. It almost makes we want to weep.

What sickens me most is that these people use religion as an excuse to carry out these despicable acts.  What a bunch of twisted hypocrites.
Wesley  Down Under said:
Either way, those who commit savage acts like this are not human in my books, and are fit for a .22 short in the back of the head.

While a part of me agrees with the sentiment, and would like to utilize a far less humane means of execution, doing so would just make them martyrs for their cause. I think the best option would be to lock them up, throw away the key, and let them rot stay in their cells until death comes naturally, thereby forgoing the martyrdom.

After being found guilty in a court of law of course............
My thoughts are with those who perished today, let it be a reminder to us that we (the West) have a good purpose in the Middle East.

Could this be interpreted as a sign that AQ is running out of willing participants?  

If any of you are familiar with the movies Saw or Hostel, this attack reminds me of something one might see there.  Using unwitting/unwilling participants in your game is beyond twisted, beyond sick, and a perfect example of the desperation of the scum organizing these attacks.
I certainly see this as a sign of greater desperation on the part of Al Qaeda in Iraq.  After if there were scores lining up to be willing martyrs then why would they need to resort to such tactics.
Nothing really new.

They had a female two weeks ago driving around the Karada district with her two kids in her car -- as well as a lot of VBIED drivers  have had their hands guntaped to the steering wheel (its amazing what parts suriving explosions).

These same 'people' where also cutting dogs and filling their stomach cavities with explosives and stiching them up -- hoping a yound soldier would approach the distressed animal.

cameron said:
I certainly see this as a sign of greater desperation on the part of Al Qaeda in Iraq.  After if there were scores lining up to be willing martyrs then why would they need to resort to such tactics.

Not to mention if AQ wanted EVERY developmentally handicapped person walking alone to be considered a "holy cow, is s/he another one?" target....
Tuesday, U.S. military officials said Iraq's Ministry of the Interior has ordered beggars and mentally ill people be rounded up from the streets of Baghdad.

The order comes more than two weeks after two women bombers blew themselves up at two Baghdad pet markets, killing close to 100 people. Iraqi officials alleged al-Qaeda strapped bombs on two women with Down syndrome and detonated them by remote control.

Article on link :

Disgusting is the only word I can find for this. You need religion in this equation for these insurgents to even contemplate such an act.
Disgusting doesn't even begin to cover it.  :rage:

And these are the type of people Taliban Jack would have us negotiate with??  :threat: