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Am I going to starve in St Jean???

i dont know.. take the food u can get... its a good thing lowering your level of eatting.. if you ever get deployed on an OP you might not get a fine deal of food so its best to adapt to not eatting so much.. kind of like getting used to not sleeping so much.. i usually wake up around 10ish AM and i start my BMQ in 2 weeks and ive being getting up at 5:30 every morning just to get in the routine.. so.. its not a bad thing u arnt getting your full food.. its like... decipline :D
Hey there. I did IAP/BOTP last September and a little bit of advice.  When you go out in the field for the entire week 3 times  and for a few days another time your food intake is severly decreased because of the IMPs. Buy Vector bars and things like that in the canex and take them with you in the field so you dont starve...just dont get caught mowing down on them,,,they do however make a good night snack when your cleaning your rifle in your tent before going to sleep.  Good luck.  ;)
I find when I am really working out a lot that my metabolisim goes way up and all I want to do is eat.  So will they give you more protions when you ask for them or am I going to have to get back in line again within 15 min?  That would kill.
Bull_STR said:
I find when I am really working out a lot that my metabolisim goes way up and all I want to do is eat.   So will they give you more protions when you ask for them or am I going to have to get back in line again within 15 min?   That would kill.

Yes exercise raising the metabolism thats why your hungry...I wouldnt worry about eating after, rather then before...I mean you dont want to puke all that good breakfast out while doing your PT now would ya? lol
Yeah eating a lot then doing PT is a bad idea waste of food. I am used to eating a lot so when I go to BMQ I will try to eat healthy and stay away from the junk if thats possible!!
Load up on carbs and get as much protein as possible, this will assist with energy spent (carbs) and muscle mass loss (protein) Don't worry about eating right on BMQ/SQ/BIQ etc. The main thing is to get enough food into you to maintain energy levels, if you skip the bacon and eggs at breakfast and go for a cereal and some juice, you'll pay for it by the time 12:00pm comes, you have to remember that you are eating at 6:00am, 12:00pm and 5:00pm roughly when you are in barracks. That's a long time between feedings and you will have pt after breakfast, where you will have spend upwards of 1000 calories. EAT, when you get a break eat some chocolate then EAT some more, remember what Napolean said "An army marches on it's stomach"  ;)
Yup in the vending machines in the break room, chocolate, nuts, potatoe chips, pop, what ever your little Buddah belly desires  ;D
Man the only fear I have is getting big again, after losing 105lbs, and now going to the army knowing you will be eating what you had to stay away from, its going to be a mental challenge just in that area lol.
Clipse said:
Man the only fear I have is getting big again, after losing 105lbs, and now going to the army knowing you will be eating what you had to stay away from, its going to be a mental challenge just in that area lol.
I hear ya!

I lost 115lbs in about a year just so that I could be in shape for the Physical Exam.  I really dont want to put it back on again.
Guys and Girls, you will NOT put weight during BMQ or SQ, it's physically impossible as you are expending way more than your intake, as an example to burn a pound of fat you would need to burn about 3500 calories, now take into account that you could burn about 1200 calories a day watching TV..well you'll be doing more than watching TV and you will have about 2000-2500 cals intake so eat up and worry about dieting once you are done all your courses...Allons Y
Island Ryhno said:
Guys and Girls, you will NOT put weight during BMQ or SQ, it's physically impossible as you are expending way more than your intake, as an example to burn a pound of fat you would need to burn about 3500 calories, now take into account that you could burn about 1200 calories a day watching TV..well you'll be doing more than watching TV and you will have about 2000-2500 cals intake so eat up and worry about dieting once you are done all your courses...Allons Y

Indeed - I can't think of a single individual on my course that wasn't skinnier at the end - myself included (20 lbs. skinnier). No matter your metabolism, no matter your ability to ingest food, you WILL lose weight on basic/IAP. Whether you want to come out looking like a twig (me) or with a decent physique depends on how much protein you ingest so I'd take Rhyno's advice and BULK UP ON PROTEIN for those muscles. Don't discount the carbs but make sure you're getting the max. possible amount of protein. Sounds easy to do but if you actually stop and take a look at your tray most days, you'll notice that very little of it is actual protein. Take the meat dishes from the entree bar, buttloads of cheese and yogurt (avoid milk except at dinner and only if you're not doing anything athletic after), and a goodly amount of non-filling carbs for energy (like fruit and veggies - non-filling because you want as much space as possible for the protein which will undoubtedly fill you, given enough time to eat it all). The fries are probably the most useless item at the mess - lots of bad fat and cholesterol with questionable energy payout. That being said, I stuffed a fair share of them down my maw but that space would have been better put to use for protein.