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An Easy Recruiting Journey


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Hey so since im off to BMQ next week i figured, heck might as well let the interwebs know my CF story.

I have always loved millitary, from running around with my buddy pretending to be soldiers on normandy, to talking to my grand father about his experiences
in the north Atlantic.

Like many i became a cadet, Started off as a Navy Leauger (Jr Sea Cadets....Shh thats a secret), and then joined Army cadets at Age 12 and stayed in untill I was 18 and became an MWO (also...shh...dont want that to spread around on my BMW as I hear ex-cadets don't have a good BMQ rep). Any ways I've mulled around the idea of what I wanted to be for many years, originally I wanted to do ROTP to become a Combat Engineer. Then I realised I don't have the drive to get the grades in a course I didn't care about, and I dont want to go from a leadership postion into another leadership postion straight away. Sure Cadets and Reg Force are worlds apart, but at my corps, WO's and MWO's acted like the officers, mean while the CIC would do all the admin and Just say this has to be done now, and leave it up to us (at least this is how I interpeted the events). At any rate I applied for Regular Forces as an Weapons Tech Land, Armoured (because of my cadet corps), and ACISS. (I bet someone reading this would have expected airforce, so that I could have a trifecta lol.).  Took so long and lots of telephone tag to sort out when Ottawa got my file, but eventually they did, and in that time I lost my GF of 2 years who wanted me to be a cop, whole other can of worms needless to say. Then came June  and I went in for my Medical and Apttitude test, then a few weeks later i went in for my interview for ACISS. My Interviewing officer was a great guy, and in interviews I always find it to be fun and not stressful at all. I look at it as more a way for the applicant to get to see the potential people they may work for. I was frankly impressed by my scores, being a constant underachiever it was one of the first times i realised my full potential and that perhaps i sell myself quiet short.Ive Ramped up my personal PT as a result, and now in 6 days time i will be sworn in, in 10 days time ill be in St. Jean realizing my dream, thanks for the read and definetly listen to the advice on this forum and from others otherwise you may miss out on something great.
Congratulations! Time to put the pretend stuff you did as a kid to reality :)

Yeah but i hope its not all the same other wise i may get bored quiet fast lol  :P Hopefully you hear back soon for your trades.