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Another Shooting in T.O., and one Councillor wants the army to come in.

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Army.ca Veteran
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So I am watching Citynews tonight, and there was another shooting in the Jane/Sheppard area of Toronto, and one City Councillor (Mammolliti) actually says on air, that he wants the feds to step in and send in the army to the area, to quote "clean up the area".  So any thoughts, comments, hypothetical postulations?
Wouldn't that involve soldiers... with guns... in our cities?
The army would not make anymore difference then an ets unit. My family is from Jamaica and Hong Kong. In Jamaica there is lots of crime because of poverty and such things. Once you are used to a certain life style, even if you change it is hard to keep the change. More jobs, more community activities and other such things would make a bigger difference. Bringing in the Army would eventually force bigger guns onto the streets in bad hands. And a lot of dead civilians.
Hatchet Man said:
So I am watching Citynews tonight, and there was another shooting in the Jane/Sheppard area of Toronto, and one City Councillor (Mammolliti) actually says on air, that he wants the feds to step in and send in the army to the area, to quote "clean up the area".  So any thoughts, comments, hypothetical postulations?

Trying to kill a swarm of flies with Hammer anyone?
Hatchet Man said:
So I am watching Citynews tonight, and there was another shooting in the Jane/Sheppard area of Toronto, and one City Councillor (Mammolliti) actually says on air, that he wants the feds to step in and send in the army to the area, to quote "clean up the area".  So any thoughts, comments, hypothetical postulations?

How far is that from Danforth?
Somebody is either posturing or over reacting under the pressure of the moment. The military is not, repeat not, used for law enforcement except in a very limited set of dire circumstances. Jane and Finch may be a mess and might have descended into a state of criminal near-anarchy, but it is not in a state of rebellion or rampant mob violence. The rule of law is not threatened.

It ain't going to happen, unless the Ontario cabinet takes collective leave of its senses. Think Caledonia.
Hatchet Man said:
So I am watching Citynews tonight, and there was another shooting in the Jane/Sheppard area of Toronto, and one City Councillor (Mammolliti) actually says on air, that he wants the feds to step in and send in the army to the area, to quote "clean up the area".  So any thoughts, comments, hypothetical postulations?

Yup - I have a few comments.

When the civil authority wants the military to intervene, we've come to a sad juncture - there is NO WAY that it should be a routine thing to entertain the idea of using military force to enforce civil behaviour.

There are local LEO forces there - this is their balliwack, IFF they think they need military backup, then the request goes through the various levels of government - it's a very serious thing, not to be considered on an ad hoc basis.

If you've got to call in the "Army" (CF), then things have gone seriously wrong.

"Soldiers, with guns - on OUR streets" - and they won't be afraid to use them - is that what you REALLY want?  I don't, and I WAS "a soldier, with a gun"
Roy Harding said:
If you've got to call in the "Army" (CF), then things have gone seriously wrong.
"Soldiers, with guns - on OUR streets" - and they won't be afraid to use them - is that what you REALLY want?  I don't, and I WAS "a soldier, with a gun"

*Silly Hat Mode*

May be call in some indirect fire? That may work!  ;D

The Councillor in question is a grandstanding idiot. He's also been taking some very public flack in the past couple of days due to articles in the local paper re how he's spent his $53,000.00 + office expense budget  limos, wining and dining etc.) This stunt, well as the the D9er used to say in her old job there ain't no such thing as coincidence. 8)
It is legal to do under Canadian law. If the Attourney General of a Province or the Minister of Emergency Preparedness(Stockwell Day)  thinks that there is a threat which cannot be handled by civillian authorities they can send in the CF for whatever they like.

Personally I think fixing Immigration Canada would be the first step to fixing the problem, but then I only lived in downtown Toronto for 7 years.
Nemo888 said:
It is legal to do under Canadian law. If the Attourney General of a Province or the Minister of Emergency Preparedness(Stockwell Day)  thinks that there is a threat which cannot be handled by civillian authorities they can send in the CF for whatever they like.

Being legal doesnt make it a good idea
IT is Toronto, they call in the Army when it snows. When I was there some areas cops were not alowed to go in pairs, only 3 or more.
Nemo888 said:
IT is Toronto, they call in the Army when it snows.

Did i ever say that going to TO because of snow was a good idea ?
Nemo888 said:
IT is Toronto, they call in the Army when it snows. When I was there some areas cops were not alowed to go in pairs, only 3 or more.


I Grew up In the Jane and St. Clair Area, went to Moss Park Armouries, and I now live in Malvern.  Walk on the wild side, and come with me to work on the TTC.

I hope the army comes, I can then delcare myself a Colonel, and be part of the negotiations.  I even have a DPM Smock, Nike Track Pants and runners.....

As for immigration, yep, only immigrants form Criminal syndicates  ::)


I think the big misconception that a lot of people have about Toronto is people are being gunned down in the street, in every borough, community and street corner in the  city. Having lived in Toronto for all me life (a whopping 19 of them ;D) I haven't seen or known of anyone being gunned down or shot in my neck of the rather big woods.

In the areas in questions the crime and violence is more systemic and culturally motivated than anything else. The key to resolving the issue is to get the guns out of the neighbourhoods, not send more in to quell the slightest thought of civil unrest
rmc_wannabe said:
I think the big misconception that a lot of people have about Toronto is people are being gunned down in the street, in every borough, community and street corner in the  city. Having lived in Toronto for all me life (a whopping 19 of them ;D) I haven't seen or known of anyone being gunned down or shot in my neck of the rather big woods.

In the areas in questions the crime and violence is more systemic and culturally motivated than anything else. The key to resolving the issue is to get the guns out of the neighbourhoods, not send more in to quell the slightest thought of civil unrest

Most of the killings in Detroit are confined to certain areas also. It still carries the monicker 'Murder City'.

The key to resolving the issue is to get the guns out of the neighbourhoods, not send more in to quell the slightest thought of civil unrest

The key to resolving the issue is to get the gangs and criminals out of the neighbourhoods, not make it a safe haven for the thugs that hide behind the threat of civil unrest, should they be apprehended. The lieberal 'hug a thug program' and the 'revolving door justice system' championed by McGuinty, et al, and that NDP socialist mayor of Toronto deserve to wear the real blame.

Guns are inanimate. It takes a person to make it operate. Go after the root cause, not the tool. I guess maybe city council may get off their asses and quite harassing 75 year old, law abiding gun owners and go after the real criminals if TO became known world wide as 'Murder City of the North'.
Issue out the flame throwers, ha!

Semi rant:

How about getting a justice system back and phuck off the legal system.

Any immigrants without citizenship from anywhere should be deported without any appeals processes being had.

Crimes involving guns used by non-Canadians should result in instant deportation. They can fit right in with other criminals back home from whence they came.

Bring a law like this in, and it might just curb things a bit once a few undesireables get punted back to their own crappy countries.

Canada is too piss-weak in dealing with such scum, with millions spent on ethnic crime busting squads. Thats the thanks you get for openiong your arms to them.

Semi rant off

Not being versed in Military law what what are the general rules for the military use in domestic civil policing or unrest?  Do we have something like the Posse Camotus act? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Act  I am sure we have some system....ie Oka.

In my opinion the military should only be used in civil policing the most dire of situations.  This does not include logistics help ie boats, helos, protection. 
32 CBG domestic ops ex this weekend...

Maybe we should switch the theme for this year?  ;D
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