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Anyone here in the Princess Louise Fusiliers in Halifax?


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  Hey there everyone :)  Im looking at joining a reserve unit here in halifax, and was wondering what the average age would be for a reserve soldier in the PLF?  IM 27 now and have a feeling that I may be considered an old man!!!
        What about the 33 svc battalion?
Thanks guys
Both are good units, depends on what you are looking for.
I've had the pleasure of knowing quite a few chaps from both units. You won't be an old man in either of them so that's nothing to worry about.
There's a few PLF here and I know of at least one 33 Svc. member so you'll have no problem getting information straight from the horses mouth.
Both are full of great people whom I've had the honor of training next to etc.
It all depends on what you are looking for!
I'm new to the PLF this September (finished my QL2/QL3 this past summer). Most of us up until Sgt are i'd say younger than 28-30, with us Privates mostly 16-24/25. Senior NCOs like WOs and the like seem to be mid-30s.

27 isn't too old!
You have to ask yourself what trade you are interested in.  There is an Intelligence Platoon, Comms Squadron, a Medical Platoon, etc. in Halifax as well as the Svc. Btn./Combat Arms units.  I would go to the recruiting center in Halifax to discuss particular trades that might be of interest to you. 

Here's the website for 36 Brigade that might be of help to you:


I'm in 33 Svc. Btn. if you have any questions in particular about them.

Of course you could always join the naval reserves with HMCS Scotian,

*sorry brin have to sell my element too * ;)
Who needs to serve in the city? Drive to Truro, lad, join the Highlanders!!
Sorry from me too brin..... ;D

There's a reserve Air Force flight over in Shearwater if you're interested in the good life.  ;) I don't know a whole lot about what reserve Air Force guys do but it's another option for you to look at.

I agree Inch, the Air Reserve would be a good thing to look into.  But, for god's sake, don't join the Navy!  :)

  Hey there guys.....thanks for all the replys :)    I actually called the 33 svc btln. and left a message inquiring about a few things, but never received al call back. This was 3 weeks ago.  What about basic training?  Will there be any basic training throughout the winter coming up?  For either the PLF or 33rd?    I talked to them  at the scotian , and she said that for naval reservists, they go away to st jean for the full basic training course.  I have a full time job that pays ok and has great medical, dental , and pension plans......and I would have to quit, in order to go away for 8 or so weeks.  But with the army reserves, I beleive they have the basic on weekends isnt it?
  Sorry for typing so much........ ;D
Thanks all
If you apply now, you may get sworn in...byy...January.
It's unfortunate but these things take time.
Not to worry, both the 33 and PLF will have BMQ over the weekends during the summer.
Call the 33 again if you're really interested, I know they love to recruit and it's unusual you got no call back (Perhaps because it was summer)
Otherwise just head over to Willow (?) park or the armouries and talk to their recruiters in person!
Sounds great..................what would you do in the time it takes to get sworn in(if january) and the wait for basic during the summer?
Not much...hehe

It's up to the unit really, some will give their PAT (Persons Awaiting Training) Platoon, a little preperation for BMQ..IE how to wear your uniform, maybe a little intro to Drill, the ranks etc.
I would guess that both the 33 and PLF do a little warmup to BMQ.
For 33 there are no PAT platoons, per se (to my knowledge).  In maintenance you show up at the shop and they will find what work for you that they can.  Go to Willow Park on Thursday nights, 7-9 pm and go to building 5 (ask at the gate).  You will find recruiting there.

Have you thought about trades you are interested in?

Good luck.
Is there no longer a CFRC Det at Scotia Square?
There is, and from my experience they're pretty good, but they just tell you to go to the reserve unit and ask. They'll do Reg force applicataions in house but for reserves they seem to rely on the units to do their own recruiting, though the testing is done at the centre in Scotia Square as well as the interviews.
The Halifax Reserve units are very good at helping applicants prepare their file before it goes to the Recruiting Centre. They've found that to be a much more efficient approach. During my three years with the PLF as their Adjutant, I beleive we received only one candidate who was processed by the Recruiting Centre without the unit's involvement. Your best place to start is to talk to the Recruiting Sergeant for each of the units you may be interested in joining.
When I did the process for the NSH I was processed completely in Truro, probably because it is not in close proximity to the city. The Unit took care pf everything.