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Anyone need a baby, cheap? Some BONEHEAD put their baby up for sale on Ebay


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Sat May 24, 3:01 PM ET

BERLIN - Authorities in southern Germany said Saturday they have taken custody of a 7-month-old boy after his parents posted an ad on eBay offering to sell him for one euro, the equivalent of $1.57.

Peter Hieber, a spokesman for police in the Bavarian town of Krumbach, said the baby was placed in the care of youth services in the southwestern Allgaeu region, although the child's 23-year-old mother insisted the ad was only a joke.

Authorities have launched an investigation into possible child trafficking against the baby's mother and 24-year-old father, neither of whom was identified.

"Offering my nearly new baby for sale, as it has gotten too loud. It is a male baby, nearly 28 inches (70 cm) long and can be used either in a baby carrier or a stroller," police quoted the ad as reading.

No offers were made for the child in the two hours and 30 minutes the ad was posted on Tuesday. EBay later deleted the posting, but assisted police in tracking down the parents.

Several people who saw the ad alerted police.

Just when you think you've heard everything, some BONEHEAD jumps out of the woodwork. :o  At 1 euro, I guess they were going to try and make their money of the shipping and handling ;D  BONEHEADS :tsktsk:

The concept of baby brokering definately isn't new, and it happens more than people think. These people obviously claim it to be a joke, stupid move on their part, because it's taken seriously if caught. Proof that you can broker anything these days, babies, organs, human tissue, the list is endless. There is actually big money in the brokering of human tissue, and its not very well regulated.

Once again, proof that humans should need breeding licences.
S.Stewart said:
The concept of baby brokering definately isn't new, and it happens more than people think. These people obviously claim it to be a joke, stupid move on their part, because it's taken seriously if caught. Proof that you can broker anything these days, babies, organs, human tissue, the list is endless. There is actually big money in the brokering of human tissue, and its not very well regulated.

Once again, proof that humans should need breeding licences.

I believe them when they say it was a joke (albeit, a very bad one using eBay). How many of us parents have made a similar joke with friends in a moment of frustration? ;)  If they really wanted to sell their baby, it would be for more than one Euro, one would think.
Celticgirl said:
  If they really wanted to sell their baby, it would be for more than one Euro, one would think.

No no no, they start it off as one Euro, then they sign in as their other "Buyers Account" and start a bidding war with the other bidders.  :P

Yes don 't be fooled by their low low LOW baby prices.  ;D
Celticgirl said:

I mean give the guy a break, he's just trying to support his wife and childr.....oh, woops.  >:D  :P

I'l stop now, there are just too many jokes to be made about this.  ;D
It's disgusting. I agree with S.Stewart, there are some people that should not be allowed to have kids. Period. Poor kid.
Ok a little irresponsible yes but I think this is being portrayed as too big a thing.  I have seen people up for sale on ebay before, as well as air guitars, imaginary countries and islands, and a "real life dragon."  The only difference here is that its an infant that could not punch its way out of the packaging materials if it had been a real sell.  Which I really doubt it was.  I don't think it's disgusting I think it was idiotic, and I enjoy laughing at their idiocy.   :D

Would I go as far as calling them heartless baby-peddlers, nah.   ;D

Celticgirl said:
It was a stupid stunt, yes. However, there are far more extreme examples of people who shouldn't be allowed to have kids out there.


A total joke, I mean if they really wanted to get rid of the baby they would have.

What I find funny is the reaction of everyone else.  As a father of 3 kids I have said some wacky stuff, and I am almost certain I have mentioned selling them on ebay (not to the kids, to other adults).

I find the people who are most critical of others and their kids are people with no kids.
lynzi said:
It's disgusting. I agree with S.Stewart, there are some people that should not be allowed to have kids. Period. Poor kid.

Mother of ...

Here's one about me:

Back when my kids were little ones, I used to tell them:

"Be careful, or I'm putting you in the Blue Bin and recycling you to the next family that wants you."

Geez -- MINE were going for free let alone a bid of a mere 1 euro!! How bad a parent am I?  ::)

(Oh yeah, once when I used the line -- I actually placed one of them into the blue bin -- she made like it was a boat.)

I'll expect your call to Children's Aid any time -- if you need my home addy, just send a PM and I'll fire it out to you.
ArmyVern said:
Mother of ...

Here's one about me:

Back when my kids were little ones, I used to tell them:

"Be careful, or I'm putting you in the Blue Bin and recycling you to the next family that wants you."

Geez -- MINE were going for free let alone a bid of a mere 1 euro!! How bad a parent am I?  ::)

(Oh yeah, once when I used the line -- I actually placed one of them into the blue bin -- she made like it was a boat.)

I'll expect your call to Children's Aid any time -- if you need my home addy, just send a PM and I'll fire it out to you.

Ya like I said this story was blown out of proportion.  ::)

However Vern if you wanna shoot me off the home addy anyways I'l add it to my christmas card list.  :P
"Keep that up, and we're trading you for beer!" - standard threat frustrated-parent noise, uttered towards our 2yo daughter. Lock us up - please! We could use the peace and quiet...
Like I told my 9 yr old daughter a couple weeks ago,  "Don't have kids, they ruin your life!!!"  She just looked at me a said "MOOOOMMMMMM"  with that little girl whine,  it's very endearing, not.  ::)  Not believing me for a second. 
I realize it was a joke to put the baby up on EBay, but you also have to remember that lots of people believe what they read and someone off in internet land might not see the humour and Child Protection Services might not find it quite so amusin
There was one nearer then Berlin ...

'Cute' B.C. baby posted for sale on Craigslist

"Shocked Vancouver police have arrested and released a couple who allegedly offered to sell a seven-day-old baby girl on the Craigslist website for $10,000.
"In my 27 years in policing, this is something I thought I would never see,'' Vancouver Police Dept. Const. Tim Fanning told reporters at a briefing on Tuesday morning.

Fanning said police were tipped off on Friday by a Maple Ridge, B.C., woman who phoned to complain about the ad, which described the baby as "very cute,'' and said it
was looking for a good home. Using a cell phone number that was posted on the ad, police eventually found the baby in a Vancouver West End apartment, which was
occupied by four adults including a 23-year-old mother who was breastfeeding the infant when police arrived.

"This is very disturbing on so many levels,'' said Fanning. The mother and a 26-year-old, Port Coquitlam man were arrested and initially charged with public mischief. But
the couple were later released and the charges have since been dropped for lack of evidence.

The man and woman claimed that the ad was a hoax. Meanwhile, Fanning said the baby was taken into care by the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development.  "
As stupid as both of these news articles and the parents who spawned them are, at least the Canadians asked for more money.... ::)

What in the H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS is the world coming to when people think this is a "joke"?
Some things are funny and some a definitely not, this is NOT funny.
The world is full of idiots and they walk among us. :brickwall: