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"Army Agenda" and covers for such


Jr. Member
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Hi Folks

Interested in hearing from people that use or have used the "Army Agenda" planner offered by Canex:
  What do you like about it?
  What do you think needs to be improved?
  How does it compare to a Daytimer or Covey or other "Name brand" you may have used?
  Would you buy a competative, similarly featured product?
  Would you like to see a Cadpat cover/ binder for such?
  If a percentage of the proceeds went to a worthwhile cause - say Army cadets - would this be a factor in your purchase decision?

Thanks for those that can take a few seconds to reply!
Mind telling the membership who you are and why all the questions?

You may get some responses.

Good point Recce!

I'm doing some research in support of a project that could be used as a fund raiser for an
Army Cadet Corps or Army Cadets in general if the concept scales as I think it would.
(Tagging gets a little tired after a while, selling chocolate bars a pain, so we are looking at an actual "Product")

That said this is "Market research" , by myself and a few others with backgrounds
in both Military and "Productivity" areas. With a view of creating a "Better" planner,
probably in partnership with a couple of "namebrand" suppliers

Ulimately the product would be a covered binder 5x8 with Planner, datebook,
maybe even target shooting "Plotter" pages, job aides etc.
Target Market is Regular and Reserve Officers and NCOs

Hope that Helps!!

I've previously bought two of them, and within a week they get forgotten at the back of my locker. It's just easier for me to scribble things down in my mini fmp, stick it in my pocket and go.