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Army Life


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Hi everyone. I'm new to the board just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a MCpl in 2RCR and have 3 tours overseas (Bosnia 99, Africa 2000, Haiti 2002). Really like the forums here.  Just thought I'd say HI.

A little Joke here, hope my first post isn't a repost :P


Want to be a soldier, but really don't want to commit precious years of your life? Here are some easy ways to simulate exactly what it's like to be a Canadian soldier!

Surround yourself with people who smoke like chimneys, drink like fish, bitch/whine/complain about EVERYTHING, and use foul language that would make a teamster blush.

Pack three days worth of clothes and toiletries. Live in your backyard for two weeks. Go into the house only once in that two weeks to shower.

Dig a hole in your back yard and live in it. Allow no direct contact with your family. Your only means of communication should be with letters that your neighbours have held for at least three weeks, discarding two of five.

Every two days, fill in the hole, move to another part of the yard and dig another hole. Every time you are approximately half-way through digging the hole, have somebody come buy, compliment you on the fine hole you've dug and tell you to fill it in and dig it somewhere else.

Always dig a hole next to the hole you're living in. This is your toilet. Re-dig the hole every time your move your living hole. Fill in the old hole and it with a "Foul Ground" sign. Have somebody remove the sign while you're not looking.

Collect a jar-full of ants, dirt, various bugs and mosquitos. Pour them down the back of your shirt.

Have week old fruit and vegetables delivered to your back yard and wait two weeks before eating them.

If it doesn't rain, turn on the sprinklers.

If you're incredibly tired and fed-up one night, stand guard duty in your hole from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. Don't sleep at all that day.

Sleep for only twenty minutes at a time. No matter how tired you are.

Cook your meals over sterno. Prepare all meals blindfolded using all the spices you can grope for, or none at all. Leave to sit and turn ice cold. Eat everything in three minutes. After eating, run two kilometers.

Buy two rolls of toilet paper. Ensure one of these two rolls is wet all the time.

Run around your yard, periodically throwing yourself to the ground and crawling for at least 20 meters -- or smack your shins, knees and elbows with a hammer.

For two days in a row, walk 10 kilometers without stopping. Wear a back pack with fifty-five pounds of weight in it. Bitch and whine the whole way.

When making sandwiches, leave the bread out for six days, or until it is hard and stale.

Have one meal a week served to you floating in it's own grease in a large cooler or similar insulated container. Serve coffee, juice and other beverages the same way.

Surround yourself with people who smoke like chimneys, drink like fish, bitch/whine/complain about EVERYTHING, and use foul language that would make a teamster blush.

Wear only military uniforms. Even though nobody cares, clean and press one dress uniform and wear it for 20 minutes.

Ask for equipment or articles of clothing you really need, have somebody tell you that you're not entitled to it. Walk away.

Have your spouse whine about how you're always on deployment.

Whenever you're bored, get drunk. Be bored often.

Study the owner's manual for all household appliances. Routinely take an appliance apart, clean it and put it back together.

Start a project, any project. Have somebody continually stop by and make stupid suggestions to make the job "easier". Say "yes sir" and do it the way they told you to do it. After they leave, go back to doing it the right way.

Repaint your vehicle every month, whether it needs it or not.

Move every two years. Whether you want to or not. When you get to a place you really hate, stay there for fifteen years.

Replace all your appliances and furniture with those which are outdated, in need of constant repair or dangerous to use. Do more with them than you would if they were new.

If you have nothing to do, clean something that doesn't need cleaning.

Surround yourself with people who smoke like chimneys, drink like fish, bitch/whine/complain about EVERYTHING, and use foul language that would make a teamster blush.

Have two neighbours start a fight. Get in between them and have them hit you instead of each other.

After the neighbours have hit you several times have them calm down. Have another, much larger person, pretend to be your ally and piss the neighbours off again (by pretending to bomb their houses and basically bully them around) and start them fighting. Repeat the above.

Ask the "feuding" neighbours to throw rocks at you and call you names every time they see you, because of what the larger person did to their homes.

Bring the neighbours medical supplies, food and blankets. Have them slam the door in your face without saying thank you, because the much larger person bombed their houses. Get some of them to say thank you, have the much larger person tell you to never bring them that stuff again.

Surround yourself with people who smoke like chimneys, drink like fish, bitch/whine/complain about EVERYTHING, and use foul language that would make a teamster blush.

Run. Run a lot. Once in the morning, once at noon and once before supper. Run at least five kilometers each time, singing inane songs and pretending you really want to do this.

Stand to attention in a parking lot in the hot sun for five hours, or until you pass out and fall face first into the asphalt. Have somebody yell at you the entire time. Have this same person nitpick at you incessantly and then fine you $50.00 and confine you to your room for a week, coming out only to go tot he bathroom, shower, or eat.

Have somebody yell at you every time you're stupid enough go outside without a hat on, slouch, or put your hands in your pockets.

Cut your hair weekly, making it shorter each time, until you look bald or look like you lost a fight with a demented sheep shearer.

Give yourself twenty minutes less than you need for lunch. Eat so fast you don't taste the food.

Buy a gas mask and wear it for two hours every day. Run around the yard, while you're wearing it. Do push-ups in it until you pass out. Fill the mask with pepper spray and recite your Social Insurance Number BACKWARDS, have somebody yell, "Wrong. Do it again!" and repeat this process four times before removing the mask and puking your guts out.

Clean and shine everything to perfection. Have somebody yell at you and call you a filthy pig. Pretend to clean and shine everything to perfection again (changing nothing), have the same person inspect it and say "good turnout".

Leave the people behind who smoke like chimneys, drink like fish, bitch/whine/complain about EVERYTHING, and use foul language that would make a teamster blush.

When around civilians ensure to smoke like a chimney, drink like a fish, bitch/whine/complain about EVERYTHING, and use foul language that would make a teamster blush.

Whenever civilians say or do anything stupid (it happens a lot) shake your head and mutter in your most contemptuous/condescending voice; "f*@kin' civvies".

Use copious amounts of acronyms, NEVER explain them. When asked to explain shake your head and mutter in your most contemptuous/condescending voice; "f*@kin' civvies".

Have other people say stupid things to you like: "you don't pay taxes, do you?", "you get free housing", "man, you must get paid a lot". Shake your head and mutter in your most contemptuous/condescending voice; "f*@kin' civvies".

Demand that everyone never thank you for anything you do for them, look at you in a condescending manner and call you names like "G.I. Joe", and "soldier boy". Shake your head and mutter in your most contemptuous/condescending voice; "f*@kin' civvies".

I believe that is around here somewhere, probably in radio chatter in the army.ca humour thread. 
I believe that is around here somewhere, probably in radio chatter in the army.ca humour thread.
Yup it's on here but still a good joke, welcome to Army.ca steve29.  :)
It may be on here in Radio Chatter, but I've never read it - good read, better laugh.  Welcome to Army.ca

Not one *****/whine/complaint about officers or pilots, using foul language that would make a teamster blush...

steve29 said:
Study the owner's manual for all household appliances. Routinely take an appliance apart, clean it and put it back together.
Start a project, any project. Have somebody continually stop by and make stupid suggestions to make the job "easier". Say "yes sir" and do it the way they told you to do it. After they leave, go back to doing it the right way.

Hey Steve29,

I see your joke and will raise you one.  (no offense to anyone on here with this, its all in good fun, remember now, I am currently in the process of going to the blue side)

"The Difference Between Us and Them"

01 April, 2002
In an effort to ensure proper training and readiness among the military services, the Department of National Defence has approved the following changes to basic principles of recruit training:

Combat Arms -heads will be shaved.
Combat Service Support - flat-tops for all recruits.
Navy - no haircut standard.
Air Force - complete makeovers as seen on the Jenny Jones show.

Combat Arms - rise at 0500, train until 2000.
Combat Service Support - rise at 0600, train until 1900.
Navy - rise at 0900, train until 1100, lunch til 1300, train till 1600.
Air Force - rise at 1000, breakfast in bed, lunch at 1200, nap at 1400, training ceases at 1500.

Combat Arms - IMP’s 3 times a day.
Combat Service Support - one hot meal, 2 IMP's.
Navy - 3 hot meals.
Air Force - catered meals prepared by the Galloping Gourmet, Julia Childs, and Wolfgang Puck.  All you can eat.

Combat Arms - none.
Combat Service Support - 4 hours a week.
Navy - 48 hours a week.
Air Force - for every four hours of training, recruits will receive an eight hours pass.

Combat Arms - will address all officers as "Sir" and refer to the training enlisted staff members when speaking to them as Staff.
Combat Service Support - will address all officers as "Sir", and will refer to the training enlisted staff members when speaking to them by Rank (i.e. Sgt Smith) unless they are friends,
Navy - will address all officers as Skipper, and all enlisted personnel as Chief.
Air Force - all Air Force personnel shall be on a first name basis with all other personnel and hugging will be allowed.

Combat Arms - medals are awarded service in operational theatres and for acts of gallantry and bravery.
Combat Service Support - medals are awarded for time served in a forward area.
Navy - medals are awarded for deployments in hostile areas.
Air Force - been nowhere, done nothing medals are being developed and will be issued to all Air Force personal early in their careers so they can look like Americans and Air Force Colonels will not feel embarrassed standing beside a combat arms private with no CD but three or more operational theatre medals.

Combat Arms - work uniform, to be worn only during training and in field exercises.
Combat Service Support - will wear it anytime, anywhere.
Navy - will not wear cammies, they do not camouflage you on a ship.  Captains will make every effort to TRY to explain this to our sailors.
Air Force - will defeat the purpose of camouflage by their wearing Air Force Blue berets or wedgies.

Combat Arms - all Combat Arms shall be considered riflemen first and foremost.
Combat Service Support - doesn't matter, all career fields promote to TQ5 within first contract.
Navy - nobody knows.  Navy still trying figure out what MOC means, and what all the other ratings things are.
Air Force - every recruit will be trained in a manner that will allow them to leave the service early to go on to higher paying civilian jobs.

Hi Steve29 welcome to the forums, that was a good post :rofl:
and Mud Recca Man your post was great as well had a good laugh in days :rofl:
