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At least 41 dead in suicide bombings in Pakistan - 1 Jul 2010


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At least 41 dead in suicide bombings in Pakistan:

LAHORE, Pakistan - Three suicide bombers struck a Sufi shrine in Pakistan’s eastern city of Lahore on Thursday, killing at least 41 people and wounding more than 120, officials said, the second major attack in the city in a month.

Hundreds of devotees were visiting the marble shrine of the 11th century Persian Sufi saint, Syed Ali Hajwairi, commonly known as Data Gunj Bakhsh, in the heart of the city when the attacks occurred.

Muslims in Pakistan visit shrines and mosques in large numbers on Thursday nights and Friday.

"Dead bodies are scattered all over the courtyard of the shrine," Reuters photographer Mohsin Raza said from the scene. "There is blood everywhere. Two of the dead were my friends. It’s very horrifying," he said in a choked voice.

One of the attackers blew himself up at the gate of the sprawling, marble shrine while two other attacks took place in the basement of the shrine where people were washing for prayers.

Sajjad Bhutta, a top city administrator, said at least 41 people were killed and 122 wounded.


Mian Rauf, a witness, said devotees were settling down inside the mausoleum and the courtyard for final prayers when the attacks happened.

"First there were three small blasts. People got panicky and started running. But within moments there were big explosions," he said.

"It was all chaos. People were screaming for help and running here and there. It was all smoke. Nothing could be seen and only cries could be heard."

Taliban militants generally abhor the Sufi strand of Islam and disapprove of visiting shrines, which is popular with many Pakistanis.

Militants linked to al Qaeda and Taliban have unleashed a wave of attacks across Pakistan in revenge for the military offensives in their bastions in the northwest of the country near the Afghan border.

While most of the reprisal militant attacks have taken place in the northwest, militants have stepped up attacks in the heartland of the country, mainly the central province of Punjab, in recent months. Lahore is the capital of Punjab.

Officials have blamed attacks in the province on the "Punjabi Taliban", a term used for the militants drawn from Punjab who have joined ranks with Taliban in the northwest.

More than 80 people were killed in twin attacks on the mosques of the minority Ahmadi sect in May.

The shrine at Data Darbar is one of the most famous in Pakistan, attracting hundreds of devotees every night, with Thursdays being the most popular nights. The complex includes a mosque and a police station in the basement.

Farahnaz Ispahani, spokeswoman for President Asif Ali Zardari, condemned the attack: "This sickening poison of extremism will be driven out of our nation and we will not be cowed."

Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani said the attack on the shrine showed that "terrorists have no consideration for any religion, faith and belief".

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/least+dead+suicide+bombings+Pakistan/3224401/story.html#ixzz0sTQvneIU
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(Edited by Moderator to add date to title.)
57Chevy said:
Taliban militants generally abhor the Sufi strand of Islam and disapprove of visiting shrines, which is popular with many Pakistanis.
Officials have blamed attacks in the province on the "Punjabi Taliban", a term used for the militants drawn from Punjab who have joined ranks with Taliban in the northwest.
More than 80 people were killed in twin attacks on the mosques of the minority Ahmadi sect in May.
Another fine example of our enemy and how they act.  One more argument, IMHO, to unleash Hell:


(For those not in the know, this is a bomb rack of B-61 nuclear bombs.  Yeah, they do stuff like this:

Technoviking said:
Another fine example of our enemy and how they act.  One more argument, IMHO, to unleash Hell:

"Then shall the right aiming thunderbolts go abroad; and from the clouds, as from a well-drawn bow, shall they fly to the mark." Wisdom v:21
From the RCAF handbook, "Bomber Command". 1941

Perhaps we are going to see a Quatrain from Nostradamus enacted in the "Middle East".

Au grand de Cheramonagora
Seront croisez par rangs tous attachez
Le Pertinax Oppi et Mandragora
Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez
Good thing my finger isn't on the button, because I'd be pushing it.  :threat:
George Wallace said:
Perhaps we are going to see a Quatrain from Nostradamus enacted in the "Middle East".

Au grand de Cheramonagora
Seront croisez par rangs tous attachez
Le Pertinax Oppi et Mandragora
Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez

"At the great battle of Armageddon
Shall join the crusade through rows totally attached
The pertanious army of God against the army of the evil Serpent
The Dragon shall be loosened on October third"

        Argh argh......I should request that you move this over to the "Instability In Pakistan- Merged Thread" as I seem to have overlooked that thread. ;D  Thanks
mariomike said:
"At the great battle of Armageddon
Shall join the crusade through rows totally attached
The pertanious  army of God against the army of the evil Serpent
The Dragon shall be loosened on October third"

pertanious ( Petraeus ) ?  ;D
I have no doubt the Taliban will be apologizing at any moment for causing this suffering.....
jollyjacktar said:
pertanious ( Petraeus ) ?  ;D

Two "wiseguys" pondering the significance of it all:

What exactly are you guys implying when you write things like "good thing my finger isn't on the button" and "another reason to unleash hell"?
That would be a loose reference for lobbing a Nuke at someone to turn their patch of paradise into a glass parking lot.
AshFromCan said:
What exactly are you guys implying when you write things like "good thing my finger isn't on the button" and "another reason to unleash hell"?
I'm not trying to pussyfoot around anything, and though others have responded, in the interest of taking account of one's one posts, and since I posted both quotes, allow me to elaborate.

In the past, our society has responded to evil by lashing out at it with everything in our inventory.  We've used terror bombings on cities, we starved our enemies into submission and we've held no quarter in unleashing "hell on earth".  Yet, we at the same time adhered to the then-accepted Laws of Armed Conflict, at the national level anyway.  (We had some unsavoury characters on our side, but I do believe that we turned a blind eye).
Now, we find ourselves fighting an enemy that is pretty well on par with the Allgemeine SS in terms of evil incarnate.  If I were "in charge" (totally specious argument, since I wasn't born in the USA, I can never be president of that great land), then I would hold no weapon back in dealing with this evil.  That would include the proverbial "finger on the button", as it were. 

THEY use children to attack us.  They hang 7 year old kids for being "spies".  They use weapons indiscriminately (eg: pressure plate IEDs).  They attack civilians.  They attack Medics on missions of mercy.  If it were up to me, the gloves would be off.

Clear enough for you?  If not, here's another 1000 words:

Apollo Diomedes said:
Okay I'll bite!

How do we make sure only the bad guys get cooked?
We don't.

Again, if I were in charge.  You know all those "refugee" camps?  Well, I'd issue a "cease and desist" order to them re: IED attacks, etc, and tell them to start using the ballot box and not the bomb to implement change.  If they refuse, then I remove a few thousand potential voters from their rolls.

One more reason not to put me in charge. 