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Army.ca Veteran
Fallen Comrade
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I had to say this after finding out about this particular piece of hardcore kit.

If you own one of these, just kill yourself. There is no hope for you, don't worry, mom and dad will make sure your GI joes and their hand stitched chest rigs are well taken care of.

No! Seriously, go jump in front of a train! NOW!

have you not seen the cadpat dog collar, with matching leash?
And, no, I'm not making that up. I couldn't.
You have one of those CADPAT collars and leashes...for those special kinky nights, don't you?
Crud it does exist:


However this one really scares me:


Ok someone explain to me why the sewing kit is Cadpat. If the enemy get that close that I have to cam my housewife, I think it's time to give up.
      I find it most depressing that CADPAT licenses and material are given to companies that produce these types of products.  There are a lot of other companies that would benefit the soldier much more, eg Eagle, Paraclete, Kifaru, Arc'Tertx, etc.......  ::)
Armymedic said:
You have one of those CADPAT collars and leashes...for those special kinky nights, don't you?
ain't nuthin' special 'bout a kinky night with me. Ladies, take note.
Jus' make sure you don't scare easy.
2332Piper said:
Let's play paratrooper....you pull the ripcord and....

I'll end it there...and go find my bible now. I'm a sick, sick little person.

Yea go repent yourself  ;D i think both of you are too corrupted inside of you  :tsktsk:

Definitely i want one of those.....i will make sure that my enemy want find my good precious food and steal it, plus it matches with my uniform....you know a soldier always got to have the "style" in one hand the rifle the other one the lunch box, my mom would love to have a picture of me like that....... ::)

hmmm  25 bucks for a "lunch bag" that could as they say on the site, be used to store things like socks, T-shirts, etc in the Ruck..

or, i could use a .0023 cent Ziploc Freezer bag if im really paranoid.. so far the super heavy duty Garbage bag ive been lining my ruck with since basic works just fine.

some people really do have more money then brains......  ::)
Hey now...I have a camouflage lunch bag...mind you it's not cadpat, and my dad made for me when I was in Jr high...and didn't have to pay 25 bucks for it...
A PPCLI bud of mines 6 year old loves his cadpat lunch bag. and hes hard core army.
my72jeep said:
A PPCLI bud of mines 6 year old loves his cadpat lunch bag. and hes hard core army.

Wondering who's hardcore...
Your bud...or his 6 year old?    ???
Kal said:
      I find it most depressing that CADPAT licenses and material are given to companies that produce these types of products.   There are a lot of other companies that would benefit the soldier much more, eg Eagle, Paraclete, Kifaru, Arc'Tertx, etc.......    ::)

Just to let you all know that although the websites say "authentic cadpat pattern material" that's all it is. An authentic cadpat pattern, which any material maker can produce these days with the aid of a computer and various shades of relish green dyes. It is not however "authentic cadpat material." It does not contain the patented propoerties which ours does. The Wheeler's gear is not made with our cadpat, nor do we lisence them or supply the material. They are in no way affiliated with the CF. They make a fortune because there are a ton of "single army kit monsters" in their local area undergoing trg here at Gagetown, who think the stuff has the all important 'Look Cool Factor.'
Mr. Wheeler is an entrepreneur only, lots of other companies can produce the exact same stuff and make a fortune as well, that is if they're located close enough to an Army Base with lots of interested customers and smart enough to cash-in on the craze....
Armyvern - Thanks for sorting that out.  I retract my comment then.
I find it most depressing that CADPAT licenses and material are given to companies that produce these types of products.  There are a lot of other companies that would benefit the soldier much more, eg Eagle, Paraclete, Kifaru, Arc'Tertx, etc.......

To my knowledge they don't license it, it's just garbage rip-off wannabe look-a-like junk.
In the light of things said:
To my knowledge they don't license it, it's just garbage rip-off wannabe look-a-like junk.
Actually, DND has copyrighted the Cadpat material and pattern. The cadpat pattern is licenced to the commercial market by Directorate of Intellectual Property at DND. They can apply for a license to use the cadpat pattern, but can not use the actual CF cadpat material or incorporate the operational properties the CF uses. Under terms of their licensing they must also ensure that any cadpat uniform they produce differs substantially from the CF issued uniform and can not be mistaken for such.
There are others on this site who could elaborate better on the details of the application process for licensing et al.
