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Auroras as Armed over land comand and controll aircraft


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I was just wondering about every ones oppinion of using the CP-140 Aurora as an over land armed comand and controll aircraft...

Apparently the new CDS  enjoyed using the American P-3's in Op Apollo for that roll. He has put a push on the AIMP upgrades which include the self protection package and the EO/IR camera system...

Well have fun with this one guys

The Orion worked very, very well for some US/coalition operations in Afghanistan...  Long endurance, good sensors, good comms.  A good idea.  I'll leave it at that.
Teddy Ruxpin said:
The Orion worked very, very well for some US/coalition operations in Afghanistan...   Long endurance, good sensors, good comms.   A good idea.   I'll leave it at that.

If you can comment, what did they arm them with:  Small Diameter Bombs?

Matthew.  :salute:
Cdn Blackshirt said:
If you can comment, what did they arm them with:   Small Diameter Bombs?

Matthew.    :salute:

Aesop? What do you think? Could we put HARM or Mavericks on a CP140?
USN Orions were used for overwatch and command and control for a variety of ops, not for bomb-dropping.  As I said, it was very, very effective.
IIRC, Aurora has the same wpns payload on its hardpoints as Predator B, about 3,000lbs.  There's some wiring for Harpoon but it would have to be modified from its current config to take something like SLAM/SLAM-ER, etc...

I think the 140's strongest strengths would be the MX-20 EO/IR pod (w/ spotlight SAR-radar) and the C2 capability (V/UHF-multiband, HF, HaveQuick, Vinson, L4,L11,L16 and L22)...the classic "C4ISR" role that folks are bandying about these days.  The self-defence suite will still take several years to come...USN P3's had much of the gear already, although I do believe they were also missing some RF/ECM gear compared to other aircraft that have gone into theatre (a la C130's)

Ex-Dragoon said:
Aesop? What do you think? Could we put HARM or Mavericks on a CP140?

We are focusing more and more towards overland support, that is a fact.  There have already been trials of the MX-20 in that environment.  I cannot comment on the capabilities of the MX-20 ( for security reasons).

SAR/ISAR will go along way to improving our support capabilities to land ops.

I have not heard any talk so far as to employing us as a weapons platform but it may be in the works.  I have pictures of CP-140s loaded with conventional bombs and we have the capability to use AGM-84s but it would require some changes to use weapons such as SLAM and SLAM-ER.

As for link and comms capabilities, i must decline to comment for obvious resons.
aesop081 said:
We are focusing more and more towards overland support, that is a fact.   There have already been trials of the MX-20 in that environment.   I cannot comment on the capabilities of the MX-20 ( for security reasons).

SAR/ISAR will go along way to improving our support capabilities to land ops.

I have not heard any talk so far as to employing us as a weapons platform but it may be in the works.   I have pictures of CP-140s loaded with conventional bombs and we have the capability to use AGM-84s but it would require some changes to use weapons such as SLAM and SLAM-ER.

As for link and comms capabilities, i must decline to comment for obvious resons.
We're dropping recon turrets on Afghanis?  No wonder we're having budget problems....

M.  ;D
And to think AESOP remustered OUT of the Army.
If we do use the CP-140 for overland support will that mean you will lose the toaster or will it be upgraded to a boiling vessel for IMP's, as well does this mean that a NAV's first duty will be to navigate rather than make toast.

How well do sonobouys work in the desert compared to the ocean.
Are you guys going to get all gung ho on us and beat me up in the mess.
mover1 said:
And to think AESOP remustered OUT of the Army.
If we do use the CP-140 for overland support will that mean you will lose the toaster or will it be upgraded to a boiling vessel for IMP's, as well does this mean that a NAV's first duty will be to navigate rather than make toast.

How well do sonobouys work in the desert compared to the ocean.
Are you guys going to get all gung ho on us and beat me up in the mess.

I think you are about 1245 posts froma beating  ;D
Squadron retired after 64 years
Fighting Swordfish battled Nazi U-boats

The Canadian Press
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

GREENWOOD, N.S. - The 415th Maritime Patrol Squadron has officially retired from Canada's air force, 64 years after its first mission.

The Fighting Swordfish were established on Thorney Island in Hampshire, England, in 1941 to bomb torpedoes launched by German U-boats.

The squadron motto was To The Mark, and pilots wore a badge featuring a swordfish striking its prey.

The Swordfish helped enforce UN restrictions imposed on Iraq after that country invaded Kuwait in 1990, and the sanctions imposed on the former Yugoslavia in 1993. The squadron also participated in Operation Apollo in the Arabian Sea, part of the American war on terror.

The standing down of the squadron is part of a larger reorganization of the Canadian Forces announced in April.
Aircrew asking for Arid Region CADPAT flightsuits yet?

Be an amazing LCF to hop to an Army base on a Friday afternoon, hit the messes with those suits and watch us pongos turn green.


TCBF said:
Aircrew asking for Arid Region CADPAT flightsuits yet?

Be an amazing LCF to hop to an Army base on a Friday afternoon, hit the messes with those suits and watch us pongos turn green.



Unfortunately, some folks up in the puzzle palace maintain that cam can't be printed on NOMEX (notwithstanding the example of US ABDU I showed one LCol...) ...well, that and they seem to have an outright hatred for Tac Hel folks, many of whom (myself included) associate themselves more closely with the Army than they do with the Air Force.  For that reason, I'll be taking a set of US SOF flight suits (lt.wt. tan NOMEX) with me in a few weeks...the heck with folks who have issues with supporting folks on the front line...

...maybe when I get board, I'll take some fabric paint to my flight suit and try to make CADPAT(AR) myself...

Hey, don't forget to tear the chest pockets off your shirt, sew them on your sleeves, and cut the outer four rings off the brim of your CADPAT hat. 


TCBF said:
Hey, don't forget to tear the chest pockets off your shirt, sew them on your sleeves, and cut the outer four rings off the brim of your CADPAT hat.  



Tom, will do!  

...maybe I can also roll up my pants above my knees and wear my CF oxfords and those freakin' long tan socks.... >:D

Duey said:
Unfortunately, some folks up in the puzzle palace maintain that cam can't be printed on NOMEX (notwithstanding the example of US ABDU I showed one LCol...) ...well, that and they seem to have an outright hatred for Tac Hel folks, many of whom (myself included) associate themselves more closely with the Army than they do with the Air Force.   For that reason, I'll be taking a set of US SOF flight suits (lt.wt. tan NOMEX) with me in a few weeks...the heck with folks who have issues with supporting folks on the front line...

...maybe when I get bored, I'll take some fabric paint to my flight suit and try to make CADPAT(AR) myself...


DOH!  Time to go back to school...

*edit for really, really bad spelling*