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Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

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superhawk said:
Heard that some civvy companies work on military aircraft, can you confirm that?

Well it is......

CP-140/A TLIR is done by IMP in Halifax.  All aircraft fleets in the CF have some form of contractor support somewhere in the maintenance process.  The CH-149 Cormorant is maintained by IMP on the line at its operating bases.
FYI, CC-144 Challenger Executive Jet and CC-150 Polaris Air Bus are also maintained by civvies. Transport Canada maintains the Challenger and Air Canada looks after the Air Bus.
So I guess civvies are all over your airspace there cdnavigator....HA...ha...(Just a bit of humour). Thanks for all the info guys.
What exactly are the civvy's doing that the military cannot do? Recently finished a contract for Boeing and they tell me that there are 4 C-17 already on order does anyone know where they will be assigned? My guess a squadron out of CFB Trenton, let me know.
superhawk said:
So I guess civvies are all over your airspace there cdnavigator....HA...ha...(Just a bit of humour). Thanks for all the info guys.
What exactly are the civvy's doing that the military cannot do? Recently finished a contract for Boeing and they tell me that there are 4 C-17 already on order does anyone know where they will be assigned? My guess a squadron out of CFB Trenton, let me know.

In the case of the CP-140, civvy contractor provides TLIR...thats "third line inspection and repair".  It amounts to manufacturer support for complex refurbishement and repair of the aircraft throughout its life cycle. First and second line maintenance and repair is done by military technicians in Greenwood and Comox.  For the CH-149, IMP provides all maintenance and servicing.  IIRC, it was decided to go this route and the aircraft will not deploy anywhere outside Canada, so why have military technicians work on it if they wont be deployable ? Its not a question of "can't do" but more of a question of "having better things to do"  IMHO
just a few questions about these jobs...

1. are they both NCM only?

2. id like to work on fighters, but fighters only...do I have any say in this matter?

3. I live in alberta, would that help me return to cold lake where id like to be stationed?

4. do these guys working on fighters get to hop rides? if so, how often?

5. whats the peak salary?

dan_282 said:
just a few questions about these jobs...


1. are they both NCM only?


2. id like to work on fighters, but fighters only...do I have any say in this matter?

No.  They will send you where they need people.  Even if you start out on fighters, you wont stay there your entire career.

3. I live in alberta, would that help me return to cold lake where id like to be stationed?

No. They send you where they need people.  You living in Alberta means squat.  If they are realy hurting for techs in freezeyourassoff, NWT......thats where you're moving.

4. do these guys working on fighters get to hop rides? if so, how often?

I know a few that have but it doesnt seem to be common.

5. whats the peak salary?

Salary is tied to rank and trade......do yourself a favour and go to the recruiting website and look

You're welcome

Dig around in the Air Force site.

Are they NCM only?  Do you mean are AVS and AVN NCM trades, yes they are.  

Any say in the matter?  Some ... possibly or even perhaps.  But not likely.  If there is a shortage in a unit that needs your trade a travelling you will go.

Cold Lake is usually short techs and if you say you want to be there then you have a better chance.

Yes they can get rides.  Better chance if you are all A level qualified, you could get flown in the back seat for a quick fix of a stranded ac. Hmm, I was in Cold Lake 12 years.  3 rides, all F5's. Could have flown in an 18, but I think they are ugly.

Peak salary, I wouldn't worry about getting there for say..... 20 years minimum.  EDIT - By this I mean it will likely take at least 20 years to make CWO.  I do however,know a couple that made it in 18.  They were and are exceptions.

http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/news/2005/09/07_e.asp  More info here
EDIT - I gotta learn that quote feature.  cdnaviator must have posted seconds before me.
I know the next AVN courses are starting January 9th and again on Feb 27th.  Every couple of months there's been a new one starting up, same with AVN, so they're moving us cattle out pretty quick.  I'm starting on the 9th Jan course, so if you need any info as I go along, let me know through PM if you like.  =)

(edited for my atrocious spelling.)  :-X
Hey Sparkplugs,
Keep me posted on how the course is, i.e. size of course and what the general schedule is like (P.T.) and content.
superhawk said:
Hey Sparkplugs,
Keep me posted on how the course is, i.e. size of course and what the general schedule is like (P.T.) and content.

We have 17 on the avn class that started in November, 15 on the 9 Jan course, and so far as I see, 14 on the 27 Feb course, although changes can still be made on that one, (and likely will be) before then, so that will probably go up to 15 or 17.  I know we start with common core (avn, avs, and acs all take it,) which is about 6 months long, and then we move onto the electronics portion, which is usually 12-14 weeks, although they are trying to get it down to 3-4 weeks, so we'll see.  I'll keep ya posted.
superhawk said:
Do you by any chance have names with those numbers? or more likely serv.#.
Let me know.

Superhawk, this should be done by PM, if it is going to be done at all.  Anything relating to names, and especially service numbers, is considered a PERSEC issue and does not go on in the open.

Army.ca Conduct Guidlines

  • You will not post sensitive or non-public information.

superhawk said:
Roger that G2G. Don't want to get anyone in hot water.What is PM exactly?

PM = Personal message, Superhawk. 

Just click on the Username of the person you want to chat with, scroll to the bottom of their profile page, then select "Send this person a PM".  C'est tout!

Hi .. Not sure if you found any of this information out or if in fact you are already be in Borden.

Please advise if you still need the info?

superhawk said:
Wanted to know if anyone knows when the next scheduled AVS course will start or AVN for that matter.From what I hear most likely March 2007.Can anyone shed some light?

+1 for AVS ... anyone? I can't seem to find the info on the CFSATE(?) website.
Instrument Electrical...or some thing like that, they dealt with the wiring, commonly called "wire pullers" before the trade merge.  Something that has not been mentioned in all the discussion is that if you have a desire to work with Aircraft Weapons and explosives in general you will have to choose AVN.  The only Air Force trade that does Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) work, and works on the Weapons Systems in AVN.  In the CF-18 fleet the AVN trade has been further broken down into 3 'streams'.  Propulsion, Flight, and Weapons/Safety Systems.  Within the W/SS trade stream you will need some electrical background as the AVS trade has yet to embrace the fact that they are 'officially' responsible for the boxes involved in the Weapons System, probably because it is hard to separate the electrical components from the rest.  The wpns system is integrated into and with too many other systems. Just another short note.  If you are interested in working on fast, cool jets come work on the CF-18, if you are looking to work on something that has the capability of maybe helping or changing the world or someones life and giving you some job satisfaction...find something else in the service to work on.  The CF-18 does not deploy very often (twice in its service life so far) and the pilots all think that they are Tom Cruise in Topgun. :cdn:
Alrighty, here's what I know right now.  Couldn't tell you about the AVS stuff, because they all start off in Kingston and I'm not there.  But as far as AVN goes, they've loaded all the courses for the next few months.  There's one starting in May, already loaded, and the next one is loading for mid-July.  We've just lost 3 people off of our course, and gained 4.  This is a bit disconcerting, I know we're just numbers, but to pull off 3 students, who were doing really well, and replace them with 4 people who have failed off the course already, well, it's hard to deal with sometimes.  Now the people who have been pulled have to wait until May and July, respectively, to get back on course.  No one is failing our course yet.  We've had a couple exam failures, but they've all done really well on the re-writes.  We have finished off Common Core, and are now into the BET portion of the course. 

The BET portion is basic electronics training, and it has replaced NIDA.  The BET side is 10 days long right now, and goes directly into your wiring and instrumentation portions of the AVN trades course right after the 10 days are up.  It's definitely been pared down since the NIDA days.  Our course is the first one being guinea-pigged for this BET thing, and so far, so good. 

The course is not incredibly difficult, but most people in the class spend lots of time studying.  The worst part of everything is still being stuck in shacks, when we were supposed to be moved into mods ages ago.  But you deal with it, crazy roomies or not.  I can't wait for July when I get my new pay incentive!  Then I can quit one of my other two bonus jobs.  Truck payments suck, and going from a high-paying lumber mill job to a no-hook private salary is painful to the extreme.  But the other jobs are not bad.  Well, one isn't, anyway.  I pack parachutes at a local drop zone, which I love, and it gets me off the base for awhile, which you definitely need sometimes.

Anyway, since that's where we're at right now, I can't say anymore  because I don't know it.  Anything you need to ask though, PM or email me.

Cheers, Jen
Hey guys I'm on My way to becoming a AVN and I Was wondering what are the changes in going to Gander (NFLD) or Goose Bay (LAB). I would rather go to Gander but Goose bay would do also..

Pav..AVN to be..

Hourclock sucks to by the way his here now...
Chances of going to Gander in AVN are 0. They only have Comorant helicopters and no AVN's work on them, only civilian maintenance, company called IMP. Your chances of getting Goose Bay are very slim. 444 Squadron is small, they fly the Griffon. It is an isolated posting, and won't have the personnel to do training that will be required. No matter what they tell you in Borden, you're not ready to be qualified on a CF aircraft for some time.