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band of brothers

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yes hollywood COULD do a film on a major canadian battle. but would‘nt canadian like it better if the film was made by canadians, instead of hollywood???

which brings me 2 my next question, does canada have a major film industry?
Well, after living in "Hollywood North" for many years (Vancouver is the 3rd most filmed city in the world, after L.A. and New York), I can definitely say that Canada has a thriving film industry. However, everything here caters to the big budget Hollywood productions. The US is where the technology is, and where the large majority of the money, directors, studios, actors, and who makes all the decisions.

Yes, it would be great if Canada made it, but it wouldn‘t get the publicity, the international acclaim, or the budget that Hollywood would be able to provide. I also think it would be great to see the US wave the Canadian flag a little. Hey, it worked for "The Devil‘s Brigade".
K, Lately I find my interest in the War Diary waning. Especially when we can wax poetic about a TV drama.

Hmm, ironic indeedy, especially in light of our very own MND making little ripples in Toronto about the financial shortcomings of the CF and the need to support our Canadians who serve our nations interests. Don‘t see any comments there.

And in case you are wondering about a Canadian Film Industry. Drop Clifford Chadderton or Jack Granastein a line and ask for their thoughts with regards to the great Canadian Film Industries ventures to date portraying our involvement in WW II.

And in the event that you are historically challenged, check the CBC archives for the Valour and the Horror, as well as the various comments made by Rex Murphy. Rex, in his polite way has no taste for war and at every avenue goes to no end to belittle the Canadian effort. Albeit not directly, but as a muse he has a great way to inflict sarcasm in very subtle tones. Maybe watch his Nov 11 spot and form your own opinion.

PS. Combat Medic, perchance are you a WO

UBIQUE :cdn:
No, I‘m a corporal... see above chevrons. Why do you ask?

I think everyone‘s talking about BoB and other topics because we‘ve tired of talking endlessly about the CFs budgetary problems with no relief in sight in the possible future. It‘s like the mandatory 2 days leave for every 30 days in theatre; we‘re trying to get our mind off how bad things really are. :blotto:
Why would hollywood make a canadian a war movie???? Who in America would go and see it. They U-579 and turned the whole story around, just so they get the code machine,and not the British who actually did all the work.

The Canadian film industry is getting better, and could easily make a WW2 movie. It wouldn‘t be as flashy but it would be honest. Men with Brooms was hit and if they market right it will be seen. But the problem is that out movies aren‘t shown on out theaters........ so no one gets to see it.

Harry your right, I have seen interest in the other topic side off and I was wondering why. It be the endless budget talk which very depressing, but there is still lots of topics.

So everyone get writing!!!!

"Why would hollywood make a canadian a war movie???? Who in America would go and see it."

well, obviosly canadains are watching american war movies. so if a film about canadain soliders came out americans will watch that

that‘s a similar argument as "I eat at McDonald‘s because they make hamburgers, I‘ll make hamburgers and the people at McDonald‘s will eat at my house"

Americans watch American war movies because they like THEIR heroes, not Our heroes. Granted there has been some military themed films from the US that depict non-US combatants on both sides of the portrayed conflict, but they are the obvious exception, not the norm. If they were interested we might have seen "Medak. . . the Movie" or "Battle for Goose Green" instead of "Blackhawk Down"