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Well Im a little scare to start basic training. I know i can do it but im not exactly sure what it is like since i have seen many movies with the military and training in it. Has anyone watched the show XCU on TBS, cause they have a show showing Basic training, but its a US show. Is it close to what it will be like? Thanks so much.
My instructors said that BMQ will be different from anything we've ever seen on tv and what we think it will be like, and they were true. Just put up with the beginning and you'll do fine.

here is link from the CF recruiting website its about 2 min video of Basic give you an idea of what it will be like


Hope it helps

I read somewhere on army.ca that BMQ is the easiest military course you will ever get.  Having completed SQ, I must agree.  The only real shocker is getting used to the etiquette of military life.  Marching everywhere, learning the rank structure, and each of the courses is all simple stuff. 

Just stay calm, you'll be fine.  Best advice I ever got was ....just do as you're told.
Mojo Magnum said:
I read somewhere on army.ca that BMQ is the easiest military course you will ever get.  Having completed SQ, I must agree. 

If you think SQ was hard, get ready for it....

The courses get harder and harder.    ;)

You know, I don't think so... I mean, they do get harder, but you also get better prepared for it...

BMQ probably *is* one of the harder courses you'll do, not because the course itself is hard (Far from it), but just because it's such a shock to the system.

Of course, you could also viably do the entire course without thinking... at all...

It's all relative I guess.
There was a girl on here who uploaded this video to video.google.com, sorry I don't remember her name to give her proper credit:  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8095366270300852822&q=BMQ 

Good video, I have had this on loop for a few days on the living room TV, as mental preparation to do my BMQ next year.  I'm sure we'll all do fine, don't think too much... (i.e.: Don't ever ask yourself why you're here, but ask why haven't done this earlier?!?)  :blotto:  Cheers!
commIT said:
There was a girl on here who uploaded this video to video.google.com, sorry I don't remember her name to give her proper credit:  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8095366270300852822&q=BMQ 

Good video, I have had this on loop for a few days on the living room TV, as mental preparation to do my BMQ next year.  I'm sure we'll all do fine, don't think too much... (i.e.: Don't ever ask yourself why you're here, but ask why haven't done this earlier?!?)  :blotto:  Cheers!

I just watched a bit of this video, its great, that is the BMQ course about a month before me. In like the first few minutes of the video it shows the recruits first getting to thier quaters there is a tall girl with glasses talking about them staying together and helping eachother out. She got to kingston about a month or so before me and was in the same building as myself but she was going SIG OP. lol, small world.
  I'm here at St. Jean right now...............my advice ffor people coming to BMQ........................GET YOURSELF IN THE BEST SHAPE YOU CAN GET IN!
    On our morning 5am runs, we still have people puking their guts up all over the place because they never ran before.  Also you will be amazed by the amount of people here walkin around injured.  People on crutches....broken legs....ankles.....twisted everything.  Get your body used to the punishment its going to get.. Start today!
  CHeers guys
yeah, I was scared at first too.

I went to the armoury with all my kit, and i had no idea where to go or what to do,then i seen a bunch of people in green in the corner, with all their cornflakes on lol, so i went over there. and that's when i got REALLY scared, one of the sergeants had a stick, lol, and they all looked so serious..

the first day, i thought, was the worst day of all...i remember the WO saying, "you can kiss your civilian lives goodbye.."  :o hehe

but after you get used to it, it's REALLY fun..and then you start to understand the intructors jokes. hehehe

then when that's done, you're prepared for SQ! And then prepared for whatever you're taking afterwards..

Best of luck to ya!  ;D Have fun
Yeah, the quicker you can adjust to marching, recognizing ranks, and shutting up the more fun it will be.
Check out this site here

It seems to have all the course info on it.

(If you look at the timetable, I'm wondering if the day actually ends at 8pm and we get the rest of the night off to rest in our quarters)
So far in my short time in the military basic is the hardest course in terms of getting used to military life, the shock of it, etc. I believe that by fall BMQ is going to be either a 13 week course or a 15 week course to incorporate SQ into basic. So that all recruits can go right to their QL3's afterwards. As well I've noticed that each course differs, the people that did basic in Valcartier say its the funnest course in the military, in Gagetown its easier then BMQ, in Meaford its "hell" etc. It depends on your instructors as well as the conditions which will factor in whether the course is extremely hard or not.
Uh .. I'm going to Meaford as far as I know.  I wasn't worried before but now I'm just plain scared.
Meaford is not hard at all. You wake up before the sun every morning, finish PT as it rises, and work all day tilll after it sets! It's simple and made even simpler for you by your staff who live with you and decide your day down to the minute including evenings. Food is not bad, you get 6 hours of sleep a night in garrison, savor it because when you hit the field you will get 2 hours a night max!!

I took more extras in Meaford than anyone else on course, and probably had more fun than anybody else. .. smile..
Meaford was fun, a suggestion is make sure you have your rainsuit in your tactical vest and if it starts actually wear it, and I found the overboots to be helpful.
Is that schedule in the link I posted close to accurate at all?  5am runs half the time, with 8pm end of activity most of the days?  Weekends off? 

edit: here is the link again (link http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/site/soyez_prets/qmb/entrainement_w1_e.asp)
Sweet.  Im going to be doing my BMQ in meaford as well.  Just a matter of how fast my recruiter gets back to me :rage: ....Ive been waiting to hear back from her regarding a course that starts at the end of this month. 

Ive been to the base just to take a look around for fun.  It looks like a good place to be. 

Im trying to get myself in the right frame of mind for training.  Watching programs and trying to absorb as much information as I can so I am better equipped (mentally) to deal with the change of lifestyle.  By the way, has anyone here been watching the SAS: Survival Secrets on the History channel???? My god that show is amazing. ive never picked up so much from one program before. 

I dont consider myself 'scared' about doing basic.  Nervous of the unknown, yes, but not scared.  I think basic training is what you make of it in your head.  I understand that they're yelling at me because what theyre saying is important and is something I MUST learn.  The will try to intimidate me as well as find my breaking point where stress overtakes me.  I just need to focus on the fact that all disciplinary training will make me a better person.  I will respect the words of the instructor as he/she yells them in my ear.  This is the state of mind im in.  I feel ready.

It really is all in your head about how you take everything. Just have fun with it (try not to smile) and when you can tell jokes and keep the spirit up when the going gets rough.