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Bayonets: your essential Zombie killing weapon accessory.

Dealing with Zombies using real science:


Why a Zombie Movie Made by Physicists is the Best Kind of Science PR

By J. Bryan Lowder

Posted Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012, at 2:15 PM ET

Back when I was a science writing intern at a major U.S. lab, there was a short list of words we were cautioned never to use in our public articles. Radiation was at the top of that list, not because the lab produced it in dangerous amounts (actually, it produced less than exists normally in nature), but because when people read the word, they freak out. The public’s fear—and by extension, this lab’s fear of talking about—radiation is understandable, but it’s also unreasonable and reveals a disappointing ignorance of science. Indeed, in a moment when science education, science literacy, and basic science funding are suffering, the kind of PR divide that a little word like radiation can wedge open is supremely unhelpful. But how can we combat it? With boring public lectures? With childish open-house-style “science days” full of cheesy demonstrations? A group physicists and engineers at CERN, the particle physics lab outside Geneva, Switzerland, had a better idea: Make a zombie movie.

CERN is the place where the Higgs Boson, the particle-size snippet of a previously theorized field thought to imbue matter with mass, was discovered back in July. And before that, it was best known as the home of the Higgs-producing machine—the Large Hadron Collider—that some claimed would create a black hole or other exotic phenomenon capable of ending the world. (For the record, this hasn’t happened—yet.)

The frustrating questions from under-informed journalists and phone calls from crackpots inspired a group of CERN researchers and technicians (almost all with little or no filmmaking experience) decided to have a little fun with the unfounded anxieties surrounding their work. They would create a genre-aware, DIY horror flick called Decay in which the populace is zombified not by a virus, but by “Higgs radiation.” And though CERN never authorized or endorsed the film, it also didn’t stop the team from making it.

Burton DeWilde, a physics Ph.D. and Decay’s director of photography/editor (and a friend of mine), explained the genesis of the project in an email:

The idea of filming a zombie movie at CERN was originally conceived by Luke Thompson (writer-director) and Hugo Day (props master) while exploring the lab's creepy labyrinth of underground maintenance tunnels. It was agreed that they would make an excellent setting for a horror film. From there, the story evolved into a cheeky riff on the black hole hysteria: "The LHC didn't produce earth-devouring black holes after all—but have you considered brain-devouring zombies?" Concerns about the Higgs in particular and clichés of mad scientists were also mixed in. We took all these worries to a totally ridiculous place.

And Decay is totally ridiculous, in the best sense of the word. The 75-min, $3,500 movie is remarkably well-made, given the creative team’s lack of experience. It’s studded with all the gratuitous gore, cheap shocks, and absurd plot twists that zombie fans crave. Science nerds and those who love them will bask in its shameless use of sci-fi clichés like “the results are inconclusive at best,” and “my research is too important!”

But all joking aside, this research is important, and sharing it with the public is a worthy goal. For this reason, CERN was wise to offer its tacit support of a project that, despite its undead conceit, actually does a better job than any narrative film I have ever seen of introducing a lay audience to the world in which ground-breaking science gets done. DeWilde recalled that while he and his team were “concerned that CERN's administration wouldn't appreciate the humor in what we were doing,” they found the lab brass to be “good sports” in the end. “I think CERN recognizes that every time people engage with particle physics, there's potential for a learning experience,” he said.

I couldn’t agree more. In not being afraid to make a joke about “radiation”—or, for that matter, to show a little brain-eating at an internationally renowned institution—Decay gives the public a mite of credit for being able to discern between fact and fantasy. It will also likely inspire a few more people to Google “Higgs Boson” and learn more about how reality works on the most fundamental level. If that’s not worth a few gallons of split corn-syrup blood, I don’t know what is.

You can watch the entire film below, or download it for free here.
Thucydides said:
Dealing with Zombies using real science:


A very Decent zombie movie 
The entire movie is on Youtube as well. I thought it was worth the 1hr and 16 mins it took out of my life to watch it.  ;)
Turns out my new BlueRay player can play Youtube vids so I had the luxury of watching on my TV. ;D
If you have some time and have skill with tools, you can make this:


The Zombie Hammer, Now with Skull Ejector

By Gareth Branwyn , 2012/01/02 @ 2:30 pm
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Slingshot artificer Jörge Sprave is at it again. This time he’s made a vicious slingshot (no surprise there), but with a second business end — a deadly counter-weighted spike, aka the Zombie Hammer. Ever the thoughtful weaponeer, Jörge added a handled lever to disengage the weapon from zombie-skull after a blow. Don’t worry, he promises to only use his weapon on the undead.

The Slingshot Channel


    Giant Machete-Shooting Slingshot
    Terrify Your Neighbors with a Circular Saw Blade Slingshot

Jorge is rather accomplished(?) in the creation of various other items of mayhem as well, as the sidebar on his YouTube channel attests (Gatling crossbow?)

edit for spelling
Seems appropriate for this thread

So long as you have access to working firearms, nothing could be better than DU buckshot. Evidently it is capable of traveling a kilometer straight up (if fired at drones), so you can imagine the mayhem this would cause fired at long range into a crowd of zombies from your perch on the roof....


12 ga - 3" Uranium Drone Load - 1 3/8 oz - Tacnition - 5 Rounds


$3.55 per round

Quick Overview

A first of its kind ammunition to help protect you and your family from unwanted surveillance.


Big Brother is watching, and with modern technology, if Big Brother can see it, he can turn it into a giant smoking crater with just the press of a button. Even your secret remote wilderness bunker is no match for today’s military drones. In partnership with Tacnition Ammo, Lucky Gunner is happy to introduce a new way for you to fight back against the All Seeing Eye with our new anti-drone shotgun loads.

Years of research and development have gone into these highly effective 12 gauge shells that can turn even Joe Biden’s double barrel shotgun into an instant anti-aircraft platform. Specially formulated propellant is capable of launching 9 pellets of depleted uranium rounds up to 1 km straight up into the air. With accurate shot placement, this armor piercing buckshot will disable vital systems on modern military drones. At minimum, the force of impact will disable navigation systems, but in over 60% of our field tests, the drones were incapable of remaining airborne after contact with our Anti-Drone Loads.

NOTE: Drone Loads are intended for entertainment use only and not intended to be used in any manner not in accordance with federal and local laws. Lucky Gunner assumes no responsibility for any illegal activity involving Tacnition Drone Ammo.
Additional Information

Manufacturer Tacnition
Condition new
Bullet Weight 1-3/8 oz
Bullet Type Depleted Uranium Buckshot
Ammo Casing Not Applicable
Quantity 5
Ammo Caliber 12 Gauge
Manufacturer SKU 4-1-2013
Primer Type Not Applicable
Shell Length 3"
Muzzle Velocity (fps) No
Muzzle Energy (ft lbs) No
Cost Per Round $3.55 per round
After you have used up the ammunition (or it has gone stale due to decades of storage in your underground bunker), you might want to get this:




Getting edged weapons is your issue....
I'm going to use a bus...
    Its pretty the ultimate anti-zombie weapon outside a tank. No issues with getting grabbed or contaminated.
KevinB said:
I'm going to use a bus...
    Its pretty the ultimate anti-zombie weapon outside a tank. No issues with getting grabbed or contaminated.

Wire up the windows, up gun the engine a bit and attach a cow catcher type gadget on the front so the zombies are pushed to the side after you run them down. Similar to a snow plow.

Make sure it's a cruiser type bus with the DVD player, ok?

Also firing ports might be handy.
NavyShooter said:

Mad Max Anyone???

Too open.  The ability for a wayward zombie to grab and punch is too near.

Whereas this allows you to be stylin and profilin while pushing those undead bastages to the side.


Remember in all cases to have backups.  Ammo will runout so having a long enough machete, baseball bat with spikes or even a pike for that medieval throwback allows you the flexibility to deal with any hungry individual.
Michael O'Leary said:
The Milnet.ca Staff .... sucking the fun out of on line discourse since 1993.    ;D
Figured I would quote this from page 1.  How does the kool-aid taste Michael?

*puts poop disturbing device down*

Jim Seggie said:
Canadian Trucker speaks wisely...
Holy cow, my Mother told me this day would come but I never believed her.
Canadian.Trucker said:
Holy cow, my Mother told me this day would come but I never believed her.

I don't even know your mom....or maybe I do....... ???
A truck is pretty cool, but remember you need a fair bit of mass behind it to punch through large numbers of zombies or other obstacles:
Ah - we need tracks.

  CCV for Anti-Zombie role?
