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Best Box Lunch and Worse


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Ok who has the best CF Box Lunch. Not hay box, but box. I love Borden's. You get those real subs that you can buy at Petro Canada - Hamish and Enzo. Meaford's is like the sandwiches my grandmother used to make. One slice of meat on stale bread. So let's tell the brass what we want and don't want.

Macaroni - yeah keep it
Jello - toss it
Banana - toss it

Ok screw it, just pack it full of sanwiches
The box lunches from Europahoff in Lahr were the best I've ever had.  They often included such things as KFC style chicken, and lots of really good sandwich fixings.  Their only drawback was the shelf-milk, but since there was usually juice too, it was managable.
Anything made by the airforce is the best.  Anything made by the military sucks (all things considered).
I've always enjoyed the candlelight boxed lunches the AF provide.
Quagmire said:
Anything made by the airforce is the best.  Anything made by the military sucks (all things considered).

I agree. I remember the kitchen at CFS St John’s accidentally giving us box lunches for a range day that were meant for an Aurora crew flying out of St John’s/Torbay Airport on some fisheries patrol. Man over 20 years laterr and I can still remember how amazed we were at how much food you could cram into a single box. Almost felt sorry for those poor flyboys opening their lunch over the Grand Banks and finding single slice of mystery meat on stale bread and a shrivelled piece of fruit. 8)
Gotta love those 4000 calorie brownies, or 6000 calorie sugar pastries (an exaggeration of course, but not that far off either)...and the cans of coke and chips.... 

I know it's to give you energy while in the field, but eating them too often will cause you actually gain weight in the field...

Yet some of them were rather healthy (fruit, juice etc etc)
my personal favorite was the "Cheese Sandwich" aka a stale bagel with one slice of processed cheese.. they were good for two things. using the cheese for another sandwich, and or using the bagel as a seat cushion.....

the Hamish and Enzo Chicken was pretty decent.......  and some of the Sub sandwiches wernt all bad either....

I miss When Borden used to put the chicken fingers into the box lunches..... man those were good!
Cpl Thompson said:
my personal favorite was the "Cheese Sandwich" aka a stale bagel with one slice of processed cheese.. they were good for two things. using the cheese for another sandwich, and or using the bagel as a seat cushion.....

the Hamish and Enzo Chicken was pretty decent.......  and some of the Sub sandwiches wernt all bad either....

I miss When Borden used to put the chicken fingers into the box lunches..... man those were good!

They were the best out of all the sandwhiches,subs etc... i used to do the box lunches in borden, after doing a couple hundred a day it kinda gets boring...
Nothing beets the Balogna and Butter on stale bread.  :blotto:

Borden's are good for a while, but after 4 weeks Hamish and Enzo taste horrible.

Best I remember would be 17 Wing WPG who provided the box lunches during 2VP's summer leave.  Like Quagmire said (agreeing twice in the same day with you :o) airforce box lunches are the lesser of the 2 evils.

God, if I never eat another Hamish & Enzo, it'll be far, far too soon.

I used to get box lunches from my highschool cafeteria, in the brown CF Box lunch boxes, with black marker across the CF part...I guess the boxes "fell off the truck"

Best box lunch was given to me on the bus ride back to the Edmonton airport after RV92.  Highlights included a sub, fried chicken and a Coke.  Until that time, I had no idea that the "rules" permitted inclusion of such food items in the box.  I remember sort of staring at the Coke in awe.  As a bonus, the coach bus came with fully stocked drink fridge at the back that the driver let us raid.  To a Reservist, this was the greatest Reg Force recruiting ad.
Years ago I spent four years on Class B with Air Transport Group out of Trenton.  I'm an Army guy, and had no real idea of any cultural or gustatory difference.  Did I get an awakening.  Not only the box lunches, but the hotels we stayed at etc.

One day though things did go wrong.  We spent a night at Lyneham, a big RAF base.  The next day we flew out with Brit box lunches.  Gag me!  The main item was a huge pie filled with white fat, and a thin layer of brown "meat" in the middle.  The weight was enough to take you right to the bottom.

Then there was the time when covering a fishery patrol out of Greenwood, I was sitting there with my headset on listening to the flight deck chatter.  The aircraft commander was talking to the crew chief about the meals that had been loaded. (Remember, these "fishpats" last 11 hours and more)  When he was informed that his favourite butter tarts were not there, he actually held the aircraft on the ground, engines running, for another ten minutes until the missing items were tracked down and brought aboard.

Gotta love it.
We got Gatorade out of Petawawa lunch boxes in CAC/Stalwart.. whatever they're calling it.. back in 2001?/2002?
Years blend together... but I that has to have been the best thing I've ever seen in one.
I've had the boxed lunches at the Connaught Ranges a few times, and they never fail to remind me of edible cardboard. The fruit punch is always appreciated though.
Gotta LOVE those Pet box lunches...with sandwiches that are good for over a month.

I always liked the Shearwater lunches.  There was always an assortment of sandwiches and sometimes chicken fingers -- always with dipping sauce.  And then there was the vegetarian option -- hard boiled eggs and veggies and dip, or pb&j and an eggs salad sandwich.
Strike said:
Gotta LOVE those Pet box lunches...with sandwiches that are good for over a month.

I always liked the Shearwater lunches.  There was always an assortment of sandwiches and sometimes chicken fingers -- always with dipping sauce.  And then there was the vegetarian option -- hard boiled eggs and veggies and dip, or pb&j and an eggs salad sandwich.

No need for extra fuel tanks with all those eggs......  ;D
My favourite box lunch had to be the ones in Bonia, especially V.K. The slight hint of perfume on the bread made them extra special!
Nothing beets the Bologna and Butter on stale bread
lol...Gotta love a sandwich with lots of butter :P I agree the airforce has the best box lunches.I think the army kitchen has to take tips from the Airforce. ;)
Depends how hard we've been going, *any* box lunch can be the best when you're hungry enough......
My worst was on a C130 between Winnipeg and Ottawa back in, I hate to say, 1982. It was a hot day, and by the time we had the boxes handed down from one to another, the drinks were warm, and the contents of the sandwiches had melted into the bread, creating a gooy sodden mess.

I don't miss box lunches. It must be a CF thing, because I have not seen one in going on 12 yrs now.

