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Best Marches


Army.ca Veteran
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Trying to compile a CD of Marches and I've got my personal Favourites but I was wondering if anyone would like to add.
Some of them aren't marches, so much as they are military themed Music, but I would appreciate marches:

Heart of oak (of course)
Under the Double Eagle
Rule Britannia (The version I have is more..marchy)

These are my few absolute favourites, I would like to hear any other suggestions, I'm aiming for about 22 tracks.

And I don't mean a Jodie, if I read anything about C-130's, Paratroopers or how you want to be Navy SEALS I will...well I won't wipe the post, but you've been warned about it. *stinkeye*
You mean like Regimental marches?

I've always loved Scotland the Brave and Bonnie Dundee.
Here's one, not really a march but more like martial music: The Maple Leaf Forever. Good ole Canuck tune   ;D

It's actually a song written as an anthem for confederation but it works as a march, esp. when done by pipes and drums.
The Dam Busters March, Eric Coates, Colonel Bogey, The Sound of the Guns, Stars and Stripes
Forever, Notre Dame Victory March, Life on the Ocean Wave, British Grenadiers, The Thin Red
Line, there are many, especially the official marches of various British and Canadian Regiments
- there are great Marching Band recordings, CD's etc. from the Nova Scotia International Tattoo
held in Halifax annually, which feature many military bands - a favorite in the Tattoo, is the
official March of the United States Marine Corps. MacLeod
Meeting Of The Waters
Mucking of Geordies Byre
Cock Of The North
Pipe Major Donald McLean Of Lewis
The Royal Canadian Legion apparently endorses Horst Wesel Lied, which admittedly is catchy if you don't understand what the words mean.  I think some well meaning German lad wrote "nice" words to it recently but....

Haenschen Klein is also good - it is the one at the start of Cross of Iron.

Badenweiler Marsch was Hitler's favourite, but I don't like it for other reasons.  Radetzky Marsch, Washington Post, British Grenadiers, all good as is Kaiserjaeger Marsch.
I used to be a member of the Pembroke Legion community band. It's modeled off a brass band. We would play at Legion events in the area. This included Remembrance Day and Legion week. (I think thats what its called) I don't know if any are regimental or not. Some of the songs we played included:

The Maple Leaf Forever
My Boy Willy
The Village Backsmith
The Thin Red Line
Colonel Bogey
Military Escort
Officer of the Day
Our Director

I can't remember any others right now, I'll post some more if I can think of some.
Michael Dorosh said:
Haenschen Klein is also good - it is the one at the start of Cross of Iron.

glad you said that, didn't think the Megaherz version was much of a marching tune!
Hey lets not forget the RCAF Marchpast. It's my favorite. Scotland the Brave and Black Bear are also good
I've got to say that the RCASC's "Wait For The Wagon" is the best I have ever heard.

But just about anything by John Philip Soussa will do, in a pinch I guess.
I'll back you on Wait for the Waggon

I was very dissapointed that, at my father's funeral in Borden, the "still and thinking parts" were quite offended by my request that the RCASC march be played.
Apparently the "politically correct" CF types were horrified by that...and wanted the March of the Logistics Branch played instead...
An affront to my father and to a great many of the old soldiers who were there in his memory.

Such pettiness could have ruined the funeral...but luckiily the day was saved by my Pipe-Sergeant....who played The Scottish Soldier......one of the old man's favorites, in stead.
and later Wait for the Waggon.......at the reception.... ;)   

I was heartened recently to overhear a conversation between a few Regular force  LOG NCOs' / WO/s who WANTED to bring back Wait For the Waggon among other things.....
Veterans should have the right to be buried with their "former" trappings.  One of our legendary regimental officers who joined up as a private in 1939 and was a major in 1945, went on to command the regiment postwar, and also served as an Alderman in our city for many years - had his coffin draped with the Union Jack, by his own request, when we buried him just a few years ago.  He was born in Canada IIRC and was as Canadian as they come, but that was the flag he fought for, and he came from a long line of British military officers.  No insult or injury was perceived by anyone at the proceedings, or so I am led to believe...we all pretty much understood where he had been coming from.

I tried to get an RCASC flag for the HL that carried my father's coffin......
(At least that was done correctly)

I am in no way casting asperions on the Army in general,because the Officers and Soldiers who acted on our behalf (myMother and Sister and I) as the Unit liasons were outstanding....

just a clump of post integration yes men who denied my father the right to have his Corps flag at his funeral.

Century of Progress is another good Canadian tune, and I'm fond of The Liberty Bell if only because it's the same march from the opening credits of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Ah!  Yes!

The Scottish Soldier (Green Hills of Tyrol) has got to be one of the greatest.  I'm surprised that there were not more nominations for it from all our Highlanders.

The 3/4 retreats (Green Hills, When the Battles Ore, Balmoral) are good, but nothing beats the swing of a 6/8 march.  Farewell to the Creeks, Blue Bonnets, Piobarachd Of Donald Dubh, Glendural Highlanders and Wi' A Hundred Pipers are just some examples.
x-grunt said:
Here's one, not really a march but more like martial music: The Maple Leaf Forever. Good ole Canuck tune   ;D

It's actually a song written as an anthem for confederation but it works as a march, esp. when done by pipes and drums.

Even though I do like the music of The Maple Leaf Forever, it is quite insulting to French Canadians.

The Maple Leaf Forever said:
In days of yore, from Britain's shore
Wolfe, the dauntless hero, came
And planted firm Britania's flag
On Canada's fair domain.
There may it wave, our boast and pride
And join in love together
The thistle, shamrock, rose entwine
The maple leaf forever.

It did not even give any lip service to the French that were the first Canadians of European descent.

My two cents!
Heaven forbid....It never mentioned the Vikings who came before the French either.

In days of yore..
From Greenlands Shore,
Lief the Lucky hero came
And planted firm the raven flag
On Canada's fair domain
We'll keep it here, with axe and spear.....
And all drink mead forever
With Helmet's horned, and mail shirts bright!
The Maple Leaf Forever!
