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BMQ/SQ Reserve process

oligarch said:
Hey all

Just wondering if anyone here knows about Mieford and BMQ for Reserve Recce. I am currently completing my application package and getting all the documents together. I'm applying to be armoured recce in reserves and something in my package is a bit confusing. I'll be sure to ask my recruiter, but I'll see him only after I get all the docs together but I want an idea of what's up now. It goes something like this (shortened):


The following are trades that the rangers are currently hiring for:
- list of trades I'm not particularly interested in *at this time*

There are two methods of taking the BMQ course that potential Rangers can take. These are Coop course and the weekend course.
- Weekend course (starts in JANUARY... I don't want to wait until JAN!!!)
- The Coop course (I am not a highschool student, I'm a university student so I guess this does not apply to me)

(next page out of nowhere with no explanation)
- The Summer Course: "The summer course is for BMQ, SQ, and MOC Armoured Recce.... (talks about getting paid, etc, even though I'd do it for free if they just let me do it in the summer) ....the training is held at area training centre meaford..... (talks about days off, etc)

"No matter what option you take, Coop or weekend training, you will find the training to be ....."


So can someone clarify this for me? If I am sworn in, say four months from now, then what will I be doing until JANUARY? NOTHING? I am having difficulty understanding the difference between Rangers and what I think is the Primary Reserve armoured recce I want to be. I was under the impression that Rangers were a completely different part of the army until I saw this. Does this mean I'd have to wait until Jan to start or will I be taking the summer course if I am planning to be a reservist recce (summer would be better since training is probably the hardest part and the most shocking, and it would serve my grades well to do it while not attending university)

Anyway, of course, I'll clear all this up later, but I'd be intersted in the opinion of anyone on here. Plus I'll be more prepared when I hand in all the required forms, etc.

Thanks a million!

PS. What are the current rules regard security clearance. I am a citizen, have been living in Canada for the past 9 years and 7 months, and before then have lived in a country "of security concern", but I was of the age of 11 when I left and have no ties with the country anymore. All my immediate relatives are here, even my grandparents. I also went for a week to the Dominican Rep. on vacation a year back as a tourist. Will I be subjected to a long security clearance? The info I have read conflicts (some info says 5 years in Canada is enough and some say 10... so which is it?) Besides, if I was a child when I lived there there is no way for me to have any criminal record, so why even bother to check?

Thanks a million, my apologies for misplacing the "PS". I will move it to a new topic upon request.

Do summer training, that is my advice. What general area do you live in, Toronto or more York Regionish? If you need help with the application in depth, shoot me a message and I will see what I can do to assist, and to convince you to join the Governor General's Horse Guards...
popnfresh said:
Do summer training, that is my advice. What general area do you live in, Toronto or more York Regionish? If you need help with the application in depth, shoot me a message and I will see what I can do to assist, and to convince you to join the Governor General's Horse Guards...

I will convince you of the same  :)
Thanks guys, that is exactly what I am hoping to do. I'd much prefer summer training because being immersed in the experience 24/7 is exactly how I envision training to be myself. I heard rumours that summer training was no longer offered for the Queens York Rangers, but I hope that is all they are - rumours. And doing it on alternate weekends appears to be something much more difficult and - what is more important - less rewarding. Upon seeing an alternate weekend course starting in January, as explained in my application package, I came to be a bit concerned that January would be the earliest I could start, which was a shock. The package also said "you have two options" and then proceeded to list the co-op and weekend course, and then on the next page it had a summer course. Then it proceeds to say, "no matter if you choose co-op or weekend...". So logically my mind went haywire because I clearly counted three options: co-op, weekend, and summer.

Anyway thanks to all, I'll post if anything comes up.

For the application, what average does one need in highschool? I heard it was around 70, but it is unclear what is meant by "average". Sessional for the last year of HS or cumulative? I have an average of 91 or 92 or something for my best six grade 12 courses, but the cumulative average for all my years of high-school is a lot lower, since I was much more of a trouble maker in grade 9, 10, and 11. Will my significantly poorer performance in the younger years hamper my chances?
In accordance with QR&O 2.034, the Reserve Force is composed of the following four sub-components:
• Primary Reserve;
• Supplementary Reserve;
• Cadet Instructors Cadre; and
• Canadian Rangers.

The Canadian Rangers are part-time Reservists who provide a military presence in remote, isolated, and coastal communities across Canada. Although the Canadian Rangers do not operate exclusively in the North, their patrols do provide over 90% of the CF presence in Northern Area.  There are currently 3500 Canadian Rangers in 144 communities across Canada and 7 Patrol Groups. This number is expected to increase to 4800 by March 2008.

Ref:  DCE 001 L8 and L9
He's going to the QYR, and all the questions he's asking are answered in the Recruiting Forum.

All he has to do is Search, just like everyone else has to.


Milnet.ca Staff
Yeah I'm going down to CFRC personally to hand in my paperwork tommorow to move things along faster, I was told its possible to get a slot for the next BMQ in July by a guy who handles recruiting at the unit. Is there a way of finding out exact start/end dates because I need to ensure that my summer university course agrees with my army plans. I don't want to be running around trying to get things done as soon as possible only to find out that I have an exam on the day I'm supposed to be at Meaford. If that's the case, I might as well take it easy and not worry as much. Any help? Also, has the army shown itself to be accomidating for such thing as simply writing an exam on ONE day? I'm curious if I have a chance not to delay BMQ should - god forbid - such a problem arise. I know for sure that I will be done by June 20th FOR SURE, it may be also up to four to six days before then.
The fastest way to get in is go straight to the unit. I personally found i got better (and faster) results then dealing with CFRC. The Trg and Ops NCO can answer your questions in regards to whether or not a course is full.
Alright guys, thank you all for your help. I've done the CFAT and passed, done the physical, interview, and medical (for which I'm out 60 bucks for the eye exam which I did at a walk-in down the street). For future reference, if anyone is working through the CFRC in Toronto (Sheppard and Young), there are several eye clinics within walking distance like one on finch and young where you can do the exam without an appointment and bring back the form on the same day. Its wierd that the CFRC pays for travel but not for the extra required medical stuff. Has anyone ever been reimbursed for this?

Anyway, now all that is left is just to play the waiting game (to have the eye results and medical approved) and pray for that one in a million chance of getting in for summer training, which is "almost full" as everyone everywhere keeps telling me. I'm still hanging onto that "almost".

Thanks all!!
I was also wondering about the following things:

1) If the only additional thing I was required to do for my medical was bring in an updated eye prescription (which states that i have perfect correction vision), and having passed the CFAT, PT, and Interview, does that mean I am pretty much in?

2) The interviewer told me I may be sworn in, be kitted, and be able to start working (helping around at the unit) BEFORE BMQ, and that chances are that I will start BMQ in the fall. This, to me, is unheard of. Does anyone know if it is true that one can start working before BMQ?

3) If a Res is doing BMQ on weekend, is he also expected to be presend on parade nights on wednesdays as well? The reason I ask is that I will have uni and I have to enroll in my fall courses soon, so knowing this info would be greatly useful when it comes to scheduling.
hey there...

I am actually trying to get in as a Sig Op Reserves at Comm Regiment in Toronto and will be doing my physical test June 4th.  I was told that if everything goes well, I could go for the BMQ/SQ at Shilo on June 14th.  However, I have a full time job so I opted for weekends which is to start in the fall.  I was told the same thing that I could get sworn in around end of June and get my kit and start working in the unit until the BMQ. I actually don't know how it works.  I'm pretty much done with the application and all I need is to pass my PT.

It sounds like you're pretty much in considering you have finished  everything but to be official, I think you have to get sworn in. Also, a friend who is a reservist too told me that yes, you do have to go to parade nights during your BMQ.
What's your trade anyway and which unit?   