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Bowe Bergdahl: Missing in AFG 2009, Released 2014, Tried 2015

George Wallace said:
I wonder what the end analysis will be?  Traitor?  Innocent mistake?  Moron?  Abduction?  Religious convert?  None of the above?  All of the above?

Buyer of the most expensive carton of 'Pines' in the history of OEF?
Reading a post from one of the soldiers from this douchbags platoon who was on the ground,  over a half dozen US soldiers died looking for this guy.  I can only assume more were injured.  There was a big increase of ieds in the area too apparently as the taliban knew the US  were looking for him.
Lots of first hand accounts point to this weirdo deserting his post.
Transporter said:
A.k.a season 1?

Yeah, except I guess it's Season 4 and they've fired Damien Lewis and and the CIA chick.  I also have my doubts he'll be elected to Congress...

medicineman said:
Yeah, except I guess it's Season 4 and they've fired Damien Lewis and and the CIA chick.  I also have my doubts he'll be elected to Congress...


I believe the CIA chick is still on board for season 4... Damien Lewis is not though, given his character was hanged in the final episode of season 3.
Some precedent in this case?  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Robert_Jenkins 
Charles Robert Jenkins (born February 18, 1940) is a former United States Army soldier who lived in North Korea from 1965 to 2004 after deserting from his unit and crossing the Korean Demilitarized Zone.
In South Korea, Jenkins was assigned to night patrols. As a result of fears that he would be transferred to combat duty in Vietnam, he grew depressed and anxious, and started drinking alcohol. On the night of January 4, 1965, after reportedly drinking ten beers, he set off on his nightly patrol of the Demilitarized Zone. In the early morning, he told his patrol that he was going to investigate a noise.
On November 3, Jenkins pled guilty to charges of desertion and aiding the enemy, but denied making disloyal or seditious statements – the latter charges were dropped. He was sentenced to 30 days' confinement, received a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and benefits and was reduced in rank to E-1 private (the lowest rank in the US Army). He was released six days early, on November 27, 2004, for good behavior.

(The outcome of this particular case seems to be the result of dispassionate application of policy as opposed to heated emotional reaction :2c:)
There's a piece in the National Post that says his armour, rifle and chest rig were in a neat pile at the guard post the next morning after he disappeared.
Transporter said:
I believe the CIA chick is still on board for season 4... Damien Lewis is not though, given his character was hanged in the final episode of season 3.

Thanks for the spoiler  :( - haven't seen Season 3 yet.  However, what I actually meant was that they'd fired the previous folks in the show so they could hire on their new lead - Sgt Bergdahl. 

Lightguns said:
There's a piece in the National Post that says his armour, rifle and chest rig were in a neat pile at the guard post the next morning after he disappeared.

He also asked his Sergeant that if he were to go off-post with his sensitive equipment (rifle, armour etc.) If it would be a big deal... Or something to that effect
Bowe Bergdahl’s Vanishing Before Capture Angered His Unit

medicineman said:
Thanks for the spoiler  :( - haven't seen Season 3 yet.  However, what I actually meant was that they'd fired the previous folks in the show so they could hire on their new lead - Sgt Bergdahl. 


Got it... and I was only kidding about Brady being hanged at the end of season 3  ;D
Transporter said:
Got it... and I was only kidding about Brady being hanged at the end of season 3  ;D

Or did they? >:D

Hollywood plot twists and all, they will find some way to bring him back. 

They probably faked the whole thing.

Just like they did the Moon Landings.
What I have a hard time wrapping my head around is how the opposition to the Obama Administration is turning themselves inside out to say that Congress should have been notified, and they traded 5 HVT's for a Sgt. who may or may not have deserted or defected, but yet they still hold up the standard that no man should be left behind on the battle field.

I'm telling you, politics down here has gotten more and more like Alice falling down the Rabbit hole as the years go on.

For example, they showed a clip of an interview with George W. after the Plame Affair. He reiterated a discussion he had with VP Cheney where after the Scooter Libby Trial with Libby serving jail time and no pardon coming from the White House, Cheney said to Bush, you never leave a soldier on the battlefield. Then overlap that with Cheney criticizing the Obama Administration for trading prisoners in Gitmo for Bergdhal.
cupper said:
Or did they? >:D

Hollywood plot twists and all, they will find some way to bring him back. 

They probably faked the whole thing.

Just like they did the Moon Landings.

Read an interview recently where the producer said there's no way he's coming back. In fact, he said they had been looking for a way to get rid of him since the end of season 1. But I guess you never know.
For the record, here's the Taliban boss's response (usual caveat about clicking on bad-guy links - also attached as screen capture):
Felicitation message of esteemed Amir-ul-Momineen (May Allah safeguard him) regarding the release of Jihadi heads from ‘Guantanamo Jail’

I would like to congratulate from the core of my heart the whole Afghan nation, the devoted Mujahidin and the kith and kin of the prisoners on the auspicious occasion of this great achievement of the release of five distinguished Mujahidin heads from the ‘Guantanamo Jail’.

All praise is to Allah Almighty! Due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty, the enormous sacrifices of courageous Mujahidin and the statesmanship of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, five prominent heads of the Islamic Emirate are soundly released from the ‘Guantanamo Jail’.

This huge and vivid triumph requires from all Mujahidin to offer thanks to the Benevolent Creator who accepted the sincere sacrifices of our Mujahid nation and managed the release of these five renowned Mujahidin from the enemy’s clutch.

The efforts and endeavors of all Mujahidin, leading council of the Islamic Emirate, the detainers and keepers of the American prisoner ‘Bergdahl’ and generally the whole nation which played a significant role in this colossal victory are appreciated and I beg even deeper divine help, guidance and favorable turn of circumstances for all of them.

I would like to thank his highness ‘Shaikh Tameem Bin Hamd Al-Thani’ the Amir of Qatar, for his sincere and friendly efforts and mediation in the release of these five prominent Mujahidin heads. I pray to Allah Almighty to reward him reciprocally in this world and in the world hereafter.

May Allah Almighty get, just like these five heads, all those oppressed prisoners released who are incarcerated in the path of liberating their country and serving their creed.

This huge accomplishment brings the glad tidings of liberation of the whole country and reassures us that our aspirations are on the verge of fulfillment, Insha-Allah.

And it is never hard for Allah Almighty.

Servant of Islam, Mulla Mohammad Omar Mujahid
03/07/1435 A.H. (Lunar)
11/03/1393 A.H. (Solar)        01/06/2014 A.D.​
milnews.ca said:
For the record, here's the Taliban boss's response.....

As they write more and more like the UN declarations; maybe the Taliban will whither to the same meaninglessness as the UN.
"11/03/1393 A.H. (Solar)        01/06/2014 A.D."

That ah ha moment!  They are in the middle ages "1393"!
Lightguns said:
"11/03/1393 A.H. (Solar)        01/06/2014 A.D."

That ah ha moment!  They are in the middle ages "1393"!

There is the problem right there. They use 3 different calendar systems.
This image has been making the rounds
