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Bradley VS King Tiger

Blunt Object

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Do you think a Bradley's 25mm gun could penitrate the armor of a German King Tiger? If the two were to get into a fight who would win?
Forget the 25mm cannon! What about those TOW anti-tank launchers that are mounted on some Bradleys? That could kill a Wehrmact/ Waffen SS King Tiger tank within seconds!
Blunt Object said:
Do you think a Bradley's 25mm gun could penitrate the armor of a German King Tiger? If the two were to get into a fight who would win?

I imagine they'd have a hard time driving the Bradley through the musem to engage the King Tiger.
I don't think a 60 year old piece of technology , even the king tiger, could stand up to a uranium tipped 25MM round. It would be like knife through butter. Now that being said, the 88 could do some damage to the Bradley if given the opportunity, but trying to find one that is still in working order is another thing. Most are in museums.

I'd say no contest, given the technology gap.
The 25mm of the Bradley can only penetrate the roof or the bottom of an Kingtiger. Only his TOW is strong enough to penetrate the KT.
On the other side the 88 L/71 of the KT, well the shell would probably go in on one side and through the other one out.

The KT would be hard pressed to get a hit on the Bradley, considering it’s maneuverability and ability to pop smoke. With it’s advanced FCS, they will likely be able to engage the KT long before the KT crew knows they are nearby. They could pick away with the 25mm doing fire and movement.

However in the end it boils down to luck and training. If the Bradley accidentally trundled into a well laid ambush, they would be dead before they knew what happened to them. If you crewed the KT with a well trained, experienced crew vs a bunch of goofs in the Bradley, likely the KT would win. The Bradley will need to get quite a few hits to kill the KT, the KT likely only needs one hit.
"And coming up next here on milnet.ca's improbable historical matchups..... cromagnon man with pointy stick versus neanderthal man with rock."  ::)
Well it’s not that impossible. The Panzer Mk IV was in service with Syria till the 70’s I think. The Sherman & the Chaffee might still be in service or just recently out of service in South America, although armed with a HV 60mm gun. I think the last 88mm guns went out of service in the 90’s. Can’t remember when the French got rid of their Panthers. The T76/85 is still operating here and there and so are JS II, III. Examples of the M36 Jackson in Bosnia in the same timeframe as the US had Bradley’s there. Had WWII continued for a few more years and Germany had sort of survived intact with a negotiated peace, there might be more KT’s around. 
Colin P said:
Well it’s not that impossible. The Panzer Mk IV was in service with Syria till the 70’s I think. The Sherman & the Chaffee might still be in service or just recently out of service in South America, although armed with a HV 60mm gun. I think the last 88mm guns went out of service in the 90’s. Can’t remember when the French got rid of their Panthers. The T76/85 is still operating here and there and so are JS II, III. Examples of the M36 Jackson in Bosnia in the same timeframe as the US had Bradley’s there. Had WWII continued for a few more years and Germany had sort of survived intact with a negotiated peace, there might be more KT’s around

Not likely, here is what was in the works for '46 and beyond:


even the Germans were aware of the KT's faults though by some of the projected series they did not learn much from it.
Well as long as we’re talking intergenerational tank battles let’s stick with one that happened

The Domincan Republic purchased some pre 15-20 pre World War 2 obsolete Swedish L-60 light tanks in the 1950’s and early 1960’s


They were in Service in 1965 when the 82nd Airborne and the USMC invaded the island nation as part of Operation Power Pack. The standard MBT for the US Army and USMC then was the M-60


Those with good google fu can check the stats on each add in the relative training of the opposing crews and figure out how this one turned out.  8)
A few of those light tanks survived and were up for sale recently. I suspect the highly trained crews decided to hoof it as quick as they could when the fireworks started!!  :)
Okay, what about an M1A2 against Sgt Bilco's hover tank (with working FCS).  The Abrams will be crewed by Imperial Stormtroopers while the hover tank will be crewed by jedi ninjas.
I think that the TOW would have to be banned for a sporting match.  In a one-on-one cage match in clear conditions with equivalent crews and no TOW missile, though, I'll put my money on the King Tiger.

It is a similar problem, however, to the old debate of Spiderman vs Superman or Imperial Star Destroyer vs Kirk's Enterprise (TNG doesn't count).  They come from different universes (Marvel vs DC, etc) so direct comparisons are difficult. 

As for MCG's suggestion I do not think that Jedi Ninjas make very good tank crewman.  They're always damaging the vehicle with those darned light-sabres.  They can't resist turning them on and off when waiting for the next bound with predictable results.  Stick with the Imperial Stormtroopers.  They do maintenance unlike those prima donna fancy-pants Jedi-Ninjas who think that that work is beneath them.
I think my King Tiger with the neon blue underlights, chromed idlers/drive sprockets, and totally "pimped out" crew area (featuring cheetah-pattern felt seating) could totally out show any Bradley. Not to mention the fully customized hydraulic suspension so that I can raise and lower it on demand to make it bounce. The Bradley better look out, I'm stealing his ladies fast.
Rice said:
I think my King Tiger with the neon blue underlights, chromed idlers/drive sprockets, and totally "pimped out" crew area (featuring cheetah-pattern felt seating) could totally out show any Bradley. Not to mention the fully customized hydraulic suspension so that I can raise and lower it on demand to make it bounce. The Bradley better look out, I'm stealing his ladies fast.

No chance vs. my Jagdpanther! ;D

Well so much for my King Pimp Tiger.
Time to upgrade to "Pimp My IFV".
OMG you are all nerds and dorks! My Transformer KoenigsTiger vill kicks all of your behinds and make them into schnizel! I call my KoenigsTiger... *dramatic drumroll* FLUFFY! Ven it is in tank mode it vill be crewed by Rebel Troopers who are all veterans from Star Wars universe, and Star Wars Empire at War! I dare you to challenge my powa!!!