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bulletproof armour

WO2 Gubbels

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  Hi all,

I'm doing a physics project on bullet proof armour, and have had some problems finding information on canadian rifles with respect to bullet proof armour.  I was wondering if anyone knew what type of armour would protect against the C7 or C8?  or is there no protection.  From the data I have collected Type IV armour will stop a .30 cal armour piercing bullet, and Type III will stop the M80/7.62mm and handguns/.22 cal.  I was thinking that the type IV might stop the C7, but wasn't sure.  What kind of bullet proof armour are memeber of the CF issued?  I heard that they are not issued generally, and hard to get, but that's just a rumour I heard from some friends.  I have seen some but that was many years ago.

PM Kevin B.
If he finds you adequate he will share what knowledge (which is extensive) to you.



Lotsa tech stuff but when its life and death you need it. I used to sell the soft and hard armour. Last I heard a canadian company Ceramic Protection was making the best plates. The US and Canadian militaries both use them. The lvl 3+4 are rated but remember that Lvl IV is ICW* IIIA (*ICW, in conjunction with) the ceramics will stop up to 6 rounds of 7.62 rifle fire, per plate. the soft armour is not designed to resist rifle rounds of any kind PIstol only. So armour piercing is a vague term. It applies to anti Tank rounds as well.

There are a lot of different armour issued to the Canadian soldier The "Flak" and the ceramics most of my intel is out of date so I'll shut up now, and leave you the do the homework on the sites provided. If you need more info try chasing down a canadian distributor for the cerpro product they will have current stats.
Army Issue