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Cadets- What Would You Change?

OK so correct me if I'm wrong,

but an aim of cadets is stiumlate interest in the CF. How is this done? Amung other things, wearing a uniform, use of a rank system, and drill.

Less drill = less military.

Now, seeing as a great deal of posts here are from cadets complaining that cadets is less military.

Is this a good thing?
Catalyst..I think she means that more Bushcraft and fieldcraft type things would be better and could replace some drill...THERE IS MORE TO THE ARMY THAN DRILL.
More to the army than drill?

Hmm....I guess thats why I'm on the air side of things :)

I understand what she's saying - I just thought I'd make a point about drill.

Well, duh armyboi. I think I know that..

I undersatnd where lexi is coming from, but did anyone get the point I made about "military=drill"?
Lest we forget:
discpline is the backbone of the army.This is evident in all forms of military life.The days of executing a parade square perfect"hollow square"may be over,but the principals remain the same.Drill instills working as a team,as one unit to accomplish a specific goal.
Individually,the discipline it instills is evident in everyday life.Getting to work everyday on time and properly kitted out,tolerance and patience to do ones job properly,and not to fall to pieces at the first sign of trouble are all skills taught on the drill square.
Battle craft and bush craft are important as well,but without the discipline that organized drill teaches,it is useless.
The magority of People wont stay at the corps, if all you do is Drill, Lessons, Drill, Lessons, that almost happened at our corps, when we had 1 or 2 excercises the whole year. You need to have real bushcraft out in the field, take Green Stars on a Recce without being caught by the seniors, Map & Compass, that sort of thing plus whatever else, Keep the same amount of Drill, but focus alot more on Bushcraft, where it should be taught, in the bush.

- Shawn
Id have to say drill is one of my favorite parts of cadets...yeah yeah call me a freak   ;D   Besides looking good when done right, to me the effort someone puts into their drill shows pride in themselves and the pride they have being in their corps.   Stand up tall and hold your head high!

Back to the subject---What I would change about cadets?   Probably the people who abuse their power. Unfortunately this happens quite a lot in our area...not just our corps either.   I find this usually happens when new promotions are given out.   It definitely is an exciting thing when you are given a higher rank; you have more authority around the corps and people will look up to you for the things you have accomplished.   But along with all of this, there are also responsibilities that need to be taken care of.   Some people tend to get a little "power happy" and go around shouting their heads off just because they can.   All of a sudden, a person who was saying how they dislike the way they were treated by a Senior cadet who screamed and shouted at everyone IS one of those people.   There are times when voices will need to be raised to get a point across, but to be constantly yelling at the cadets I think isn't necessary.   They are smart young adults(most of the time anyway...), if you treat them like it, they'll respect you/listen to you and there won't be a need for any bellowing.

I'm by no means complaining, its just an issue I think needs to be addressed more.
involved with cadets off and on for 24 years its always the same thing why don't do more stuff well from what I've seen it mostly one of the things that stop you 1. its against the rules ie cadets firingblanks big no no or 2.you don't have the staff ie 4 officers can't do every thing along with cadets most officers have family jobs lives
but if you want to try and change the cadet program join the wayahead team they are always looking for cadet input.
Whoa, didn't realise I'd stir up such a response.
I'm not saying drill should be eliminated, heck, I like drill, but I think that cadets should have more chances to go out into the field and apply the skills they learned in the classroom.

Of course I believe that drill is a way of instilling discipline, and I do believe drill is necessary...
I just want more FTX's.  ;)
It is important to know that the seniors out there can plan an activity for the corp.
Write up a plan, get all the work done. Hand it in to the RSM or the Trg/O.
If funding is a requirement, find the most economical rates.
It is all in the reference manual.

One of the most useful advice my officers gave me was "if you want anything done. Document it first."
my72jeep said:
involved with cadets off and on for 24 years its always the same thing why don't do more stuff well from what I've seen it mostly one of the things that stop you 1. its against the rules ie cadets firingblanks big no no or 2.you don't have the staff ie 4 officers can't do every thing along with cadets most officers have family jobs lives
but if you want to try and change the cadet program join the wayahead team they are always looking for cadet input.

Whats the "Wayahead" Team?

- Shawn
One thing that they should change in Cadets is more actual shooting time.   Cadets should be able to shoot actual firearms not just .177s.   One of the goals of Cadets is to increase interest in the CF.   By letting them do some shooting I'm sure that they're interest would increase.
I agree - that woudl help stimulate interest in the CF, but the CF is not all about shooting!
I understand that.   I just think they should shoot more.   It's true that the CF isn't all about shooting but its still a big part of it.   Cadets used to be able to shoot a lot more a few years ago.
M16 said:
It's true that the CF isn't all about shooting but its still a big part of it.

It is?!?!?  I'm lucky if I get to shoot, live, once a year.  Last year we had no blank allocated, so the troops didn't get to shoot that either.