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Cadets- What Would You Change?

I just thought I would clarify one thing about my statement. I dont wish to sound like one of those JTF2-wannabees that sometimes grace the army cadet mouvement. But i did mean that I would like better training that would actually inspire all of the things we promote (ex. leadership). Or even get some of the young ones who are forced by their parents to join to actually listen to orders from superior orders out of respect instead of having to be afraid of someone to listen to them.

On another note, perhaps more amusing and military oriented training wether it be with weapons or activities of strategic nature.
[quoteI would change spending i would increse the amount they use cause my corps never has enough ]Actually, this might be surprising: I was told by my Officer that he found out that the only government program that have not had their funding cut is the cadet movement.

But i did mean that I would like better training that would actually inspire all of the things we promote (ex. leadership).
We have a whole PO dedicated to leadership, and its you, your senior, and your officer's job to inspire and practice that leadership.

On another note, perhaps more amusing and military oriented training wether it be with weapons or activities of strategic nature.
Thats a big NO NO. It's been debated before. These constitute training for war, which is against the Geneva Convention or the UN declaration of HR, i'm not sure...

What i would change is the length of summer camps. I wish they were longer, maybe 8 weeks atleast.
Why longer? I get that you may think it'd be more fun, but that's a huge expenditure. Keeping multiple thousandss of cadets, fed, housed and paid for two extra weeks? And what would be covered? Two of my three courses could have been taught in about 3/4 of the time we had. The third went long, stupid weather... If we had a total revamp odf the courses and changed them to have more/better material it may work otherwise, you can hope, but odds are it ain't happening. 
[joking] Cato 2121-21 : All female cadets shall now wear short skirts as shown in camochick's avatar [/joking]

anyways, I just say more interactivity. I mean how about using the skills you learn in classes (if this was already said.. sorry)

Mod Edit: Say the name right silly :P
I would change how people are promoted. I have been in cadets for 5 years and I am 17 their is a cadet in my corps that is 15 and is a higher rank then me,this cadet has only been in cadets for 3 years and already has more power then me. she does have nsce, or a cli course and does not get envolved with corps activities which makes me wonder why this cadet is the highest rank in our cadets.

It just seems unfair that a cadet that asks me how to do things is higher. can anyone try to explain why this is.
I think the only person that can explain this is your CO because they made the decision.  However sometimes the reasons aren't what they should be.  I have been promoted over people that are older then me and have been in cadets longer, it happens.  I had the qualifications and did the job well enough, these older people did not.  Age and time in cadets should be considered but isn't the only prerequisites.
Why should age and T.I be considered at all? The best x number of people at the rank below should get the promotino/appointment. That way you promote based on merit, on who can do the job best, not on how long have they been in. Until he left in Nov, a friend of mine, a Sgt, was the cadet in our sqn who had been in cadets the longest. Great guy, but not a great leader. If T.I and age were major considerations, he would have been WOI or at least WOII, neither was a position he was suited for.
I've had people who joined after me and were younger than me promoted over me. Who cares? If they're the best suited for the job, good for them! If you don't think they are, step back, think of your chance to evaluate their skills with no bias. Compare that to the officiers skills to do the same thing. Who do you think has a better chance of making the proper descision?
At my corp thats all that seems to matter age and T.I. As a Mcpl I was much more capable than my four sgts, often I was teaching them stuff for their NSCE (which I haven't done yet), I was continually passed up for many appointments because I was too young or not a high enough rank. The Sgts. they used instead of me usually came to me so I could tell them what they were suppose to be doing for say flag party. It was annoying but I shut up and did what I was suppose too. Being passed up for these appointments just made me try harder-so it might have been a good thing in the end. I think Condor888000 is right, why should age and T.I be considered at all?