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Call of duty 4


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Does anyone here play Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare? I got it on the day it was released and haven't stopped playing it since. It was a good change of pace to see the call of duty series leave WW2 and head into the modern world. This is by far the best game i have ever played, the single player plays out like you're watching a movie. The story line is great, the graphics are insane, and the battles are as intense as ever.

If anyone here has it for PC, let me know and we'll play some multi player.
I got it for the 360, same with like half my shack lol. It's a good game, AC 130 Spectre mission is pretty sweet.
I played the MP Beta for it on the 360, thought it did a good job, incorporated elements that were popular with Halo MP and RS:V MP, I found the Ranking system to be to easy to achieve though. COD3's ranking system is insane. Anyways I plan on picking it up.. eventually.. when the price goes down. Funds are strapped for the holiday season
Great game but too short.
P.S. when you beat the game wait for all the credits to roll as there is one last mission on a plane.
I have it for my PS3, its pretty alright!  I love the Spectre mission, and the helicopter door gunner part was sweet too.  Multi-player is a blast.  I'm sure I'm the only one on here with a PS3, most people have the crap-box... if there are any PS3'ers out there, add me to friends!!
It looks like a good game. Perhaps I might pick it up some time soon.
COD4.....is the best first person shooter, EVER.  Until now, Battlefield 2 was the best but this game is just amazing.
JBoyd said:
I played the MP Beta for it on the 360, thought it did a good job, incorporated elements that were popular with Halo MP and RS:V MP, I found the Ranking system to be to easy to achieve though. COD3's ranking system is insane. Anyways I plan on picking it up.. eventually.. when the price goes down. Funds are strapped for the holiday season

Yeah i agree the ranking system is wayyy too easy, i got to the final rank(commander) after acouple days.
Played it for the first time last night at my friends. I Love it! Good change of scenery for Call of Duty.
If I get a job, and if I buy some more ram then I'm definitely buying this for computer.
Guess I'll go job searching this weekend.
I plan on getting COD4 very soon. If any of you want to play any on Xbox Live, message me and I'll give you my gamertag name.
Though in the meantime I have BF2 (if you want to play that as well, PM me), Halo 3, Gears of War, Ghost Recon:AW, Perfect Dark:0, PGR3 and Guitar Hero 3 so if anyone ever wants to play...
PC beats 360 anyyyyday, plus you don't have to pay to play online  :boring:

I plan on picking up a PS3 when i get posted to my unit, they're only like 400$ right now at best buy.
kr1kit said:
PC beats 360 anyyyyday, plus you don't have to pay to play online  :boring:

I plan on picking up a PS3 when i get posted to my unit, they're only like 400$ right now at best buy.

::)Ya, thats just pocket change!

I would still prefer my wide screen gaming laptop, because you know its also a kick ass computer as well as a sweet gaming console lol
Cheers, Kyle
MedTechStudent said:
::)Ya, thats just pocket change!

I would still prefer my wide screen gaming laptop, because you know its also a kick *** computer as well as a sweet gaming console lol
Cheers, Kyle

well as opposed to how much they first cost when they came out. Yeah i ordered a new gaming laptop too, im keeping it at home though until i finish all training and then i'll bring it with me when i get posted.
kr1kit said:
PC beats 360 anyyyyday, plus you don't have to pay to play online  :boring:

May have to pay for online, but its 60 a year to play any 360 game online (as long as it has online capabilities), along with the ability to DL demos, Vids, extra content, etc. Plus you dont have to worry too much about hackers, xbox live is pretty diligent with the Ban Hammer. i would take 360 over PC anyday.
Jboyd I fear you and I are gonna have to "throw er down" in the PC vs X-BOX debate! :P

Nah scratch that, I love all gaming consoles, the hours I have spent on GameCube playing Mario Golf could have gone towards countless more productive things lol
I love COD4 its a great game feels like work up haha.The weapons are awesome .FPS are the best on comp nothing compares to movement on a keyboard and mouse.
MikeH said:
I love COD4 its a great game feels like work up haha.The weapons are awesome .FPS are the best on comp nothing compares to movement on a keyboard and mouse.

this man knows what hes talking about haha. I can't stand FPS's on consoles, something about the joystick doesn't feel right to me, I need my keyboard and mouse  :threat:
I've got a decent gaming PC and XBox 360 (yeah...a little too much free time) and I gotta go with PC's for first person shooters handsdown. I agree with kr1kit, can't beat the keyboard/mouse for fps'. WRT COD4, the standard has just been raised for all new fps': great graphics, AI, storyline, and gameplay.